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Multiple Settings We're Still Here (Story Thread)



Whiskered Wizard
"The first of our champions."
What brings people together is a curious thought. At times it is due to common interest, other times it is in the pursuit of the same goal. However, for a lot of survivors, it would simply be a matter of survival. Nonetheless, these survivors would unknowingly be named champions of man as they gathered together. All pure of blood. These were beings to keep eyes upon or wipe off the face of the earth for good. This is a response that they might find some have taken against them without their knowledge of it.

Our story begins with two. One that goes by the name of Adam and another that goes by the name of Lorne. The group of survivors simply begins this way, it seems. Little interaction, just two that were once on their own coming together. Not even a greeting or an exchange of names, simply finding each other and stepping along a new path side by side. Perhaps it is the desperation for numbers that initiated this phenomena. Even so, our group of champions begins at two. It doesn't take too long though for two to become three. Though it took effort for this third to travel with the others.

Clawing through the dirt, Adam and Lorne eventually find a hovel where a young Khaliuna had huddled themselves into a corner. Their suffering had been great, losing their own people not too long before they were once again found. Though a hand is offered to her, Una wondered if she should travel beside these people. Would they meet a similar fate as those she wandered with before or should she continue to toil in the ground and await her demise. No. Lying in wait for death would not be how she spent her final moments. She would find her fate on the road, be it cruel or hopeful. Thus two became three.

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It would be several more days of walking beyond this point. Few words were spoken between the three. It was difficult not to fall into silence and fear creating a connection. After all, who knows when the person next to you will become a feast for a wandering creature. To some, the risk of being hurt by the loss of someone you grew close to is simply too great. Though it seemed harmless, to fall into this state of mind, despair had a scent to demons. A very alluring scent at that. A howl in the distance and the cracking of branches, a beast was on the trail of the three.

It was fast! Too fast for them to evade. Though they could not see it, it was there, flying between the trees of the wilds. Claws tearing into wood as it stalked its new prey. It seemed that the only way to stand a chance whatsoever was to find a place to hide and wait to attempt to defend themselves. They run and run before finding themselves cornered. It is then that they see the beast that stalks them.

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A twisted beast of hell, it was seen staring in the distance, drool dripping from its fleshy mandibles as its long forked tongue whipped at the air. It releases a hissing howl before it tears at the dirt, flinging itself towards the three. There was a deep hunger in its many pale eyes. The spines upon its back flex in preparation to rip and tear through its food. Finally, as it neared even further, it leaps! It flies through the air towards the three, but before it could even reach the peak of its arching leap, a yell pierces the tension. What is at first seen as a ball of steel flies through the air from the ledge above, descending right towards the demon. The creature yelps with surprise as the figure crashes into it, blood taking to the air as the glinting steel of an angelic blade breeches its hide.

The two hit the ground with a crashing thud. The hell beast reaches a twitching hand towards the survivors before it goes limp, leaving the armored man to stand above his foe. A helmeted head turns towards the three, just staring for a moment before a hearty laugh sounds through the holes of his visor. He steps from the slain creature, wiping tainted blood from his weapon before he sheathes it back beneath his cloak. "We have found others! Friends, well met!" Before he makes it to the survivors, another smaller figure falls from the ledge overhead. A child with black hair. The large man catches the girl, gently setting her upon the ground before tapping the helmet she wore on her head, lowering it a bit over her face.

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They both look to the three survivors, still trying to get over the adrenalin rush they had experienced after having been hunted. The man raises his hands, removing his helmet to reveal a dirtied face framed with orangish-brown hair and a goatee. He offers a smile. "Come, friends. We have shelter nearby. It is not much, but what is ours is yours." This is all the man says before he starts moving. Clearly he knows as well as anyone that staying in the open for too long was bound to see another demon, as the one lying dead on the ground, on its way to hunt. This was especially the case now that the scent of blood was in the air. The young girl had stood in place for a moment before following the man close behind.

Should they trust to follow this stranger after having just slain a creature? Although he did it to protect, who knows what he is capable of. Either way, he offered a place to relax, what was his was now theirs after all. Perhaps he had food and water wherever he had settled himself for the time being. Couldn't hurt to take advantage of that, right? Following the man to his camp, it is a small area walled off by the ruined stone of old buildings. There is a fire still alight at its center, dripping meat cooking over it, meaning that he must have rushed away from it to help after hearing the roars of the beast earlier.

The camp has small child's books and a few books with potentially familiar titles scattered about here and there. The girl walks about the camp, picking these up and clearing spaces to sit for the others while the man takes a seat himself. He gestures to the different spots about the fire. "Please, take a seat. I'm sure you are exhausted after all that. I have food cooking. Should be enough for us all, if you have not had a meal in some time." The man takes a knife from a boot, slicing a small bit of meat from the whole and taking a bite. "Beast flesh! Not of the hellish variety, I assure you." The child steps over and takes the other half, chewing it down. "I am Delvin, but you can call me Dell if you'd like," the man says before gesturing to the girl. "This is my daughter, Miranda."

