What is your favorite videogame?

SiroVai said:
Skyrim - best game ever made by man.
I also love Kerbal Space Programme. Look it up if you want to become totally immersed in rocket design and space exploration.
I personally think Skyrim is one of the most overrated games. Not a bad game, just too overrated.

I've seen Kerbal Space Programme though, and it look really fun.
augmentedspartan said:
I personally think Skyrim is one of the most overrated games. Not a bad game, just too overrated.
What didn't you like about it?

I can't recommend KSP enough. You get a real sense of achievement when your first rocket reaches a stable orbit. Not to mention the first time you land on another planet. Walking your little Kerbal on the surface and returning home with a soil sample - hoping you brought enough fuel for the return trip sucks your life away. :P
It's hard to decide on one single favorite. Some that I'm particularly fond of would be Mega Man X, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Assassin's Creed III, and Mass Effect 2 though.
SiroVai said:
What didn't you like about it?
Lots of things really. Again, its not a bad game, I had quite some fun at first, but its not the amazing game that everyone makes it to be in my opinion.

The thing that annoys me the most is the combat. Its wonky and annoying, doesn't really feel all that good. Double wielding magic is cool, but unless you only focus on it, its not very effective by itself. Same with stealth, unless you upgrade it a lot, its useless. What's the point of bothering to sneak behind an enemy when you still need several hits to kill him? By the end you end up being noticed either way.

The second thing is the world itself. Yeah it is quite big and does look quite good, but you can't have any effect on it whatsoever. There are no different alliances that fight against each other (aside from the revels and the guards) so you can easily join everyone without much repercussions. No karma system that make people react different to you (you can be the world savior and still go to jail for killing a chicken). And most of the side missions are boring and get repetitive after a while. (c'mon I've been on this dungeon for 20 minutes and the best you can do is a miserable ax?)

In general, the game feels like a downgrade from the newest Fallout games.
I guess my favorite video games would involve Lucius, .hack series, Somewhat skyrim, Unreal tournament, and well... a lot others but I'll leave it at that.
Well, I play a wide range of game series and the list will go on and on, but instead I'm just gonna name my top ten:

  1. Resident Evil 5
  2. Resident Evil 6
  3. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  5. Dynasty Warriors 8
  6. Mass Effect Trilogy
  7. Halo
  8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  9. Resident Evil: Revelations
  10. The Last Stand: Dead Zone
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is the best game I've ever played.

I'll list a few more for fun though:

Mass Effect(entire series)

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Natural Selection 2

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Oblivion and Skyrim disappointed me so much)

Dragon Age (entire series)
Since everyone is doing it... Can't pinpoint the single best game ever, and I won't even try to make an ordered list, so here's Wolf's list of all-time favorites as they come to mind *bark*


Dark Souls (I & II)

Dragon Age: Origins

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (entire trilogy)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Fallout 3

Half Life (entire trilogy)

Portal (1 & 2)

Resident Evil (4 & 5)

The Witcher (1 & 2)
this is one hell of a hard question,with every great game i mention,there is always another that is just as awesome as it,but i can give a quick list of some of my favs of all time

fallout:new vegas

hexen series

unreal series

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series

elder scrolls morrowind and elder scrolls daggerfall(yup...i preffer those to skyrim....i might explain later)

jazz jackrabbit 2

starbound and terraria

serious sam

dungeon keeper

take note thats like just one part of my list of favorite games of all time
I have a lot of favourites. I am afraid I might miss some... I'll do my best though.

Fall out New Vegas

Silent hill 2


Pokemon (my favourite games in order. B n W, B n W 2, Platinum, Emerald and X and y.)

Fire Emblem (Seisen No kiefu, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Path of radiance and then Fire emblem Blazing sword (7))

Team Fortress 2

Ratchet and Clank

Civilization (Sid Meiers)

Left 4 Dead 2

And that's about it. I really hope I didn't forget any >.>
I'd say I tend to switch but so far I've really been into three games, of which one is a follow-up x3

Mainly my favorites are: Guild Wars 1, then I went to Star Wars the Old Replublick and now I'm back to playing Guild wars 2 ^0^
My favorites list is a bit lengthy and often prone to change, but I guess here's a top 5;

