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One x One Werewolf Virus


100% Pure Star Dust
Here's just a quick test to see if this is where I should post my sheet. soullessmoose soullessmoose


♥ Personality ♥
Castor has been conditioned into a cynic. Loving Earth, nature, and animals, but despising most of humanity as a result of the many idoitic beings who don't believe in his work. Even the police station he often contracts with rarely grasps the concept of other realms, which translates to avoiding questions he has no authorization to answer.
♥ Appearance ♥
Shaggy brown locks surround his broad features, a direct constrast to his crystal blue eyes. Castor stands at a resounding 5'8" and is very scrawny due to him staying in his room to study and practice magic which doesn't tend to employ muscles. He never leaves the house without his large trenchcoat the encompasses his smaller frame nicely.
♥ Likes ♥
-Animals (Ravens are his favorite)
-The Night
-Sciences such as math and chemistry
-Potion brewing
-When things work out accoring to plan
♥ Dislikes ♥
-Stupidity and irrationality
-Social Interaction
-Soft-willed men
♥ Abilities ♥
After years and years of training, he can easily manipulate and weild magic with ease. With a simple snap of his fingers,
he can create a dancing blue flame that flickers across each fingertip with his will. He's not the most fluent, but he can communicate with animals though it takes more concentration than he's willing to admit. He has a book of minor spells he keeps with him at all times and so far, he's able to complete every one he's tried.

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