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Fantasy What Lies After Death?


Picked Clean
A long time ago, in a time forgotten from everyone who lived and still lives, there was a person. A man or women? None could say now. They lived. They laughed. They are now known as the first to die.

Now, trapped forever in a limbo of a realm, they await and see everyone who passes through. Talking, fighting. Everything.

When someone's life ends, they too end up here. In a world constructed out of the mind, placed and built from what they believe. A heaven? That is what they will create as they awake. A hell? Also constructed in the image of their mind around them.

To the first to die, there is nothing but a meadow of flowers, and the remains of those who pass through. That would be you and the others.

(( OOC Explination in the overview ))
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Laying peacefully, the breeze ruffled wolfs fur and the grass alike; disrupting a peaceful silence. "It has been so long since another arrived here, or one to talk to at least. Most arrive bloodied and battered, panicking." wolf began to speak aloud.

Suddenly, the light crept through the surrounding bushes and the medow shifted from night to day once again. "Perhaps one day, we will find another."
In the distance, a tall figure could be seen. The only other distinguishable feature that one could make out from such a distance, would be a long scarf, flowing in the wind. They seemed to be lost, and maybe searching for somebody to give him directions, or an explanation as to where exactly he was.
Rolling around, stomach exposed the rays of sun touched wolf comfortbly, but through the glimpse in wolf's eye, a humanoid figure could be seen far. Alone and standing, an object blocking wolf's view of what they look like beneath it. "A new arrival. Perhaps I have found my laest entertainment." Flopping onto the side, Wolf slowly stumbles up on their own legs, scampering off towards the figure, approaching swiftly and without caution.
As Wolf approached, the new figure's features were more distinguished: a dark blue scarf, grey jacket, pale skin, and red and green eye. When they saw Wolf approaching, they grabbed onto the handle of what one could only assume to be an axe - an axe, with a blade made of a pitch-black metal, which hung on his belt. They looked confused, but not horrified to find another being out here.
Heedless to the axe wolf continues to approach, leaping out and shaking what they saw as leaves from the fur. After a quick moment, wolf begins to to start circling the new figure inspecting them with both eyes and smell while asking questions "A new one. You must be. Do you know where you are? I am known as wolf."
Hold up. You... Speak? He said, in a rather startled tone. The new figure appeared to be gobsmacked, and had let go of his weapon. It took him a bit to actually muster the will to speak. Er.. No. I actually don't know where I am. He confessed, in a confused tone. His hair was a mess, indicating that he had most likely just finished doing something very physical, like an intense fight of sorts.
Responding with a slight giggle, Wolf makes a seat infront of them, however their tale still waving constantly in motion. "Indeed. Everything here could speak if you want it too. Or nothing at all." Stretching their forepaws infront of them, the bristling white fur becomes more apparent and casualy turns into wolf lying down. "As for where you are... you're dead."
Oh.. This didn't entirely surprise Cryn. He had just finished fighting Holes, the one who took everything he ever loved in life away from him - his family, his only friend. For a while, he had thought it a mere dream, up until this strange being who called themselves Wolf told them that they were dead. So what is this then? Hell, heaven? ... Limbo? He could have gone to any of the three, really. He had murdered many, but he had also served justice in the past. For all he knew, this one called "Wolf" could be God or the Devil - or neither.
Idly scratching behind their ear, wolf listens as the figure continues on only turning their head in a curious motion afterwards. "In truth, there's nothing here. But it could be... for you. Whatever this place is, it has a certain rule to it. Perhaps you would like to know of it in deeper detail?" Falling back to an almost statue like rest, Wolf's head meets the floor with ears perked.
At this, Cryn said Well, I guess I'm not doing anything else. shrugging his shoulder, before taking a seat on the ground. He seemed to be watching Wolf attentively, awaiting the offered explanation. While he did so, he set his dark weapon on the ground, as it obstructed the comfort of sitting down when on his belt.
Wolf gave a small yawn, a fake one ofcourse, and sat upright. "Here anything you want is real. You could relive killing your wost hated enemy a million times, you could see a world of peace, anything you wanted in life. But, none of it would be real." Giving a moment of silence, wolf starts rolling on their back against the grass and picks up again where they left off. "I have heard others refer to it as... imagination or... Illusions. If either of those match what you know."
Cryn looked up at the sky. Anything he wanted? That sounded very interesting. But none of it would be real, of course. He could relive times with his lost friends and family, but they wouldn't be real either. He could kill Holes over, and over, and over again - that wouldn't be real, but it wouldn't go against any morals. Huh.. Well, uh.. Thanks, Wolf. Cryn said. Then he realized. Oh, by the way, I'm.. Cryn.
"Cryn. A noteworthy name." Wolf didn't seem all too interested in what was happening around around them. simply continuing the wiggle around, finding a comfortable spot. "Anything may happen. You could even create a doorway back to life,but the door nore the world would be real. It would be like living a sweet... sweet lie. I myself have an endless meadow. spanning for achres and yards. Never ending." Sounding a little cryptic in their voice, wolf finished with playful giggle, whispering "Welcome to the truth of the after life."
He looked a little saddened. Never had he thought that he'd actually reach this place. Wait.. Question: if this is the afterlife, don't all people who die come here? he inquired, inching closer, with a bit of hope in his expression now.
Wolf, seemingly catching something unseem to Cryn, simply nodded in reply, pretending to eat and chew; their voice muffled. "Everyone. Though I haven't an idea of how large this place is. Not even I have come across every person to have died and traveled here."
The hope that invaded Cryn's expression soon dissipated. Though, he didn't seem like he was ready to give up. Well, then I guess I'd better start looking, huh? He said, getting up on his feat, and stretching - one could suppose that he only did so, because one of his desires was to feel like he wasn't just in a realm where everything was perfect.

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