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Fandom Welcome to the Host CLub! (OHSHC Character Page)

JinYeong Kyoh


Grade 2





She has hetero-chromatic eyes and always covers the brown one with an eye patch.

She bubbly and outgoing, always wanting to make people smile.
She'll do just about anything to make people happy, she hates to see people upset or frowning.
Despite always being upbeat and smiling, she herself struggles when alone with her thoughts, she hates her fame and wealth.
She's definitely a hugger, she loves to hug people and makes jokes often, no matter the situation.
She's typically the comedic relief in situations.

JinYeong is the daughter of famous photographer HyunGi Kyoh, and she never knew her mother. Her father refuses to tell her who her mother is so she never bothers to ask anymore. As a child her father helped her get into a modeling career, even though she always preferred photography over modeling, she followed her fathers wishes. She has a younger brother that also attends Ouran but he mainly sticks to himself and rarely talks to her when they aren't at home, based on how they act around each other, nobody would even know they're siblings. JinYeong covers her brown eye to avoid getting even more attention brought to her, she hates being the center of attention and tries to avoid it as much as possible when not working as a model. Her father owns many art galleries around Europe, making her the heir to all of them.

JinYeong attends the host club to escape from all the attention and to be able to be somewhere where she's not always the one being stared at or talked about. Plus, she likes to visit her friend JiDae while he's at the host club and see how he's doing. Despite her hatred of attention, she still always acts bubbly and outgoing when it comes to talking to people, always the one to put a smile on your face!

Because of the Jeons various global companies, JinYeong and Jidae grew up knowing each other because of their fathers.
She knows how to play Violin, Cello, and Piano.

(Okie dokie, there's my visitor!)​
Name - Haru Li
Role - Visitor... sort of. Mostly just there for shits and giggles.
Grade - 2nd year
Age - 16
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Does it have a pulse? Then he'll take it.
Appearance -

Usually wears his hair braided, has a full sleeve and half chest piece of tattoos

Personality* -
You know how people say the hot ones are always crazy? Haru's probably the reason behind the stereotype. He can be a cocky and arrogant bastard, typical bad boy with an attitude. All he wants is to irritate, annoy and anger, then play like none of it was his fault. Although, this doesn't mean he's a bad person, mischef and shenanigans his just his forte. Although he may seem like the typical alpha personality... what he really wants is someone to not allow him to dominate so easily. Stand up to him, you'll be his best friend. Never know, may even find you attractive for it too.

As far as interests go, competitive gaming is his cup of tea, and he's damn good at it. Overwatch, League, Dota, you name it, he plays it and dumpsters people to the point he could feasibly go pro... and he has. Tailwind (is in game name) has become pretty well known for those who follow competitive play in both league of legends and an ADC and Overwatch as a DPS and his personality in game mirrors his personality off screen... Ballsy, antagonistic and cocky.

Brief History* - Haru was born into shady business and regrettably will die in shady business most likely. His mother was the wife of a Yakuza mob boss, and his path is already set in stone. He is to inherit a massive empire of blood money. Now if someone says he has a conscience, he'll deny it, but deep down, he really doesn't wish to be involved with Yakuza business. The prospect of having to have someone killed really doesn't appeal to him, he'll leave that to the real criminals.

Instead of that he took an interest in gaming. Due to his preference to stay as far away from his family as humanly possible, he found he had plenty of time to burn and that he had a talent for it. He spent years just playing his time away and eventually he got into streaming. Made decent money at it, but his real goal was tob get good enough to hit the pro gaming scene. At 15 he'd made it onto a staring out League of Legends team... and scared the hell out of everyone playing against him. Eventually he got signed to a bigger team and is now one of the rising stars. Which led him to Ouran High. It gave him an excuse to move away from home, and to continue playing with their e-sports club and was in close proximity to most gaming conventions.

So thus... here he is. To smash noobs, run it down mid and kick asses, all while being gorgeous.
Koharu Hayashi





Koharu is sweet-natured, loving, friendly, energetic, and childish. Koharu is seen generally as sweet and cute girl but then see you see her crazy in love side. Koharu is in love with someone and she tends to get a bit obsessive. She's not a yandere but she does tend to be a bit of a stalker sometimes and she'll kidnap her boy for dates. But she's pretty harmless. Koharu is also very strong and quite good in martial arts and cooking. She loves working at her guardians noodle shop. Koharu is also quite a smart girl as does get straight A's in school. She likes help tutor other students if needed be.

Brief History:
Koharu is not sure who her parents are or what happened to the, but she was left on the door step of a restaurant when she was a baby. Three brothers who owned the shop decided to take her in. She lived a pretty good life thought their were times Koharu wished she knew her parents. Especially her mother. She would tend feel down whenever she saw mother and daughters come in to the shop. Wondering what it would be like to have one. Other then that she didn't have much troubles. Just recently she transferred into Ouran High school. Now her reasoning for wanting to go? Well there is a old friend she hasn't seen in a while and she heard he was going to Ouran. Lucky for her she was able to get in. She can't wait to seem him! He's going to be so surprised! (I'll decide on the guy once I'm accepted)​
Takeomi Shiima

Procrastinated with Hostess applications despite having wanted to be one.
Is a Visitor.

Grade 2


Female. Appears androgynously male.


With her background as a psuedo-detective and being raised under a rough, law-bound household, Takeomi has a calm demeanor and tends to be completely unfazed by most events that occur, supported by an ocassionally twisted and dark sense of humour. Takeomi is able to see things objectively and not jump to conclusions immediately. She's almost eerily polite, referring to people exclusively by their last name. She holds some rather erratic habits however, tending to branch off topic easily and lose track of things. Takeomi has a peculiar speech pattern where she tends to list off-topic facts she finds interesting in the middle of the conversation, usually vaguely related to the topic.