Genii Genii HUVASU HUVASU InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

"Irene Harris, Slayer of the Infernal. How interesting."
Though death is an unyielding force in all realms, there are few with the demons luck to evade its grasp, avoiding the path to the Angel of Deaths residence. Irene is one such being. A human no less. This is a fate that no realm could have seen coming, not even the angels of heaven that she had fought alongside. Many angels expected her to perish far sooner than she had. They did not expect a life of glory beside them, and for that she had their respect. However, death comes for all during this war. So when she was taken before the Angel of Return, it was to the surprise of all.

Ordered by the Angel of Redemption, Azrael, the angel Jophiel was ordered to oversee this resurrection. The return of the first human spirit to their form. Irene's corpse was tended to. Mended extensively and wounds sealed from the heat of the Angel of Returns light. All had been going as it should, but this was the first human to undergo the process. As the spirit fused once again with flesh, the mind became muddled and forgetful. Memories of the past locked deep away. How were the angels to correct this mistake? They simply could not. Nor could they keep her as she recovers.

The very angel that took Irene before the Angel of Return, to be brought back from death, was the same to place her upon the Alter of the Proven. A site of ritual for those brought back. Jophiel would not remain though. When Irene awoke, it was alone, with no memories to comfort her. While left by the angels, knowing that she must recover on her own accord and without the aid of the holy citadels of heaven, she was left with her old armor and her blade, each crafted with the faith that was had of her by those she stood beside. After she arms herself, she takes off into the world to gather herself and rediscover who exactly she is.


Since her awakening on the alter, time has had Irene wandering without purpose, but still with the ambition to hunt those of hell. She would track beast after beast, driven by the urge to slay the wicked. This soon leads her before a monster that would prove a challenge. She had slain many demons during the war, each with their own sense of selves and their own lusts for chaos. However, word of Irene would spread among their forces. It was difficult not to pay mind to a human that has managed to stand their own against the legions of hell.

As she steps from the brush and into a clearing, she is met with the sight of a feasting demon. Its flesh covered in markings and its visage hidden in the shadows of tattered cloths covering its face aside from the massive teeth of its lower jaw. It took in the air around it through its nose before standing and turning to face Irene. A low growl emanates from the creature before it speaks. "You... I know you. Come to slay on behalf of the angels? Come to enact the will of those who hold the leash?" it says, taunting her and readying itself for a fight. The soft flesh of its neck bulges out and glows a fiery red.

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"A hermit, sheltered and alone. Come out into the light, Ike Mikasa."
Sheltered once again and for who knows how long. Ike has managed to find himself another untouched trove of food and supplies. A man whose luck is akin to the trickiest of hells demons. Life has not been a breeze for Ike, but those who are desperate for a change shall carve out a path for themselves on their own. However, being alone for so long does very little good for the mind. Despite having passed many suitable individuals during his travels, they are all inhuman. Otherworldly. They are freaks of nature that he believes must have been born from his twisted imagination. So he passes them, ignoring their promises of assistance. He had shelter to find, and these "figments of his imagination" would not stop him.


At times these creatures, that he believes to have made up, are perhaps a bit too real. A bit too terrifying to simply walk past. The chittering and cackling of their tones. Their sizes. The blood mad look in their eyes. It is better to shelter away from these horrible hallucinations. So this leads Ike to different, almost untouched, shelters. This more recent shelter was a simple enough store with plenty to use for him to survive. Months turn to years, but he still had plenty left to eat. The store took a little work to fortify from the elements and the beasts that scrounge around in the night, but he is able to manage. Constructing a place for him to exist without the need to overly exert himself.

There would be nights where the horrors of the world would tap at the walls of his home, scratch at the boarded down doors to find a way in. No creature kept up with their efforts for long. Thus, in present day, Ike was opening a new box of puzzle books and pens. These were the only items that allowed him to anchor himself to reality. Without the stimuli, he would have long descended into true madness, likely transforming into the beasts that he walks past some days. Those that hide in the shadows.

From outside, the howl of beasts can be heard, but he knows that he doesn't have to worry about such things. He is safe here. Right?

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns

"Joey Okusanya. Your people are in need, but will your duty bring your end?"
It is one of the most difficult tasks, working to supply the settlements found in the twisted skeleton of what used to be the old world metro tunnels. Especially those connected to the world above. B/Exposition is an especially ambitious plan made by survivors in an attempt to create a hyper weaponized and militaristic colony of humans. A system of people that focus their trade heavily upon old world weapons. Guns and ammunition. As the settlement is parked a few hundred miles from the very borders of the tear of hell itself, it is quick to go through bullets at a steady pace throughout each passing year, slaying the more animal-like hell beasts that appear.

To build a home atop a reliance of such supplies dooms one to a finite existence. Thus, eventually, the need of external supplies comes into play. This need caused the development of the B/Exposition Ranger Corps. Ultimately an impromptu specialist platoon meant specifically to serve in the defense and supply of B/Exposition. These poor individuals, after the years spent surviving in the thick of the most brutal war ever seen by mankind, are most likely quite broken or uneasy. Though they are sure of each and every action they take, they do not take the time to question the morals of every decision they must make. Such is the terms of survival. Do what you must, no matter the cost.

