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You and your friends are weary travelers, traversing the land selling what ever you find and you and company stop at a small town before going across the ocean. Yet, this small town is very odd, as in weird things are sold, magical superstitions, and many more. One day you and one other friend (you or me) are walking down a hill, walking towards a river you see something. A young girl at the age of around 10 and the odd thing is, she is completely naked (i'm not trying to be a perv here, so hear me out.) We decide to follow her into where she came from and sure enough, she walks into a cave in a denser part of the forest. The cave goes down into a long winding tunnel and at the end of it, houses upon houses, stacked upon each other. Everyone there is primitive, all naked, eating with their hands and feet. Odd. You and your friend vow to help these people to become us, the better ones. We befriend one of them, the Donren and try to help them become more human like. Yet, something is off from the time you and your friend first saw that girl.

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