Other What is your favourite accent?

Italian accents.

Maybe it's because my father can do a good impression of one. <3
I am Aussie, so I've gotta go Kiwi.
I love to hate Kiwis, don't get me wrong. The rivalry is real and they're lammmmme.

But I love the lameness. I love how they pronounce like everything wrong. It's such a stupid pointless accent. But people like Rhys Darby have made me love it.

I used to laugh at every Kiwi I heard and now I dig hearing them and want to watch more NZ TV.
Kiwi are birds
I like Russian and Irish accents, but I love Southern american accents because they're so damn funny
I adore Russian and Australian accents.

Russian accents are totally sexy. The language itself has a lot of texture, it will roll and dip and then crash down on you like a gigantic wave. I hear a Russian accent and I want to say, "Take me I'm yours!" But I do not. I am a lady.

Australian accents are beautiful too. If space pirates were a thing, they'd sound Australian. It's adventurous, sweet, and could tame any wild thing. Rugged but sophisticated.
scottish is fun, scandinavian accents are pretty pleasant and so are a bunch of african ones, but the most pleasant to hear for me is the really neutral sort of american accent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
probably British And Scottish... Id love to listen To burly muscled *This Part of the comment is censored due to ....mature content*

*giggles perversely *
I love love love German accents! I like how strong and powerful it sounds like to me. I also like Japanese accents, Eastern European accents and Italian!

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