Their missions, in the pursuit of supplies, often has them contesting other human settlements. They have certainly made many enemies of what humans remained at the time, but soon enough, it was rare to find any humans at all. Merely gathering up the supplies from mounds of corpses or the nests of creatures that once might have been considered human but are now beasts. However, there is only so much to gather from the surrounding areas. Thus a mission was born in the minds of the ranger corps. A squad, led by Joey Mendez Okusanya, set out to accomplish this mission that was of the utmost importance for the survival of B/Exposition.


The squad had set out, making it as far as the southern area of Nevada, inbound towards old Las Vegas even. The city had been long decimated by the rapid growth of the wilds. The sandy and rocky lands transforming into yet another massive and dangerous forest. Travelling by vehicle, the squad weaves past the ruined towers scattered about the once great city of sin. It all seemed quiet... a bit too quiet perhaps. All too suddenly any sense of safety was ruined when a large chunk of debris from a building fell perfectly in the middle of the path. The vehicle comes to a screeching stop as the squad quickly gets out to look over the area, but the threat was all too clear as they crawl from their hiding places scattered about.

There had been word from travelers and other visitors to B/Exposition about humans that drink the blood of fallen demons to change themselves. Though not often aggressive, the sound of a vehicle likely attracted their ire. These people stood from the shadows, faces pale and near featureless aside from their jagged maws, beady eyes and sharpened ears. "Idiot! You let it loose too early!" one says in a nasally tone. Another turns and snarls. "They stopped didn't they?! Now we take."

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As the creatures began stepping forward, clear intent to rob the squad of what they have, rangers began to open fire. These were just twisted blood cultists. Shouldn't be any harder to kill than an ordinary human. However, the moment bullets began to fly, another of these creatures starts to run. "Guns! Kill them! Kill them all!" Before long, dozens of the creatures began to poke their heads out from higher and higher in the surrounding buildings. Then the ground started to shake as the creatures swarmed towards the squad. They roared, in a mad and fearless craze towards the rangers.

There was little time to return to the vehicle. The creatures were on them in seconds. It took almost all they had to fall back into the empty corridors of a nearby structure. As they ran, they fired into the mass of pale flesh charging towards them. Several went down, but it seemed like two more took the place of each fallen number. By the time the creatures had been evaded, it was only Joey left running through the wilds. He was not sure if his comrades were alive, but if they were anything like him surely they managed to get away or fortify themselves in somewhere.

He marched on. The screeches of the creatures were still some ways behind him, as if hunting him down, but he had some distance on them. Now on his own, all he could do was push forward. There was a lot of area ahead of him to travel through without the use of a vehicle. Better to keep moving than to walk back into the enemy.

Adam looked at Lorne, Una, and the fallen beast before tentatively following after their saviour without so much as a word. It may have been foolish to trust the stranger, but staying anywhere near that creature’s bleeding corpse would’ve be a worse decision. More would come, and tear the flesh from its bones, and theirs too if they lingered.

As they were brought to Dell’s camp, Adam sat, but kept his distance. He was a pale, skinny, doe-eyed thing, with black hair and scruffy clothes. He carried no visible weapons, just a worn out backpack that didn’t look like it contained much.

He stared unblinkingly at the meat that was sizzling away over the fire. He didn’t recognise, nor care what animal or beast it came from, the smell was so mouth-watering he could cry. The tired teen looked up in surprise as the stranger offered to share it. … what?

Instead of giving his name, Adam’s dry throat croaked out the words, “Why? … why did you help us?”
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“Holy mother of mackerel. It’s yet another one of you bitches.” Irene rolled her eyes, getting into a fighting stance, and drawing out her blade, which glowed with a faint blue light. “When will y’all just learn to GIVE UP?” A little smirk on her face, she aims her sword at the demon. “Really. It’s getting quite annoying by now. You’re attacking an amnesiac 35-year-old. Like…” She side-eyes the wall, all of this in an attempt to both cure her boredom and stall him. “Whatever, sheesh.”

Hearing the demon’s next words, Irene paused. It wasn’t the first time a bitch like him had said something along those lines. Something in the back of her mind ached, but she quickly shrugged it off. With the amount of times someone had said it, Irene had established that she’d either worked alongside or been in contact with angels before. But she was still thinking that they were taunting here. After all…since when did humans and angels actually get along?

Twirling her blade with her hand in a fluid motion, she raised an eyebrow. “Also, for your information: I work for no one. I am no one’s ‘pet’. Least of all a bunch of self-absorbed jackasses made of star shit.” Cracking her knuckles, she aimed her sword directly at him, to the point where it was touching his chest.
Lorne was almost certain since the day her father died, she barely breathed. It was not that she could not, but that she chose not to, almost always holding back. Bated, controlled. Afraid even the whisper of a normal exhale would mean imminent death.

