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Realistic or Modern Welcome To Shearport

Zach - The Hedge

"Well, way I see it, we have two options. Try to track from the path, or leave and follow through the Hedge,"

His face is a scrunched up ball of concentration, "Either choice, we stick together. No leaving sides. Heck I'm willing to hold hands~"

He makes wiggling motions with his fingers, trying - perhaps in vain - to keep the situation as light as he could.

"Better make it quick too. Staying in one place doesn't help. I'll coin toss it if it comes down to it..."
Lita the Magpie - Up the Tree

Lita, meanwhile, bored with the debate, had started moving along the branch. It couldn't hurt to just take a little look...
Sackcloth - Following Red

"Decision's made!" Sackcloth calls back to Zach as he moves to follow Red out into the thorns. "Better or worse, hither or thither, at least blame the wolf instead of just dither."

Sackcloth doesn't like the thorns. Doesn't like following creepy beasties, for that matter. Of course, he was a creepy beastie in his own way, which was probably why he wasn't following himself right now and, instead, was following a creepy beastie.

He was sure that worked out, somehow.

Grimly determined to determine grim things, the brownie winces as thorns cut into his burlap, and he leaves behind little dribbles of red ink that spreads out into Mandelbrot spirals on the thorns. A small price to pay to make sure his home is safe and secure...

... And to rescue a child in distress, Robert dimly notes somewhere.
---> All Y'all

The weather's getting worse. Those who are tramping through the dense undergrowth may not be the first to notice, mind, but those who stayed on the path (walking parallel, roughly, less than a dozen yards from the scuff marks and broken twigs through the trees) will feel fat raindrops falling. Randomly, scattered, one a minute, two a minute, three at once, five in as many seconds, pitter patter.

The wind rises, and the thorns on the foliage around you whip at the air.

Those who are following the trail off the path, you're now separated from the trod by about a dozen yards. You can't see it, but you can hear those on the path, and know the direction.

Also, either take a point of Bashing damage (from getting whacked with twigs and scratched by thorns, and general aggravation of pushing through a landscape that doesn't like you) or lose a point of Glamour. The Hedge is hungry.
Zach - On the Path

He fireheart shivers. Even for the most obvious of reasons of being a flickering flame in an oncoming rainstorm. He might never feel the cold much, but the rain, he always hated. He throws the hood of his jacket up and glowers.

I'd say take shelter, but there is no shelter to be had in the Hedge...

"Let's get moving. There are better places to be than here..."

Least if it starts to get really dark I can light a fire...

-The Hedge-

The Hedge tugged and tore, but didn’t draw blood. Still, Red could feel the drain as they sapped something almost as vital. Not long after he left the path, he heard the sky rumble and grumble, but he just snuffled and pressed on. When Lita called down to him, he answered ”Keep me on track; it’s thick down here.” Sackcloth’s rhyme earned a growling chuckle.

A droplet landed on his ear, and Red frowned up at the sky in Lita’s general direction. ”Keep close,” he advised as he continued along the path. The weather would only make the hunt more difficult, but he showed no signs of stopping on account of rain.

Gonna have Red lose a point of glamour instead of health. Down to 4.

She flicks her umbrella open, careful not to set it alight on the elemental next to her.

"We might have to return later; I have a bad feeling about this storm. Have one more look around, then come back."
Lucas Hood

Hood growls and tiny autumnal leaves detach in the breeze. He peers into the foliage and thorns where the others' voices can be heard.

He's wondering vaguely how much longer they intend to remain amid the Thorns and whether his oath requires him to go in and drag them if they get too wounded.

Storm's coming. No upstanding Quilty man is going to hang back when kids are innocents are threatened by foul weather. Mind made up, he steps into the thorns, harpoon held ready.

As another member of the group disappears into the wrathful foliage, he pouts, glancing down at the little Darkling alongside him, before deciding to offer her the crook of his arm, "Shall we go?"

He motions after them, not wanting to be split, even if it is inside the Hedge, "I can carry you over the roots if you need me to~"

Competitive Granny Backpacking... Hee hee.

At the first few droplets of rain, Sackcloth just gives a heavy sigh and soldiers on. Unbuttoning a pouch on his belt, he draws out a neatly folded weather poncho, which might have once been a simple and plain affair but now is a tatterdemalion possessed of the usual beauty such things possess after time in the brownie's stewardship. Scratched to shreds along the edges, tiny bits inevitably get left upon the Thorns and are replaced with time.

For now, Sackcloth dons his cloak and hood and carries on walking, leaving behind a trail of not-blood and fabric.

Spending the point of bashing damage. I'd rather not be short the glamour if I need to be creative.
In The Hedge

The skies open and the rain begins to fall in earnest. The carpet of leaves becomes a sodden brown rug squelching underfoot, as the wind blows the rain at an angle. About the best that can be said is that it's wet, but not terribly cold. Between the rain and the wind, it's hard to make out, but folks might start to hear something that sounds like a horn, blaring desperately over the storm.

