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One x One Western Romance

Oh I was thinking of the era with payphones, and those really old cars xD Sorry I am bad with history, just erase that from your memory x(
That's okay. ^^ The era you were thinking of was probably the 1960's... I'm thinking like way way back in the day. I'll post some pictures to help. :)


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Yay! Okay great! :) If you want Evelyn could head for the saloon so Rose ends up going after her instead of going into the general store.
I was thinking maybe later in the roleplay, she gets fed up with this kid talk, and becomes a saloon girl to raise money to support herself!!!
When shall my girl get lost, maybe she wasnt angry but she was running from a dog, or something...Because it would take a couple hours for a telegram I am guessing.
Yes, probably. Umm.. Maybe.. she gets chased by a dog she thinks is vicious but it turns out that he just wants to play and he accidentally chases her to the ranch where she meets Clint?
Shall we skip a couple of hours, so Rose is extremely worried, and Evelyn, and Chris just ended up talking the hours away.

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