They barely escaped whatever hell beast attacked them just hours ago and she wasn’t sure they would have, had Dell not interfered. She had sized up Adam plenty, and Una, prior to their new companions and they were small—not younger than her, just… fragile, she felt. She’d not spoken to them much, but within, she did feel an urge to protect them, through the opportunity had not yet come. And when it did… well… Dell and Miranda appeared. For the first time, after he slayed the beast, Lorne exhaled relief.

She looked at the new pair to their troupe, Miranda organizing and clearing space and Dell chewing at the meat he offered. She tried to smile at Miranda, though it was nothing close to—more a half one-sided smirk indicative that her facial muscles were no longer used to the gesture, so she quickly looked away, kicked at a piece of paper on the ground and took a seat near the fire. She pulled out her own knife from her waistband and slices off a piece of the meat as well. Tentatively, she pulled down her scarf and took a small bite of her portion, trying to savor it for as long as she could.

Adam thankfully extended that ability with his question towards Dell. Lorne had the same thought—a million thoughts really—but she was glad to not be the one to ask. She was cautious still, suspicious of the fact that Dell and Miranda came out of nowhere to their aid and were now openly offering them food and shelter. It was hard to trust anyone anymore, or anything. She cocked an eyebrow at Adam, impressed that he spoke up and asked why before she cut off a piece of the meat and tossed it his way as reward for his verbal bravery.

Eyes then fixed on Delvin. She sat rigid in her seat, too afraid to relax even for a moment’s relief. She parroted Adam’s question, a little more aggressively and clearer than her apocalypse partner choked out.

“Yeah, why? More importantly… how?”

She saw how, but the blade, one fell swoop of steel… seemed impossible for makeshift weaponry to accomplish. It made the pendant against her chest burn slightly when she remembered the blade beneath his cloak. Just enough to tingle her flesh and involuntarily set her jaw clenched, but not visibly so.
If you had asked Ike Mikasa what he considered a luxury, his reply would change based on his age. Before the destruction came, his reply would be: family, because he had one. Now, however, his family was likely dead and he didn't even really care about them anyway. He was the only human left on Earth, as far as he was concerned. He was accompanied by hallucinations wherever he went. His hallucinations didn't bother him anymore, he just ignored them most of the time.

Ike's innocence had gone long ago, and he had stopped being scared long ago. He just walked, survived, and solved puzzles for the sake of routine. He knew it was normal, and he accepted the normalcy as such. Sometimes, though, the hallucinations seemed very real. They came in the form of strong winds that tried to break down his shelter, in the form of things that were in any kid's nightmare. He wasn't a kid anymore, both in body (he was 24 years old) or in spirit. He was aimless, surviving without living, and accepting everything as fact of life. When the winds came, he moved house.

This is why, if Ike was asked what he thought of as a luxury, he would reply with: fear. He had none to spare, and even Ike thought this wasn't normal. Ike Mikasa felt a detachment from the world that he had lived in for the longest time. Ike knew he would die someday, and if he did, he wanted death to be quick, very quick. Oh yeah, blood still held its power over Ike and he was very much afraid of blood.

Besides that, Ike had no spirit left over, and he knew it. The only thing that gave him a bit of this forever lost spirit, was also the thing that kept Ike sane. The thing keeping Ike sane was puzzle books, and right now, Ike was bent over one of these books. He did these every day, but he didn't like or hate the routine. He just did his routine, every day, without fail.
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Una never expected much to come from wandering with these two. Sure it was safer to be in a group, but no doubt she was the slowest and most obvious choice for a hungry demon to pick off first. It was something she’d witnesses before. As survivors in this hellish world, why wouldn’t one let the demon take a small snack break in order to gain a head start.

That’s why Una was confused when the demon leaping at the trio was brutally cut down before them. To be frank, it was the first time Una had ever been successfully rescued. Who was this man?

She didn’t care for his introduction, Una wanted to question him about his life and how the hell he’d survived so long. The little girl next to him gave off a mysterious aura. She could feel herself wanting to back away. However, the feeling didn’t seem to come from Una, but from somewhere within herself.

Despite that, it was a relief to see someone even younger than her alive out here. Una thought she might try and get to know the girl… but first was the man.

“How did you get that power? The power to kill that demon?” Una asked, pointing to the angelic blade he had.
"Our champions..."
Dell could see that the three were wary, hungry and desperate. At least emotionally. It seemed that the lad Adam had been searching for some manner of hope. A small gesture of protection and sustenance nearly sending the poor fella to tears. Lorne seemed wary of Dell and his strength, likely trying to determine if he was going to be a problem in the near future. As for Una, she was very eager to learn just how the man even managed to hold his own against a beast of hell. Though it was plenty of very quick and reasonable questions, the man did not seem to mind that they were asked of him. In fact, he appeared a bit surprised if anything.

Dell brushes aside his cloak, working at the straps of his armor. Though he was strong, the metal of his gear was adorned in dozens of patched parts, pieces welded back together. Dents, tears, dried blood, you name it. He has seen a lot, but he does not seem the worse for wear. Actually, with all of the damage his gear had gone through, one would imagine him to be mentally broken, his spirit shattered from years of combat. Even so, he sits up with his back straightened, a bit of pride to him even and a warm smile to boot.