  • Cthulhu Saves the World: A nice kinda breakdown of the standard old-school JRPG type game. Definitely worth it just for the director's commentary and the writing alone. Breath of Death is okay too but I don't play it much.
  • TES: Skyrim: Not much to say that hasn't been said already. I didn't like it much at first but Dragonborn won me over with the preview thing just being so... eldritch, I guess.
  • Team Fortress 2: I NEVER play this anymore, but it's still probably one of my favorite games. I played semi-pro in highschool and burnt myself out a bit on it, but it really spoiled me for multiplayer anymore. Everything else just moves so damn fast you don't have time to think strategically.
  • The Binding of Isaac: Super fun roguelike with a unique art style and all that. I got it after I played through hell in Super Meat Boy and I still play it to this day. I'm horrid at it but that doesn't make it less enjoyable.
  • Poker Night at the Inventory 2: Though it's predecessor is much more quotable (Occasionally I'll say something about "The little chippies" or "Raisin' in the sun" when I play real poker) Poker Night 2 is one of the few games I've ever actually predordered just on name alone. Right after it was announced, actually. Also really polished up the mechanics instead of just basically having me face off against Tycho. Every. Round.
Sonic '06.


That game was a masterpiece beyond masterpieces, a gem in the rough- a real looker by those producers of that game.
Dota 2 of course.

It's easily the best game than any of the many games suggested/mentioned in this entire site.

Don't have Dota 2? I pity you since it's free on Steam, and I may actually go play a match or Four in a moment.
For me ... I don't have a favourite in terms of a game I go back time and time to replay as once I've completed a game I generally move on to something new. That said the games I've kept playing for a long time or fondly think of for one reason or another;

GTAV - Because, well, headshotting nutters who roam around random killing people is fun.

Gears of War - Any of the series, they're all awesome in style, plot, graphics etc.

Halo - Again, it's a plot thing, though for me it's a bit cutesy and arcadey.

Mass Effect - Well, I played 1 & 2, was looking forward to 3 but didn't get round to playing it and the endings sound god-awful-vile-pointless pieces of crap. Hence I never picked it up. They kind of killed my interest in it completely knowing that everything I'd worked up to essentially boiled down to three very similar, formulaic and quite boring options.

And a host of JRPG's that I never quite get round to finishing - I hit a hard bit and because I haven't pursued some narrow build and re-farmed bosses for uber-rare kit drops I just can't get past them. Things like Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy games etc. Lovely to look at and the like, really in depth, but there are always pinch points that either need specific things to pass or so much time on them that it becomes very much un-fun to carry on playing them.

Also the Fallout series - I can romp them all day. Though Vegas was different as mine just glitched to hell and the only plot options left weren't ones I wanted to take - the ones I wanted didn't open up despite a long time making sure all the conditions were met. I was told that basically I needed to replay the game from the start. I passed on that as there were other games to play. :)
Well I don't have just one favorite game, but I'll list a few.

Dead Space 2: I enjoy all three in the series, but I always found that the second one is the one I always go back to. Whether it's the plot, environment, or the the weapons. I don't know, but I love it.

Gears of War 3: I liked both Gears 1 & 2, but Gears 3 definitely gave a satisfying conclusion to the Gears trilogy.

Uncharted 2: Yup I like this trilogy as well, but I always go back to Uncharted 2 the most. It had the best feel, plot, characters, soundtrack, bonus features, and etc of the three games.

Shadow Hearts trilogy: Yep these games were on PS2, but I love these JRPG's. The really I like them is because I enjoyed their takes on being set somewhat in the real world as compared to the fantasy worlds of Final Fantasy VI. VII, VIII, IX, X or Legend of Dragoon.
I'm not a very cultured video game player, but...

- Persona Series - These are great. I really enjoy them. I've replayed Persona 3 probably around 5 times?

- Transistor - A PS4 download that I only played recently. Fantastic art, great concept, great characters, and the music was a real treat.

- Catherine - An interesting concept, fun gameplay, and great puzzles.

- The Last of Us - I know there's a ton of hype about this game, but I can't deny that I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the setting and the graphics, but I especially enjoyed the characters.

- Heavy Rain - Great, interesting game.

- Beyond: Two Souls - It drew a lot of criticism, but I thought the performances were engaging and the concept intriguing.

There are many more, but these are games I've either played recently, or have thought about recently.

I'm up to post number 8, I think... Almost to 10...

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