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Realistic or Modern Welcome To Shearport


Could've sworn I had Hedge Gate Sense. Ah well.


Sackcloth grumbles under his cloak, looking about for any signs of the way they came. Nothing. He buries his button eyes into the backs of his knees and his wh0le body sags.

The goblin merchant is still there, a little bemused.

"I see you're fond of all kinds of lost things. I.....can perhaps lower my price a little?"

His eye has a twinkle in it, and you get the sense that he's not fucking around.

You do have a piece of lost, stolen jewelry on you (it's that golden watch chain) and a bunch of dirty quarters, enough to meet the lower price he's charging you. It'll cut a little into your candy money, though.

Everyone trying to find a way out of the market

Well. Ain't that a thing.

The goblins, some tall, some short, some stocky, some slender, have produced, of all things, rollers from somewhere, and are rolling nice smooth little paths along the lines of stalls.

Goblin children are swinging madly from poles, stringing bunting behind them as they go.

There's a stall of huge fish hooks, with a colourful sign advertising that they're great for catching elusive dreams of the future.

Over there there's a stall of finery, dating from the fifties to the fourteen-fifties.

A band of raccoons wearing waistcoats are sitting on enormous barrels of some kind of ale, and are selling it by the mug.

And....there are three paths out of the market, none of which appear to be the one you lot arrived by.

The one to the south of you, by the raccoon bootleggers, seems to be the closest to where your point of entry was.
Red- The edge of the market

Red grunted when searches for their path didn’t seem to turn up quite the right one. Not much to do but pick one and get going. ”We can find the right way once we’re out of the woods,” he decided, hefting the wounded furball with one arm while the other held Melanie’s hand/paw. ”Hood,” he nodded in the direction of the bootleggers as he got walking that way.

Well... Not like he had any better ideas. Sighing heavily, Sackcloth moves to get to his feet and follows Red quietly along.
Lita the Magpie

Lita rummaged in her many pockets and came out with a battered watch and chain. Next came a nine volt battery, a windup car, a bracelet with something that looked suspiciously like a ruby, a tassel and, finally, a handful of old quarters. The rest she stowed back away and presented the watch and quarters to the merchant, then, after a moments thought, "want a taffy?".


Frowning into the thorns, she turns to follow Red and Sackcloth before stopping short -

"Lita!" she calls, "we need to leave now, and get these children home."

The Fireling is wasting no time, he's heading out of the Hedge as soon as he can, following Red and Sackcloth. Keeping an eye sideways on the fuzzy urchins and that head wound like a concerned older sibling.

More so than he ever did with his own flesh and blood. How bout that...

The Hedge is dim, in shades of red and dusty gold. The storm passed, and left leaves tossed here and there, impaled on the thorns.

However....with a little bloodyminded ness, the gate back out appears from beyond a curve in the path. Hard to know how long you've been gone, in the Hedge....

Frowning and grumbling, Hood leads the kids and the rest of the motley towards the gate.

I should have thought, should've insisted, but no, now we've gone and dropped ourselves in the shitter...

Hopefully little more or little less than this misadventure should take, but you can never tell.

Passing through the gate is...interesting. The children cling to Hood and Red, and won't look at the sky or look around much. Hustling them across the garden and into the kitchen looks to be the best option. God knows what big Auntie Ogre Peg will think.

"You'll meet a woman in our kitchen," she begins, speaking to the children "but don't be afraid; she's a friend of ours. Now. Are any of you hungry?"
---> Sage

Melanie, always the bravest or at least the most outspoken, looks the rather creepy old doll lady in the eye and nods. She's still clinging to Hood's jacket.

"Pea'butter jelly? Can I'vea sandwich?"

The fireling grins at Melanie.

"I'm a Chef," he prods a thumb at his chest proudly, "And I can make you the best peanut butter sandwiches ever,"

No lie either. If you don't like my peanut butter sammiches you can get out my face~

Lucas sees no reason to say more, and makes a beeline for the kitchen at least partly in the hopes the child will decouple from his coat.

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