In regards to the questions asked of him, he first looks to Adam. Dell offers a grin to the lad, his mustache raising to the sides to flash straight and surprisingly well taken care of teeth. "Figured that would be obvious," he says. Miranda had stepped beside Adam. Though her eyes were hidden underneath her helmet, she smiles at him. At all of them really. One of her hands finds his own, just kind of resting upon it in a reassuring manner. Her touch was warm. Perhaps a bit too warm, but it was not unpleasant.

Her smile was adorned with a scar that extends perpendicular across her lips on the right side of her mouth. It looks like it must have hurt. Clearly not even the youngest of children are spared their measure of pain these days. At least it is only a scar that she was left with and not disfigurement. Even as her hand leaves Adam's own, the warmth seems to remain. It was odd, but before there was time to think about it Dell begins to speak again. "We've been alone for a long time. Been running on my own since I started carrying her with me as an infant. Besides, we're human. Got to look out for our own... what few of us are left. Not often that I run across a human that hasn't changed somehow."

The mans response is genuine. Though perhaps his claim to have been lonely was a bit of a fib. Might be more along the lines of him wishing more for his daughter. Chances to interact with others where she could. Though he was serious with his words about looking out for his fellow humans. Seems the subject of pure blooded humans was important to him somehow.

Soon enough though his attention shifts to Lorne and Una. Honestly, he believed that he could answer both questions easy enough at the same time. He still seemed a bit surprised for some reason though. He could see the young teens gaze towards the blade on his belt. He gently places the knife in hand down before reaching for the blade on his hip. He carefully draws the sword from its sheath, placing the flat side of the blade upon a finger, presenting the weapon. The steel of the sword almost shimmers in the light of the fire. "Honestly surprises me that you lot aren't wandering with some blessed steel of your own."

Dell hums. "Fetched this beauty off a slain angel. The way I see it, this war ain't holy or unholy. It's just madness. Got to take what you can to survive. Looting from an angel doesn't scare me much. Don't think I'll be damned for taking up arms from someone who has no need for their blade no more." Dell looked between the three for a moment. "Truly, I just take advantage of what there is lying about out there. You lot should do the same, even if you're taking from demons. Just, you know, don't wield a cursed blade or nothing. That won't end well. As for slaying that hell beast. Managed to catch it by surprise. Tend to get a bit of tunnel vision when they're hungry. Makes it easy to swoop in and surprise them. Gotta end a fight with a demon quick and clean. Before they get a chance to fight back. Otherwise you tend to get hurt." He says this with a pat of his chest plate upon a mark or two.

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"Exercise caution, Irene Harris. A demon bears many tricks."
As she drew her blade, the demon seemed relatively unimpressed. After a moment it even seems to calm and relax a bit, even as Irene approaches. He hums, tapping a claw against his chin. "Hmm... That ain't right. The Slayer of the Infernal ain't supposed to be neutral. Oh well. And here I was hoping my meal might be a bother." As he says this, he reaches behind him, gripping an appendage of the corpse he was feasting on. A wing. He drags the corpse of an angel forward and just kind of lets it fall limp before him. Then he kneels, crouching down before his kill.

"So it was true. You don't remember nothin'. Shame. What's the point in fighting someone that don't remember their glory days. Just a bore really." The demon lets out a yawn, their passion for battle all but drained. He just kind of picks at the ground between himself and the corpse, staring at Irene as she continues her approach and soon places her blade upon his chest. Though still he seems unconcerned. "Tell me. Does your instinct still tell you to kill? That why you found me? Perhaps it just be your fate to find us demon folk. Can never seem to not attract trouble."

The demon then points a finger at Irene. "You're just trouble, and not the fun kind. No drive behind that cold gaze. Just workin' to sate your wrath. Say, kind of makes you sound like a demon, eh? Sating your desire to slay our kind. Making efforts to appease that blood lust inside. No judgement here! You go sister," he says, the edges of his maw curling into a sure and mocking grin. After a moment though, he begins to stand, even as the blade pressed against his chest begins to draw blood.

He stretches his arms a bit before sighing. "Well, let's just get this over with, eh? I've got a meal to finish." As he says this, the thin sack upon his neck inflates and glows fiercely with a red energy. His gaunt cheeks bulge before his toothy mouth opens and a geyser of flame was ready to be launched right into Irene's face.

meepster meepster

"Those that hunger approach. Steel yourself, Ike the Recluse."
Sanctuary. This is the promise that is often carried by each lucky find that Ike encounters. The shelters that he finds and makes for himself are almost unnatural. Why is it that he had yet to be encountered by any true threat? Why had his seclusion be so easy? Was he deserving of such luck? These questions were best ignored. Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth after all. Why shun his luck? It's kept him safe so far... or has it?

Ike had thus far made this place his home, but his luck may soon wear somewhat thin. Never forced to face the horrors of the world directly, always managing to evade certain danger at all costs. However, what if this danger found its purchase in his seemingly impenetrable armor? It starts with silence. Another puzzle book and the soft scratching of the tip of a pen on paper, but soon enough, there is a new sound that breeches the usual silence.

