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Realistic or Modern Welcome to New York. (1924 mafia RP)


See past the darkness, and view the light.
Godfathers taken:

Italian: Morbuskid





No god modding

Don't be a bitch if something doesn't work in your favor (act it, don't do it)

No killing without permission from character owner and no double posting so you get the advantage in a fight.

Romance is allowed but fade to black if it gets too dirty.

You can't go around killing every pedestrian you see, you have to atleast have a reason to kill a person who is not important to the storyline.

Anime pics are allowed but they must at least be realistic.

No armored cars or tanks as vehicles.

No weapons that are beyond the timeline of the 1920's

Finally I have little faith in this taking off but if you do join then have fun.
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Can we get a roster for these families?

So far, we have:

Italian Family

Dallas Melia Veneto - Godfather - Morbuskid

Armando Cristoforo - Hitman - Morbuskid

Irish Family

Aiden O'Niall - Godfather - Valor Green

Ciara MacAvoy - Hitman - Blarg22

Connor O'Neil - Associate - ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Sicilian Family

Cecilia - Godfather's daughter - Mia Moulop

Jewish Family

[QUOTE="Valor Green]Can we get a roster for these families?
So far, we have:

Italian Family

Dallas Melia Veneto - Godfather - Morbuskid

Armando Cristoforo - Hitman - Morbuskid

Irish Family

Aiden O'Niall - Godfather - Valor Green

Ciara MacAvoy - Hitman - Blarg22

Connor O'Neil - Associate - ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Sicilian Family

Cecilia - Godfather's daughter - Mia Moulop

Jewish Family


There is one in Out of Character chat. But I have to put down Family Members.

Never mind I guess you got it.
Seeing that I am having a Major Writer's Block, I wonder where I should start.
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Seeing that I am having a Major Writer's Block, I wonder where I should start.

Actually I had to start off big, you can take it easy.
Hey can I take over the Irish Godfahrer role because the person who's playing it hasn't been on and we need him to advance the plot.
Blarg222 said:
Hey can I take over the Irish Godfahrer role because the person who's playing it hasn't been on and we need him to advance the plot.
Sure, if they do decide to come back then they can take over unless you want to keep it.
So I just joined in. I think it's safe to say that based off of the numbers looks like the club is the popular spot to be at right now?

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