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One x One Western Romance

Honestly I usually just go for it. But sure we can discuss if you'd like. :)

I was thinking it was set in the old west, maybe... in Colorado?
Okay old west! and please, it can just be basic like Name, Age, Picture...if you dont mind!

If we are doing character sheets, realistic or anime, and how old shall they be?
Okay great! I'll post mine in the morning it's pretty late here, but just so I am clear, I'm posting my character plus the cowboy a.k.a your character's love interest, right?
I was thinking, they have different last names currently... do you want them to be sisters and we can pick one to have them share or should they just be friends?
I think it would be better sisters. Then for the boys I think they should live together like friends running the farm!
Would you rather have the girls both have the last name of Winters or Romen then? Also, they can be friends but I'm not sure how they would live together considering Destin owns a saloon, he would probably live there too because that happened often back then. I also thought it might be interesting if the two weren't friends at first so there could be a little conflict when they end up having to be around each other when they like the sisters, and then maybe they end up being friends? Just a thought. :)
I like the last name Winters! and yes I like the idea that they dont like each other, or dont know each other first!
Good enough for me. ^^ Also, I was thinking that Rose and Evelyn could end up staying in a spare room at the saloon for a few days until there is an opening. Maybe Evelyn wants to see what the inside of a saloon looks like and that is when they meet Destin?
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Okay great I love that idea! I was thinking maybe Evelyn wants to go explore, or gets angry at her father and runs off, but she ends up getting lost at his farm, and he has to drive her back in town!
Yes! and maybe it is a storm or something so when Destin, and Rose finally find Evelyn they cant drive away because all the mud!
Sounds good! But I think I should clarify something because I was under the impression that this would be set in the old west, which would be in the 1800's, which would basically mean no electricity, phones, cars, you know all that stuff. Are you okay with that? Because I noticed that you mentioned payphones in your last post. :3

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