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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

(@Huntrey, you're good. He's probably one of if not the best PVP players in the game due to his background on fencing. However he enjoys PVE and is not a fan of PVP at all. I haven't touched on the incidents where he got the name but I'll get there soon.)

Mercer smiled and took the man's hand. He obviously was a guild leader based on his entourage of players in gold behind him. The sword on his back was of the two handed variant. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, though I doubt I'll see much of you. It is my friend here who specializes in two handed weaponry and leading men, though Ill show you what I can. If someone in your group is a solo or rogue player I'd be able to train them better. No matter what, I hope you are by our side during the next boss fight."

Mercer turned towards the conversation that the Bloody Reaper was having and was happy to hear of his skills, "Ah good! You are a rogue style player are you not, I could actually use some help training the rooks in that style. I'm more of a swashbuckler subclass."
"I'll do my best although my style may not be the easiest to follow not really sure what you'd call it" he said rubbing his neck. "I guess you could call it random , it's nothing refined like you guys" he stated with a small smile
"Hell, anything helps. Aincrad is a big world with a lot of different enemies. I know that I haven't fought all types. Any experiences that you have had would be invaluable to new players. How to deal with certain enemies, good spots for hunting, even what stores to buy from. It is all useful. You are going to be a huge help." Mercer said. He thought that the man's face looked slightly familiar. Mercer offered out his hand for the man to take. "I'm Mercer by the way, what is your name?"
GODDESS: Goddess clapped her hands together happily. "Great, thanks!" she says, giving him her specialty surprise-hug from behind. "Say, where are we going?" she asks as she finally gets off of him.
Taking Mercer's hand Hazuku said "I'm usually called Psayer kinda like Sire but I think I'm mostly known as" he paused deciding whther or not tellijg Mercer was a good idea. "There shouldn't be a problem telling him" he thought. Lowering his voice to a whisper he gets closer to Mercer and says "Psycho Slayer".
(@Mercer, Eh, I doubt the top tier in the whole game, but it's just a character inference as far as the name. I'm sure his nickname has a connection to the beta, previous games, or something on those lines, but again, just an inference.)

Haruto shook the man's hand, "Well, I can bet you'll still manage to teach me something tomorrow.". With that the man turned back to his beta testers, and Haruto returned back to his followers. Looking over each, Haruto realized that although he had given them shoulder marks of gold; they weren't in his guild yet. Haruto was serious with guilds, using them to form hierarchy systems so that order was in place, but this was different.

This was a game of life and death, meaning the people in power would ultimately be in charge of lives. Which led Haruto to his next thought; if he created a guild, could he account for their lives? Course it wouldn't be directly his fault, but if they died as his followers then they died under him. Haruto looked down at the youngest with him, deciding it be best to wait a bit before inviting them to the guild.

They crouched down, the group of followers tired from the adventure of the day and the news of the evening. Haruto waved to his group, letting them know he'll be back soon and headed towards the main town. Haruto wanted to rely on more then just beta testers, at least in his guild or on his friend list. Not to mention that the betas seemed to keep to themselves, leaving Haruto hands that weren't working.
Ryuji started getting all nervous again once his new friend attacked him with a surprise hug, but that started to go away after she got off of him. He looked around the square, then opened his menu and looked at his Col. He didn't pick up any that fell from the sky, so he had a little over 5000 left. Probably enough for an inn. He scratched his chin as he closed the menu, trying to remember where a cheapish inn was.

"Idunno about you, but I'm goingnto find an inn for tonight. It's getting late and I'm tired. Plus, I want to go to the Colliseum tomorrow and teach some of the newbies a thing or two about agility and acrobatics."
Sofia watched the two beta testers up front and smiled at their speeches. Sure her meeting with her guild may have gave them some motivation, but she could tell after their guild members listening to the beta testers, that they had true hope. Sofia touched one of the youngest shoulders and nodded. Half of the guild ran off to the front to ask questions and find out when they had to be there.

Commander Mirito leaned against the wall and said, "I guess we should stay at an inn for a few days then we can head out." Sofia nodded and checked her inventory. She closed her menu and asked, "Commander?"

Mirito looked up and said, "Hm?" Sofia turned to Mirito and asked, "When you go off to go with that group to fight the bosses, can I go too?"

Mirito smiled and walked over. "If we have room." Sofia looked back at the group and sighed. Mirito leaned against the wall again and messed with the necklace she received.
Acelynn was buzzing with energy at the fact so many people wished to join the training, her only problem right now was..well figuring out how to train everyone. She wold surely take all the tank like builds, Mercer would take the more rouge like types..but still that left open a lot of other options..Acelynn shook her head a bit a let out a soft sigh. "Mercer! I'm going to find an Inn. Message me the place for dinner and I'll met you there." She called to him, then turned from the group and walked off, her mind hard at work trying to figure out just how they were going to train everyone.

