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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Reboot - Always Accepting!)

Delacare said:
"So how many have you fully converted?"
"Ilim, forget about the talk. I just found something more interesting. Toodles." She teleported to the moon for a quiet conversation.
"It seems like two of them. AND I didnt cause any psychological damage thats harmful! Arent ya pround of me?!"
JustCallMeAimee said:
Lilith managed to kick of her shoes but that was the only item removed from her so far. She held either side of the girls face as they kissed.

She rubbed Lilith's back and made out with her, moaning.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"It seems like two of them. AND I didnt cause any psychological damage thats harmful! Arent ya pround of me?!"

"I am pleased, yes. I would like to know, however, what caused all the technology around the school to malfunction on the same day I sent you to terrorize those boys. I do follow Jamie's local news."
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]She rubbed Lilith's back and made out with her, moaning.

Lil pulled back for a moment and leant down kissing the girls neck slowly and softly. With rushed hands she reached behind her own back and fumbled with the zip of her dress.

Delacare said:
"I am pleased, yes. I would like to know, however, what caused all the technology around the school to malfunction on the same day I sent you to terrorize those boys. I do follow Jamie's local news."
"Oh! The umbrella mister asked me some stuff. I dont remember, but he made everything start messing up! And he also asked for Jaime's name, was I supposed to keep it a secret?"
JustCallMeAimee said:
Lil pulled back for a moment and leant down kissing the girls neck slowly and softly. With rushed hands she reached behind her own back and fumbled with the zip of her dress.

Arabelle helped her unzip her dress and smiled as she pulled it down. "You're so beautiful."
Delacare said:
((Meanie. Really I just want to confirm Ilim's location. But nvrmnd))
Firebear said:
"Hm, Mbuku, where are you right now?"
"We live in a small village called Matema near Kyela. It's about 400 km from Dodoma as the bird flies. We have some connection, but no one would be willing to share their computer or their electricity for this. No one else but us believes anymore."

There was a sudden knock on the door and a darkness nearby.

(Except instead of answering the door I'm going to sleep. Enjoy the sex scene, you night dwellers and weird time zone people.)
(too late, sorry)
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[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"I thought'cha said ya just wanted t' snuggle" She said, then shrugged. "Eh, whichever is fine with me! I am still curious if yer talk was real" She added.

"I am twice as good in the bedroom as I am on the battlefield, my dear."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I am twice as good in the bedroom as I am on the battlefield, my dear."

Vayne grinned. "Ooh, that makes me really impatient" She said, reaching forward and grabbed his jacket and pulled him toward her. "Except yer gonna have t' lead the way, I dunno where the bedroom is"
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Arabelle helped her unzip her dress and smiled as she pulled it down. "You're so beautiful."

"So are you." She murmured before kissing the girl.

[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]Arabelle smiled and rubbed her body all over.

Almosegosum said:
(getting too racy for me ( :o ) - Enjoy yourselves)
(Same TBH since it's so public so I'm going to leave it here...I have to go to bed anyway.) (sorry, I wouldn't mind on PM but not here TBH)
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[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Oh! The umbrella mister asked me some stuff. I dont remember, but he made everything start messing up! And he also asked for Jaime's name, was I supposed to keep it a secret?"

"No no. That's fine; I never told you to keep his name a secret. Just make sure those boys are ready." Nox sighed internally.

'I'm sure that Hitch's self-righteous and nosy ass is already on the case. I had hoped that my little show would differ him for awhile.'
Delacare said:
"No no. That's fine; I never told you to keep his name a secret. Just make sure those boys are ready." Nox sighed internally.
'I'm sure that Hitch's self-righteous and nosy ass is already on the case. I had hoped that my little show would differ him for awhile.'
"I am reeeaaaalllllllyyyyyyy close! I want fail you, I promise!"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"I am reeeaaaalllllllyyyyyyy close! I want fail you, I promise!"

"I have faith that you will succeed."
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Thanks! I will have the last one brainwashed in no time!"

"Good. Jamie needs more friends. He needs to get used to leading lesser beings, now. Keep me updated on any new developments. That will be all."
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Vayne grinned. "Ooh, that makes me really impatient" She said, reaching forward and grabbed his jacket and pulled him toward her. "Except yer gonna have t' lead the way, I dunno where the bedroom is"

(Studio apartments are just one big room.)
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Studio apartments are just one big room.)

(Oh! Okay, lemme take some of that reply and fix it)

Vayne grinned. "Ooh, that makes me really impatient" She said, reaching forward and grabbed his jacket and pulled him toward her as she moved over to the bed. "Be as rough as you want" She said.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif](Oh! Okay, lemme take some of that reply and fix it)
Vayne grinned. "Ooh, that makes me really impatient" She said, reaching forward and grabbed his jacket and pulled him toward her as she moved over to the bed. "Be as rough as you want" She said.

"You be as rough as you want. You're topping after all."
"True" She had almost forgotten that. So she moved over and pushed him down on the bed and crawled over him. "Ya know, yer cool"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"True" She had almost forgotten that. So she moved over and pushed him down on the bed and crawled over him. "Ya know, yer cool"

"So are you." Tyr said with a grin.

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