Music What instrument do you play and why?

I play the clarinet, because it was one of a handful of available instruments when I joined band class in 5th grade, and I started to teach myself guitar.  I play well enough to play badly in a coffee house. 
Flute and Saxophone are my main instruments! Although I also play pretty much anything in the woodwind family along with Vocals, Drums, Keys, Very tiny bit of keys and Guitar. Then finally Bass Guitar haha. Flute is for orchestral stuff for me, I play in a big symphony orchestra. Saxophone I picked up for big band jazz and trio jazz which i'm constantly working on *it's so much fun :P  *. The others are for fun apart from Vocals and Bass guitar, they're for my cover band we're in the process of getting performance ready.
I took one year of trumpet in year seven and am hard pressed to remember an experience I enjoyed less. I do admire musicians though and kind of idly think about picking something up from time to time. 

Not trumpet though.*shudders
None, because i suck at them all! plus i dont know i guess ive never really had the chance to play anything..and actually pursue it to some degree..
I played guitar for two years but quit. I tried to pick up on it recently but i dont want to cut my nails short for it so i guess ill give up on music and stick to studying owo
I liked violin when I was a kid,but because of moving around so much, I had lost touch with it. My mom tried to force me into playing guitar when I was like 13, but that wound up staying in its case and gathering dust - I had no interest in it at all. When I was in grade 8/9 I had been forced to play trombone; I wasn't really all that good at it, either, but man it was fun to blow in it and move the slider up and down. 
I recently picked up the fiddle. It's a family heirloom, and I've decided that I'd like to learn to play it. I have no idea if I'll be much good, as I am Deaf, (hence the name) but I might as well give it a shot.

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