((@Kawaii Centipede I need your In-Game information before you jump in.))
Mercer understood why he said his name quietly, he was a fairly well known solo player. Being one himself, he knew that solo players did not like to throw their identities around wherever the went."Yet another well known beta tester decides to offer his help. We are all glad to have you on board." He whispered back. He let go of the other man's hand and opened his menu. "Here's a friend request, we can use it contact each other in the morning. The Blood Reaper and I have yet to figure out some details for tomorrow. We'll need to be able to contact each other until this is over. When it is you can delete it if you want, or perhaps we venture together in the future sometime. The choice is yours." Mercer sighed, "Now if you'd excuse me, its been a long day for everyone and we should all get some rest. I'll see you all tomorrow."

Mercer heard Reaper speak, "Sounds good," he replied. Mercer was then off to go find a decent inn. He had never stayed in one before, always opting to camp out in the country side. He had been pooling his money hoping to buy a cheap house, and he was only one boss fight away. Still he found an inn with a lower rate and rented the room. It was nothing special, just a bed, a nightstand, and a chest for gear. All of which were fashioned out of unpainted wood. He found the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He didn't feel like changing clothes as they were already fancy enough. He wore an ashen grey coat with reddish trimming, over a dark maroon shirt. On his lower half he wore a pair of black pants, accompanied by black boots. All he did to look nice was try to style his hair so it wasn't a compete mess. He finally left the hotel and found a decent restaurant. It wasn't very packed as most players were still to busy panicking or trying to buy supplies to eat. Mercer fired off a message to Reaper and then sat down to wait.
Nodding at Mercer's words Hazuku assured him he would help out. After this he went on his own to also find an inn nearby after accepting the friend request.
Ryuji noticed Mercer walking out of the inn he was just thinking about and waved to him, also calling his name.

"Mercer! Yo, Mercer! I had a question for you!"
After perchasing a room at a small inn, Acelynn received Mercer's message and tarted on her way there, though in all honesty, if anyone to really look at her, they'd see he was being rather slow, her long-ish white hair blowing in a breeze along with a bit of her dress. Acelynn's mind seemed to run with thoughts as she made her way around town, not yet wanting to get to Mercer right away. I wonder..what's going on at home..maybe Vinnie is alright and ha decided to pend time over at his brother-in-law's house..yeah. Surely he would. He loves it there. Though I wonder what's happening to my body at home...A bit of fear flashed through her body as she had a terrible memory resurface, but she pushed it aside. No. Not now. She thought to herself as she continued walking, her mind ever lot in thought.
Mercer heard someone calling his name. He looked around to try and see who it was addressing him. It seemed that the one who was signaling him was the man he met earlier "Ah yes, Phoenix was it? What is it that you need to know? Tell you what, I'm waiting for someone at this restaurant. Why don't I buy you a drink and we can talk inside?"

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((Basically where we are, is a meeting was just held to talk about training because the announcement that if you die in the game you die in real life was made. We're still in the town of beginnings and everyone is just kinda doin their own thing at the moment c:))
Raiden was walking around with his sword hanging from his belt. Raiden purchased some potions and a room at the inn. Raiden couldn't believe that he would die in real life if he died here. What is the point of this. To make it more realistic? He could have made it so that if you die in the game you wake up in the real world and couldn't log back into the game. Raiden used to like to creator, he thought that he was a genius. No it just turns out that he is just a lunatic with a big brain.
Ryuji nodded and motioned with his hand for Mercer to lead the way. He was anxious to see if he could help, but he remembered Goddess behind him.

"And if it isn't too much trouble, could my ,ah, friend come along too?"
Roth had been lazily wandering around for who knows how long, he completely lost track of time and before he knew it he had found himself lost. "Oh come on, wasn't I just here a minuet ago, uuuggghhhhh." He opened up his menu and pulled up a small map and held it in front of him and started walking around before he bumped into someone. "Oops, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, I just got lost, again, for the fifth time, in the last hour. Anyways...." He said looking at her user name "Bloody Reaper, could you help me turn in a quest of mine, I can't remember who I turn it in to."

Mercer shrugged, he had a few minutes to spare. "It couldn't hurt. Like I said I'm waiting on someone anyways." He waved towards the bartender and ordered three drinks, non alcoholic of course. He'd been instructed by someone in a hangover once, he rather not share the experience with others. "Alright," he said, "ask away."

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Goddess was right behind Ryuji, hoping that they would be able to find a way to get out of this hell. That was all she had ever been thinking about, though she knew it would be impossible without the help of other players. Looking at Mercer, she noticed he was quite the pro, but she also had a feeling he was a good guy.

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