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Realistic or Modern Western Front WW2 Tank RP


Junior Member
With the Allied victory at Normandy, German forces scramble to defend their newly won French territory. Can the Germans beat back the Americans?

Start date is August 1944.

All tanks from both sides that were created by August 1944 are available.
Count me in as well.

EDIT: 1944...That means I can be in a maus:)
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@nvrnddtrmntn Well, actually, you can't.

Maus is experimental, never saw combat. And only 1.5 of them were made. (Only a second hull was made, the second turret wasn't finished)

@KingTiger When are we starting?
@Kabboom It wasn't specified wether experimental vehicles can be used, but I suppose you do have a point. For both history and balance's sake I'll take another pick.
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