A soft tapping. It would not seem abnormal to anyone else, but to Ike, the noise is an invasion of his expectations, his space. It was real and it was inside with him. The tapping was sharp and rhythmic. Not the sound of water tapping or wind causing hanging metal to tap against the walls of his home.

As a store brand flashlight illuminates the dark, Ike had his eyes bound to this shadow. He had to find this incessant sound to stop it immediately. It was disturbing -his- time. The beam of his light scans the walls until it stops, locked onto a panel just above the old grocery section of the store.

There is a chance that what he was staring at was just another hallucination, but the massive arm hanging from an open panel in the ceiling was extremely disturbing. Large blackened fingers tap at the grocery sign almost impatiently. Tap tap tap, it raps its fingers upon the metal. It is only a matter of time before another sound some distance behind Ike catches his attention and causes him to turn his head. By the time he had looked back to the arm, he realized that there was no more tapping. The arm was gone, but what of the creature that the arm belonged to?

This seemed a very vivid hallucination. Too real. One would swear to hear skittering in the walls. Fingers scratching across the ceiling.

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns
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Adam just about caught the ration of meat that Lorne tossed his way. He wasted no time cramming it into his mouth with his filthy hands, discreetly huffing and puffing as it threatened to burn his tongue. It wasn’t much, just a morsel really, but it was more than he’d eaten in days.

He swallowed the hot lump down as Dell spoke again. The man’s toothy grin made Adam frown in confusion and it distracted him as Miranda got closer. The teen went rigid as she touched him - through no fault of her own, he just wasn’t prepared for the contact.

“Um… hello.” Adam hesitantly greeted the little girl. She couldn’t have been more than four years old, at least he assumed so based on her size anyway. When she let go of his hand, he moved it away and cradled it on his lap. It felt… strange.

The group Adam previously traveled with had weapons like Dell’s. They collected, stole and stockpiled them. It would have been nice of them to leave one with him when they ditched him, but he was left with nothing. Exactly what he was worth.
Tap! Tap! Tap! Puzzle books were strewn everywhere, and Ike was working on a puzzle when he heard it, a soft tapping that was still loud enough for him to hear. Ike tried to concentrate, but the tapping grew louder, more incessant, at least in his mind. Ike had gotten used to the routine and now something was trying to interrupt it. Ike slipped his pen into his pocket, without another word.

It seems that his brain was trying to get him to do something crazy, again. It was a similar feeling in his brain as when he saw the too real hallucinations. This fight between his brain and his brain always broke his too fragile mind, but he sure wasn't aware of it.

Finally, his annoyance and confusion roused, Ike went to go find a flashlight. Now, however, there were other sounds, too. Ike was sure he heard howling at one point, so he figured it was a wild animal. That was part of his imagination, but he didn't know it. Ike searched the floor first, and he was rewarded with a flashlight, that he used to do his puzzles late into the night. Ike flicked the flashlight on, his beam searching for the source of the tapping.

Ike was about to give up, as he walked along when suddenly, Ike felt like he was in a nightmare. The dark claw appeared to stretch out as if trying to catch him, claw him into shreds and now Ike was paranoid. The paranoia was furthered by a witchlike screech and Ike turned his head very quickly. He wasn't used to this break in routine and it was a horrible break. The screech continued for some time, then stopped. By the time the screeching stopped and Ike was sure the screeching wasn't a threat to him, Ike scanned the grocery store section and the claw arm was gone!

For the rest of the night, Ike couldn't sleep, for he was in a nightmare now and he kept on hearing fingers scratching at the ceiling and all sorts of otherworldly noises. Ike's knuckles were white from gripping his flashlight to make sure that the flashlight wouldn't fall out of his grasp. He kept it on, though.

He wondered if this would be how it was forever. If that were the case, he might become used to his nightmare-suck-ins and could add hiding as a means of surviving. Little did Ike know, something more was happening!
"A brief respite..."
In that brief time, one would leave the safety of the camp. Perhaps they had just stopped for a time to catch their breath after the terror that was faced. Even so, neither Dell nor Miranda said a thing as Lorne disappears into the mists of the forest. Dell just sighs. Another gone like the wind. Humans were in short decline for this exact reason, but it was not his business to pry into their matters. The trail of some travelers perhaps was best wandered alone, but who was to say? It could mean the end of their road.

Aside from The boy Adam, the young girl seemed to stay silent. Dell didn't blame her. This all seemed to be a lot to take in for them. Though the Trace family was quite used to these hardships by now, they knew that some simply had difficulty adapting. They would not disturb the girl Una's silent thoughts.

As for Adam, Miranda had left his side, but only took a few steps to pry a piece of paper from between one of the coloring books. The page was blank, free for the child to draw as she wished. So she did so. There would be a few more moments of silence before Dell looks to Adam and nods. "Don't quite have much for gear yourself," he comments, looking Adam up and down. "Tell me. How have you managed so long? A cave dweller perhaps? Got lucky and managed not to change? Perhaps you're a streeter in a city... No better place to put yourself. Honest work in those parts too.

