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Realistic or Modern West Assassinations


Feel the rock!
Here you were approaching a dark, dank warehouse just on the outside of L.A. You could hear the sounds of cars on the freeway just a ways away but that was all except the occasional drip of a drop of water. You kept your own footsteps silent along with the other three figures walking with you. It seemed you all had been chosen for a certain set of jobs from a certain popular someone.

Speaking of this someone, there he stood, his tall, muscular figure lit up by a couple of spot lights. His black hair flowed down to his shoulders and he wore business attire as if he were just at an average business meeting. How could this man, his name is Bruce West by the way, a famed therapist and stock trader, look as if he'd done these kinds of criminal meetings before. Bruce seemed confident, cocky even in the way he stood there with a suitcase by his side. That would obviously be filled with the cash he'd promised up front.

Anyways, back to you. Who were you exactly? A criminal for sure and one suited to fill a particular role in the coming missions.

Bruce calls out to you all while you're still in thought of all of this. "So glad that ya'll could make it. Quite the romantic setting, I know. Just you, me, and a secluded place where no one can bother us."

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