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she is a different beast now.
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here is the temp ooc thread for what can we be, if not human?
Waiting for the right moment to be struck with inspiration can be...a LOT to hope for.
Hey! For my witch character, I was thinking of incorporating some historical fiction and having him be a descendant of Tituba's bloodline.

I was also gonna be ambitious and have my vampire be the reason the witch's bloodline even survived.
phnx. phnx. I have a question! For the Ghost character, will the Medium be the only one able to see them?? I'm just not quite clear on that! < 3
hello all !! so excited to have you all here <3

Waiting for the right moment to be struck with inspiration can be...a LOT to hope for.
such a mood tbh

phnx. phnx. I have a question! For the Ghost character, will the Medium be the only one able to see them?? I'm just not quite clear on that! < 3
sorry if i didn't make it clear! all supernatural creatures can see ghosts, the only one who wouldn't be able to see them (initially, at least) would be the human ^^
hello all !! so excited to have you all here <3

such a mood tbh

sorry if i didn't make it clear! all supernatural creatures can see ghosts, the only one who wouldn't be able to see them (initially, at least) would be the human ^^
You are absolutely all good!
Another few questions though:
1) To those the ghost is visible to, is it as if they are really there, or are they the classic floating off the ground/translucent ghost?
2) Does the ghost appear as they lived or as they died? I.E. with perimortem wounds, clothes they died in, etc. Alternatively, do they have some control over how they appear like outfits they've worn or how they see themselves?
3) Is there a specific way this character is to have died or is it up to whomever makes the character?
I hope these were nice and clear, and sorry for all the questions! I just like knowing and don't want to make any assumptions especially if you have a specific idea in mind! If you don't particularly care I'm down for just winging it too haha!
Minor detail, but would it be alright to make my Chara a TA rather than a student in the professors class? I'm willing to work with whatever, but was leaning towards a 'perpetually exhausted grad student who's def gonna be unemployed when he graduates' kinda guy.

Bonus question, also not super important: do only humans/humanoid creatures become ghosts?
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I'm going to have my vampire character be a professor of Occult Studies and History.

He wants to make the Witch into one of his field investigators looking for something rather important.
You are absolutely all good!
Another few questions though:
1) To those the ghost is visible to, is it as if they are really there, or are they the classic floating off the ground/translucent ghost?
2) Does the ghost appear as they lived or as they died? I.E. with perimortem wounds, clothes they died in, etc. Alternatively, do they have some control over how they appear like outfits they've worn or how they see themselves?
3) Is there a specific way this character is to have died or is it up to whomever makes the character?
I hope these were nice and clear, and sorry for all the questions! I just like knowing and don't want to make any assumptions especially if you have a specific idea in mind! If you don't particularly care I'm down for just winging it too haha!
no, bring the questions on! i love answering them c:

ghosts appear as they did the moment they died! same clothes etc etc. their body appears as they last saw themselves, if that makes sense- any wounds that caused their death wouldn't appear, but scars or half-healed wounds that were there prior would. they do look as if they were really there, to a point where some ghosts don't even realize they're dead at first. they only appear non-corporeal when attempting to pass through solid objects or other ghosts ^^ and their death is up to you!

Minor detail, but would it be alright to make my Chara a TA rather than a student in the professors class? I'm willing to work with whatever, but was leaning towards a 'perpetually exhausted grad student who's def gonna be unemployed when he graduates' kinda guy.

Bonus question, also not super important: do only humans/humanoid creatures become ghosts?
that's totally fine, i love the vibes of that!

all humans and supernaturals become ghosts, with the exception of vampires. animals do have spirits, but they don't become ghosts like humans do, they just immediately pass on.
also loving all the ideas so for! i should have thatcher up soon, just tweaking a few things with his cs ^^
hi hi! just wanted to say that i'm scrapping my vampire because i had an idea for a banshee character ๐Ÿซฃ

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