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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Dear student,

We have taken the liberty of evaluating your acceptance letter for Kinoshi High. We are pleased to congratulate you in being accepted to this school. Kinoshi High only accepts the best of the best to attend this school, because once that student graduates it will not take long for them to find the right college to take them in since Kinoshi High gives great recommendations. It is greatly known throughout the magic community and has been running for about 99 years now and has held up it's standards for students as well as teachers. Kinoshi High provides it's students with the best education that our teachers can teach. Kinoshi High is a school for the specially gifted students, we provide a safe environment, a lot of curriculums that will help the student accelerate in life by using their powers/abilities wisely. Our curriculum is mainly based around two things that every student will need to take in order to graduate and that is Power Controlling and Combat Class.

Kinoshi High is surrounded by the thick forest and protected by a barrier and only students of Kinoshi High can enter and exit. To come in and out of the barrier on the first day you will receive a special stamp outside of the gates of Kinoshi High, this stamp is a magic stamp that cannot be rinsed off with water. It will last on your skin (whichever place on your body you choose) for the rest of your stay here. Humans of the outside world cannot see the stamp, only beings of magical powers can see it.

We hope to see you on August 18th of this year, please bring your books which should have came in the mail as well as your schedule and other necessities in order to have a fantastic year!

Have a safe and wonderful year while you are here with us at Kinoshi High!


Headmistress Kiyokashami

Headmaster Yukio

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: Girls dorm

Interaction: Nobody yet

Tag: @The Unamed Beast


Moka woke up on her first day of school pretty early, it was about 6:30am in the morning. Nobody was up yet she thought to herself, but all last night she couldn't sleep with knowing the fact that she had to start school with a whole bunch of new people at a new school. Moka had something to prove to her mother and she intended on finishing this school next year with all her requirements filled. Moka got up from bed and stretched, she looked over to the side and saw that her roommate Raven was still sleeping soundlessly. Moka didn't want to wake her up so she quietly got up and went over to the closet to get her uniform.​
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Name: Raven

Location: Girls Dorm

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt

Raven sighed as she grudgingly woke up. She did not like the morning due to light. "Ugh..... what time is it..... and more iportantly, is the sun out?" she asked as she rose out of bed. Her hair was a mess as she looked around. "Would it be against school code if I wore y hood with my uniform...." she said as she stood up with a large yawn. She hated the sun light and wanted to be protected from it.
Name: Samuel J. Penthaghast

Location: Teachers Dorm/Mess Hall.

Interaction: Nein

Tag: N/A

Sam let out a long yawn as he stood upright abruptly, looking at the clock, it read "5:29:45". With only Fifteen seconds left tell his alarm went off he turned it off, getting out of his large bed. Slowly making his way towards the bathroom, he turned the shower on, brushing his teeth while waiting for the water to get hot. After his shower he scratched his head, offering a lazy smile to the mirror as he fixed his hair into a semi neat style, well, semi-neat for how long his hair was. It was 5:45 am, and to kill time he went on a run, it was still a bit dark outside and quite chilly, but Sam didn't mind it. After his light run he returned to his room, getting dressed into his trademark outfit. Black everything, shoes, shirt, pants, the whole shebang. Looking at the clock it read 6:30 now, which made him promptly leave his room and head to the cafeteria for breakfast. Upon arriving to the cafeteria, he got a simple bowl of Korn Flakes, talking to one of the cafeteria staff, a broad smile on his face.(Long post, sorry, but I like to be a tad detailed with my first few posts)
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: Girls dorm

Tag: @The Unamed Beast

"It's not up yet, you can go back to sleep I guess. I'm going to go and take a quick bath before we start school," Moka said as she yawned and struggled to walk back to the hook that was on the wall and grab her robe. Moka held her robe in her hand as she turned to Raven,"I see no harm in wearing a hoodie to school so I guess it's fine. If you want to join me, your more then welcome to." Moka said but she knew that Raven was probably going to go back to sleep.

Raven Sighed. "I am up now aren't I?" she asked/ said with a bit of a chuckle. She was definitely not a morning person, nor was she a day person, but when do souls ever rest. "Where too?" she looked confused again as she grabbed her hoodie and her uniform. "I might as well come along"

sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Location: Girls dorm

Tag: @The Unamed Beast

"It's not up yet, you can go back to sleep I guess. I'm going to go and take a quick bath before we start school," Moka said as she yawned and struggled to walk back to the hook that was on the wall and grab her robe. Moka held her robe in her hand as she turned to Raven,"I see no harm in wearing a hoodie to school so I guess it's fine. If you want to join me, your more then welcome to." Moka said but she knew that Raven was probably going to go back to sleep.


