~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay with Demonic911

i step back and shield my face, as if used to getting hit by now, he look up at you but stand by ground, i wanted to hug him, but he might kill me right here right now, he could restrict my body and kill me slowly. "Y-yes you do!" i say moving away slightly pressing myself against the cold, white wall.
(lol the slang word stank)

i look him right in the eye, his breath making my eyes water slightly but i put my hands on your chest, preventing you from getting any closer, barely any space separating us "Then you are your father." he said , looking you right in the eyes.
i smile, and push him slightly, testing his will "No, you are and you know it." i growl 
(dont you have school or something?? its only 4:14 here, we are 8 hour difference.)
I stayed where I was.

"I'm am not!" I hissed. Deep down, I knew I was... But I couldn't admit it.. 
(, no, I'm not in tomorrow. I'm going to the beach)

I push you again slightly, my eyes bright, i was surprised i hadn't been punched or pushed exactly.
(Naaaw, ill take a photo for you )

I growled as she pushed me.

"Push me one more time, I will break both if your arms!!" I growled
I looked at your threat as empty, you wouldn't do it, i smiled "I dare you !" i teased, i looked at it like a type of game, i nudged you back slightly, a very soft push, and i shove past you and run across the room, i smile brightly.
i yank my arms against myself and i kick at you slightly, my eyes bright, i was older, smaller, more fragile, but i could fight still, push against you i giggled softly, not seeing your threat as frightening.
i growl softly in pain but smile, i try to free my arms and i blush softly, i hold my arms against me, and look at you then turn my face away, i bite my lip softly and kick at you slightly harder, not wanting to be hurt, or to hurt you, yet i loved pestering you.
i growl, i only wanted to play with him, i lean up and bit your arm hard, and yank my arm back against my body "NO!" I snap and hold my arms against me refusing to move them, i look up at you, i felt like a small child under you
i quirk my eye brows "You were hurting me!" i pout then crawl onto your bed and sit there, i smile up at you, if i couldn't get through with seriousness, then ill do it with childishness, i grabbed the pillow and threw it at you and smiled playfully.

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