Dell then hums, running some fingers through his beard. "Must say, it's mighty curious."

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"Stalking the shadows, as predators do."
It had seemed like the delusions had passed. Where they delusions? It was very difficult to tell. Surely nothing like that could exist in the world... even if these days the world looks completely different to how it once looked. No, it had to be a trick of the mind, a play of the light against his eyes. He could not trust his own imagination. The dark is playing tricks on him. These were all valid beliefs. However, now things had changed. The usual silence had stopped. Though the tapping was gone, it was replaced by a more frequent and worrisome sound. At first it sounded like scratching, perhaps even the little steps of rodents in the ceiling, but a more imaginative mind would have thought of fingertips pressing against the surfaces all around.

It was as if something was in the walls, clawing its way all around the store. The sound was not urgent enough to elicit any immediate fight or flight response, but it did create and unnerving tension in the air of this supposed haven. Again, surely it was nothing. Ike would make his efforts to get his rest. Rest was important. Perhaps by the time he awoke the noise- all of these little imaginary things would stop. It must... or he may not be able to account or rely upon his sanity any longer.

As his eyes drift close in an attempt to get some much sought out rest, all noise ceases for a few moments. Except for right above him that is. There it was again, the sound of tapping fingers, but it sounded as if it was from only a single source. With the opening of his eyes, Ike would be met with a most horrific sight. There, fingers pressed and clinging to the wall just above him was a creature. It's skin was a foggy and shadowy black, much like the skin of the arm that had reached for Ike earlier. The creatures neck was craned at a nightmarish angle. Though its chest was practically pressed against the wall, its face was oriented normally for someone simply standing in the room as they scanned the store.

It's whole body was misshapen, but perhaps the most terrifying of its features was the dagger-toothed mouth upon its featureless face.

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The creature did not have any eyes that were visible from the angle that Ike could see the creature from, even as its head slowly turns from left to right. Though it was so painfully close, it was clear what the creature was doing. It was still searching for Ike, listening for even a single sound.

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns
Ike thought his fear had gone away, well clearly, he was wrong. Dead, dead, dead wrong. Ike now had two states: no damn-given, and what the hell was that? Was he going insane? Were they real? He couldn't even tell real from dreams anymore. It wasn't the nightmares that scared him, he'd gotten used to that, but the fact that he could be insane, that the creature could be real.
'Maybe it's just an animal,' Ike told himself. 'or maybe I'm having a nightmare.' Ike promptly pinched himself, and he was still there.

Ike attempted to close his eyes, but sleep refused to come, but he did it anyway. The scratching completely and utterly ruined that sleep and Ike's eyeballs flew open. These things needed to stop, the nightmares. Instead, they seemed to get worse and worse as time dragged on and Ike was in that state between hyped on adrenaline and almost used to it. That meant that he felt like having his heart ripped out because it was beating too quickly. His hallucinations do seem to stop looking at him whenever he makes no sound, like they're telling him how to survive.

The thing that Ike sees doesn't seem to have eyeballs, from what Ike can see. The creature is black, darker that the shadows that move across the walls. Ike doesn't dare make a sound, breathing shallowly and quietly to avoid drawing attention to himself. To make things more sickening, the body looked like, from where Ike wasn't saying silent, it had been twisted and untwisted multiple times. And from what Ike could see, there were no eyes, but very, very sharp teeth. The creature could seem to close its mouth and it seemed to rely based on hearing. After today, Ike would have to hightail it, and move once again.

Little did Ike know, he'd soon view the nightmares as normal and he'd go back to not being scared. That was the way Ike was, for the most part. He might get scared of something, but then he'd stop being scared, having seen it enough. Well, that was the way the nightmares were about to be like, except they didn't scare him anymore.
Adam watched Miranda drawing for a while. It was something he’d never had the opportunity to learn himself - paper being a prized commodity in the groups he’d lived with. He contemplated picking up one of the scattered books, but he didn’t want to overstep the mark.

As Dell addressed him he tensed up, then looked himself up and down too. “I… have all I need.” Shoes with sound soles, and clothes that didn’t make too much noise when he moved, what more did he need for hiding.

“I was traveling with others but they…” Adam was afraid to say. If Dell and the others found out he’d been abandoned for being ‘a useless piece of sh*t’, would they ditch him too?

“… I’m far from lucky.” He concluded, hugging his skinny legs to his chest. The kid looked worn out. Starvation and being in a constant state of fear was exhausting.

“A city…” Adam perked up a little. “Is that where you’re headed? Is it safe there?”
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Dell took a few moments to shift a bit in his spot, take hold of a knife and start carving away at the meat again. He took a while to think about the last question, but what disturbed him most was what Adam has said before he cut himself off. Sure, there were still survivors in the world here and there. Dell was surprised to hear that they were unchanged, but he knew then and there that these were people he would never travel with. Never invite to sit beside a camp fire.

He shifts his gaze back to Adam, figuring it best to simply engage in idle chit chat for a bit, while they still had the time that is.