A highly logical person with her line of work, her sense of just is a little more skewed than others. Unless it directly involves harm to herself or serves to be something that interests her, she won't involve herself in the affairs of other people unless it's to gain a reaction or absolve her of boredom.

Takeomi can be rather threatening if need-be. With a corrupt background, violence isn't something that she's completely foreign to. She has a habit of making overly-specific threats that sometimes make it hard to differ between sarcasm and complete seriousness. Nonetheless, she comes to be charismatic albeit morally deficient from time to time. She is highly influential and holds various police and criminal connections to get what she wants, making her rather tactful and manipulative if it serves her benefit. Takeomi typically remains cordial.

While it's not something she invests much in: she is a fan of cars and guns. Takeomi is a big fan of car racing and first person shooters, for being able to indulge in both without breaking the law.

Brief History
To keep it simple, her mother was a forensic artist while her father was a police officer. Her father was an assertive yet powerful man, and after a crime that caused the death of the head of the division, her father took over. His extremist views corrupted the police force filled with unecessary violence and bribery, all of which Takeomi took well part in.

Her mother attempted to do research on the crime that killed the head of the division, which unknowingly falsely accused a young man for the murder. The true felon had escaped unscathed while the officer's wife suffered a life sentence for the crime. Takeomi's mother detected this error years after the crime, though feared exposing the information to the public as it could risk her entire career and the safety of her family.

Enraptured with her father's work since she was a child, Takeomi often asked to get involved with anything that he did, looking up to her father greatly. Unknowing of the corrupt nature of the law enforcement he controlled, she was often involved with organized crime's for collecting bribes and going undercover to gain intelligence. It was only when she reached her teens she became more directly involved, assisting more in the tactical side of her father's work and on-scene arrests.

It's been a more recent development of Takeomi's life that her house had been set ablaze. The son of the woman who had been falsely accused of murdering the head of the metropolitan police learned of how Takeomi's mother had known that it was a false accusation for years, yet failed to do anything to release his mother from her life sentence. Her mother disappeared, and her father was in critical condition from the burn damage. Takeomi wasn't home at the time.

On orders of her recovering father, she was sent to live with a friend that worked in the Japan Metropolitan. Attending a prestigious school such as Ouran was also on her father's part, believing that if she were to attend such a prestigious school it would mask the corruption of the police force he had managed.

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Takeomi Shiima

Procrastinated with Hostess applications despite having wanted to be one.
Is a Visitor.

Grade 2


Female. Appears androgynously male.


View attachment 493799
With her background as a psuedo-detective and being raised under a rough, law-bound household, Takeomi has a calm demeanor and tends to be completely unfazed by most events that occur, supported by an ocassionally twisted and dark sense of humour. Takeomi is able to see things objectively and not jump to conclusions immediately. She's almost eerily polite, referring to people exclusively by their last name. She holds some rather erratic habits however, tending to branch off topic easily and lose track of things. Takeomi has a peculiar speech pattern where she tends to list off-topic facts she finds interesting in the middle of the conversation, usually vaguely related to the topic.

A highly logical person with her line of work, her sense of just is a little more skewed than others. Unless it directly involves harm to herself or serves to be something that interests her, she won't involve herself in the affairs of other people unless it's to gain a reaction or absolve her of boredom.

Takeomi can be rather threatening if need-be. With a corrupt background, violence isn't something that she's completely foreign to. She has a habit of making overly-specific threats that sometimes make it hard to differ between sarcasm and complete seriousness. Nonetheless, she comes to be charismatic albeit morally deficient from time to time. She is highly influential and holds various police and criminal connections to get what she wants, making her rather tactful and manipulative if it serves her benefit. Takeomi typically remains cordial.

While it's not something she invests much in: she is a fan of cars and guns. Takeomi is a big fan of car racing and first person shooters, for being able to indulge in both without breaking the law.

Brief History
To keep it simple, her mother was a forensic artist while her father was a police officer. Her father was an assertive yet powerful man, and after a crime that caused the death of the head of the division, her father took over. His extremist views corrupted the police force filled with unecessary violence and bribery, all of which Takeomi took well part in.

Her mother attempted to do research on the crime that killed the head of the division, which unknowingly falsely accused a young man for the murder. The true felon had escaped unscathed while the officer's wife suffered a life sentence for the crime. Takeomi's mother detected this error years after the crime, though feared exposing the information to the public as it could risk her entire career and the safety of her family.

Enraptured with her father's work since she was a child, Takeomi often asked to get involved with anything that he did, looking up to her father greatly. Unknowing of the corrupt nature of the law enforcement he controlled, she was often involved with organized crime's for collecting bribes and going undercover to gain intelligence. It was only when she reached her teens she became more directly involved, assisting more in the tactical side of her father's work and on-scene arrests.

It's been a more recent development of Takeomi's life that her house had been set ablaze. The son of the woman who had been falsely accused of murdering the head of the metropolitan police learned of how Takeomi's mother had known that it was a false accusation for years, yet failed to do anything to release his mother from her life sentence. Her mother disappeared, and her father was in critical condition from the burn damage. Takeomi wasn't home at the time.

On orders of her recovering father, she was sent to live with a friend that worked in the Japan Metropolitan. Attending a prestigious school such as Ouran was also on her father's part, believing that if she were to attend such a prestigious school it would mask the corruption of the police force he had managed.

Accepted! Feel free to post in the In Character Thread and to join the Discord if you haven't already ^.^

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