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Realistic or Modern west hatfield academy of technology - information


faerie sightings
west hatfield academy of technology

the letter

Dear Student,

Congratulations! We at West Hatfield Academy of Technology are pleased to inform you of your acceptance to our 2017 fall course. This is going to be a wonderful year, and we look forward to seeing you in class.

We were exceptionally impressed by your earnest interest in our academy. We look forward to meeting you on September 4, 2017 for orientation.

We have enclosed all pertinent school information.

Sincerely Yours,


Head of Admissions

the plot

have you ever been rejected? of course you have. you know the sting. you know the feeling it leaves in your stomach. now imagine, you've applied to several colleges, and you didn't get into any of them. so what do you do now? you lie to your parents. they don't need to know.

fake it 'til you make it, right? right. at least, that's what savannah barnes and her friends decided. they were able to lease a building cheap enough to set up a fake college and fool their parents until they got into another college the next year.

until they accidentally accepted hundreds of students.

the summary

this is just a revamp of an old rp i started but never finished back in,,, march ig? idk. i needed something cheesy and distracty so here it is. semi-detailed. inspired by the movie accepted! the trailer for that is here: x

it's a pretty funny movie and honestly i totally say watch it. yeah, it can be dumb/cliche, but what early 2000s movie isn't? anyway, this rp will be vvvv similar to that!

the rules

-be fucking nice??
-don't be a flake.
-realistic fcs required.
-no deadline, it's going to stay open ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-start date will be sometime in the next 2 weeks, depending on how quick people finish cs!
-i'll add more as i think of them ig?

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