"Of course there are cities out there. Perhaps the only unfortunate part of it all is that these cities... you usually don't see pure humans there any more."

Dell breathes a soft sigh. He must admit that he held very little against the more peaceful species that have emerged from heaven and hell, but he could never help but prefer his own kind to anything else. If there were humans to find, he often made any effort he could to find them. However, pure humans were in short supply after even only fifteen years. It seems like such a short time, but when the heat of hell warps the earth and the light of heaven beams down upon its creatures, there simply is nothing left to look at that screams 'Earth' other than what ruins are scattered about.

"Well, there is a city some miles back west. More towards the Cragg. Doubt you'd want to be there though. Folk there rely on guns more than anything. You're more likely to be mistaken for a shuffling possessed corpse and shot- over being welcomed to a warm room and a good meal that is. No, that's not where we're heading. There are two cities off to the east. One is the Trade Cliffs. Kind of hard to imagine you've never at least seen the place, but what do I know? The other city is Gaulermoore. Both cities are neutral, but being wary around both is a good idea. One recently had sprung a trade in souls. The other is ruled over by a demon calling himself a lord. Never met the bloke, but it's wise not to even disturb a demons lands."

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"A terrible sight..."
Ike's heart pounded for a time, and for a few seconds it seemed that would be ample enough sound to draw the creatures attention as its head twitches back and forth and then down a little, but as Ike soon grew familiar with the creature, less and less fearful of its horrible visage, his heart slowed. The creature's head shifts back towards the rest of the shop. Safe for the moment perhaps, but the creature was still mere feet away from him.

Suddenly though, a slight scratching. A scuttling at a window near the entrance to the store. Could have simply been a critter descending from one of the overbearing trees above. Nonetheless, it was enough to draw the creatures attention.

If Ike had not withdrawn from the world, he would have known this creature to be one of the cursed ones. A once intelligent hellish being that fell into a beastly nature after a curse was placed upon their kind. The creature gently steps from the wall, a massive hand passing mere inches over Ike as the rest of its slithering body followed overhead. It approaches the window where the scuttling had come and it pressed a massive hand against the boarding. In one single push, the boards broke and remnant glass shattered. This would also spell pain for the creature.

The light of the slightly lowered sun beamed into the room and shone upon the creatures flesh. The section of skin where the light had touched became eerily still as if frozen solid. The creature screeched and withdrew the hand. The once paralyzed flesh began to shift again now that it was out of the light. This was its curse. It could not walk in the light without becoming paralyzed and vulnerable. Unfortunately for the creature it wasn't quite intelligent enough to avoid this completely, though with the window shattered, it could feel the heat of the sun drawing in. It hissed as it turned back into the supermarket.

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Did his heartbeat have to be so loud? Ike wondered. At times, it seemed the creature would find him as its head twitched back and forth. He needed to leave as soon as possible, but the creature didn't scare him as much. How much time had elapsed? Enough for him to view the nightmare thing as more how he viewed a cockroach. The creature turns its head away from him, and Ike is safe at the moment. He felt something bigger was coming, given the fact that he was hunched up and hiding.

At dawn, with Ike now having sleep deprivation, he was proven right. He had gotten used to the monster there with him and wasn't scared. He was about to nod off when there was scratching. Ike still stayed silent, because he wasn't stupid. The thing burst into the store, screeching in pain, either from light, or the glass. Both had to hurt, and Ike thought it was the former when some of the light was stronger in one area than the others as if the light was targeting this new nightmare. Part of the flesh on the hand seemed to lift off and then just freeze there, which was gross. The demon quickly withdrew its hand, letting out a scream in pain, and suffering. The flesh promptly lifted back down, which was weirder.

Had Ike been less of a recluse, he'd have known that this character was intelligent, but it had been cursed. He got used to it, not tolerated, but it didn't scare him anymore. If he saw other creatures, he wouldn't be fazed by most of them, just survive, survive, survive. He knew any sound would attract the creature, so he went on his hands and knees and crawled slowly, quietly, hoping to reach the back entrance. If he made it, his luck would live to see another day, if not, then the world would be ravaged by demons and angels. He wouldn't care, didn't. He had been alone for far too long. He hoped his leg muscles from walking would help him in running away. Suddenly, though, he froze. What about his stimulation? He needed it, wanted it.

Ike crawled back to where he rested, and he scooped up his pencils and books as quietly as possible. NOW he was ready, and he went back to crawling quietly to the back entrance.
Adam’s face flashed a look of terror as Dell mentioned the Cragg and he shook his head. He’d prefer not to go near there again. Ever. Not just because of the obvious dangers, but also the shame of bumping into his previous keepers…

Adam didn’t look too happy to hear about the soul trade, but that was a risk he was prepared to take in order to find somewhere safe and start a new life.

“… perhaps I could travel with you guys… at least until we reach a city? I-I don’t eat much, I’m quiet, y-you won’t know I’m here… I just… on my own… I can’t-“ Do anything. He sighed, annoyed at himself for even bothering to ask.

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