Off the path, to a little distance, there's...what the hell is that noise?

I would like folks to make a Wits + Composure roll, at a -2.
Zach - The Hedge

He looks every bit as disgruntled as his hedgebeast fluffbutt dog at being left out in the rain, subconsciously trying to huddle under Granny Sage's umbrella without singeing it. His hair spitting angrily at the falling raindrops, leaving trails of smoke.

"Not gooOOOoooOOOood!" he yodels over the deafening winds, "I'd like to call for a group hug pleEEEeeEEEaaAAaaseee!"


Bitter as a sour almond, Sackcloth glares at the pissing rain as if the adjective were literal. His fabric shell slowly changes colour under the growing deluge, turning a deeper shades as he absorbs the damp. Soldiering on, he marches even as the briar whips about and takes more chunks from his clothes and fabric.

"Hold onto your knickers, brief candle! And hold onto this, too, while you're at it!" He calls over the storm as best he can, and pulls from his belt a coil of thin, flexible wire; the kind used for binding things together while a repair is being made and a third hand is needed. Uncoiling it like a rope, he offers it forward and back, so that the group can make a daisy-chain and keep from being cast asunder amid this interminable weather.


Sighing a little, she begins picking her way through the thorns with Zach, holding her umbrella above the both of them. Stepping off the path is usually not such a good idea...but strength in numbers has to count for something, right?

She stands up on tiptoe upon hearing the noise, but can't quite see yet.

"Could you grab the wire, Zack dear? It wouldn't do to get separated. I'll wrestle with the umbrella."

Lucas Hood

Snorting, frowning, Lucas' foliage deepens, his features scored and distorted into more of a bestial snout. He follows Sage and takes the rope. Disapproval rolls off him in waves.

Liam - Just off the path

You call this rain? It's not even horizontal. Still though, it's not the townies' fault they can't take a bit of wet. He falls back to Sage and Zach, tying the rope around his waist.

"Grand day for it, isn't it?" he says, grinning.

Lita the Magpie - Up the Tree

Lita ran lightly along the top of the branch, following the tracks. Every once in a while, she'd turn and look over her shoulder back at the path. She listened to the sound of the others moving through the brush below her, occasionally calling down to keep them on track. Hearing the horn she starts like a startled bird. "Um...guys..." she calls down, starting to look for somewhere to shimmy down.

There's a banging, scraping sound in the trees off to the right of the trod. It's that sort of sound which is distant, but big.


Like everybody else, you hear the banging sound, but you also notice that there's a curious sort of hollow, booming, metallic noise behind it, and what sounds like someone blowing a whistle. A big whistle.



Your awesome new watch starts chiming, and the cover pops open a little. It's now We Are Here o'clock.

-The Hedge-

Red pulled the hood of his coat up against the rain, but gave it no other satisfaction. Sackcloth’s offer of the wire was well appreciated, and Red coiled his end of the cord around his hand a few times, waiting for the group to lash themselves together before he got back to following Lita and what path was still there as the storm set in. If the storm got too strong, the trail would be blown away…Nothing to do but try and reach the end before it was erased.

At least, that was the priority until he heard the horn. Red’s pointed, fuzzy ears twitched, and he looked off to the right of the path. He called up to the Magpie over the noise of storm and horn. ”Can you see what that is?” Unlikely in the Hedge, but she was in a better position than they. He loosened his grasp on the wire, wary of having to move quicker than a chain gang…

Sorry it’s a bit late; it’s been a busy week…

She tries to make sense of the noise, willing the Hedge to impart the knowledge of what she can't yet see.

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Oh, dear.

There are a bunch of trees being smashed to the ground by a very large metallic thing, which, when you get right down to it, looks a bit like a hull.

Which is to say, there's a boat coming crashing to a stop in the Hedge, and making its own clearing. The thing is swarming with smallish bodies.
Zach - In the Hedge. Getting rather damp.

"Thanks, Sack!" he hollers, taking the leash in hand and knotting it to his belt as best he can with his sopping fingers, before turning to Liam behind him, brows and voice raised in a falsetto, "Indeed! Quite a spiffing day, if I do say so myself, old chap!" He mimics the motion of a large pipe in his mouth. Always the optimist.

"Please excuse the hands, Sage," he notes, wrapping the same knot to the tie on her little grannie coat.

"Okay, all good!" he announces, more for his own reassurance than anything else.

"It's a boat...?" she says to almost no-one in particular, almost amazed, as Zach fiddles with her coat.

"Out of its path!" she yells, coming back to her surroundings suddenly, beginning to push the elemental sideways.

"Over this way! Lita; get out of that tree before it gets knocked over!"
*peep peep*

*peeeeep peeeeeeep*

The sound of multiple whistles being blown quite hard can now be made out over the roaring of the wind, as well as a rumbling, rattle sound. It's getting a bit closer now.

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