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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Sorry I have taken so long to respond, I have been doing a lot of traveling through areas with bad reception. I'll be able to respond in the evenings and at night using my phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Mercer said:
Sorry I have taken so long to respond, I have been doing a lot of traveling through areas with bad reception. I'll be able to respond in the evenings and at night using my phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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You're fine, besides after Sunday of this week I'll be absent from here for a week due to traveling and such.
Sorry I have taken so long to respond. I have been very busy with a shooting competition so my brain gets fried.

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Mercer said:
Sorry I have taken so long to respond. I have been very busy with a shooting competition so my brain gets fried.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Its fine. I haven't really had a muse so xD

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