Ender Egotarum

Location: Dorm

Interaction: No one... yet

Tags: @


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Ender's phone vibrated against the nightstand next to his bed and he awoke with a start. After turning the alarm off, he went and looked at the time. It was only 6:00, and he sat up in his bed for at least 10 minutes contemplating whether to get up or not. He then decided that going back to sleep would be the best option and he got back under the covers and went back to sleep.

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Name: nyveria bloodsoul

Location: girls dorm 3

Interaction her pet opal (seen in CS for those who do not know)

Tag: @Flame Demon

Nyveria awoke at five forty nine am. Not knowing if her new roommate was awake or asleep she got up quietly and dressed into her uniform. Which surprisingly she really liked. And tapped her pet known as opal and whispered. "Opal...come on sweetie...time to wake up..." she spike calmly. Opals wing crystals glowed a calm blue color in response and silently but happily flied carefully around nyveria head. "So lady nyveria" opal whispered. "What do you think the food will be like here?" She asked curiously. "I do not know....im still nervous opal..with mom being gone away..and the rest of our family dead...we have had to travel around a great deal...letd just hope the other beings here are more friendly than the last academy..." opal blinked in understanding and her face changed to two snake like eyes With a frog like tongue that had a snake like mouth at its end. "As you wish...lets get to the breakfast area...im so hungry already..." opal stated and nyveria nodded. She hoped she could wait near the mess hall and read her science books which she had bought before being transferred into the academy. And so whike waiting nyveria opened up a book about snakes which snakes among spiders and fish were her favorite creatures and opal hovered silently above her reading with nyveria.

@sprouhtt (I hope this is detailed enough....its my entire intro entry in one big sitting...)
Name : Setsuna Gregory

Location: Boy's dorm

Interaction: Samuel

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Sage woke up with his hair completely perfect and his face was as attractive as ever. The alarm clock rang and Setsuna woke up from his great dream. He got up slowly and growled as the light that came from his window. " Dumb clock. " Setsuna muttered as he glared murderously at the screeching object. With a heavy hand , Setsuna slammed the clock to stop it before he got out of bed to get ready.

He left the dorm room and ran his hand through his hair after he got ready for the day. He arrived at the cafeteria and got a energy drink and a cheese sandwich before he noticed the teacher. " Good morning Mr.Samuel " Setsuna said politely with a bow.
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Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna

Tag: @djinnamon

Samuel continued to eat his Korn Flakes before noticing Setsuna before he walked into the Cafeteria. Continuing his conversation with the cafeteria worker before offering her a small wave and walked away. As Setsuna offered a bow and greeted him he offered a chuckle, ruffling the Kid's long hair a bit, "Good morning, Setsuna. I see you're ready for school and everything. Just don't fall asleep in my class, got it? Oh, and make sure to bring some paper, you'll need it today." He offered a grin, it was a pure white one. Finishing his Korn Flakes he leaned against the wall, "Ready for this year?"
(you guys sure must be hungry since you're at the cafeteria early lol)

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: Girls dorm

Tag: @The Unamed Beast

"I'm going to the communal showers to go and taking a bath, I haven't been able to sleep all night last night." Moka said with a sigh as she ran her hand through her hair and opened the door of the dorm room that they shared and she waited for Raven. Moka had heard that Raven was bisexual but she didn't let it bother her at all. Moka thought Raven seemed pretty chill and down to earth so sharing a room with her would be a blast.


Location: Arriving at the school

Interaction: None yet

Tag:@who ever

Ronnie was so excited about going to this new school , he got up yearly, got dressed, packed what he needed and ran the enters entire way to school. While running he trips over his own two feet and lands near some one/people.
Name: Setsuna

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Samuel

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Setsuna blushed as the man ruffled his hair , he suddenly felt like a 5 year old again which was embarrassing but also a bit comforting in a way. He looked up and shake his head. " I would never fall asleep in any class. " He said as the blush deepen when the teacher smiled. " How much work are you gonna give us. " Setsuna asked grimly as he a wave of dread ran down his spine. " I'm ready for this year. " He said

Name: Raven

location:Girls Dorm

Tag: @sprouhtt

"Okay. Well at least we are going together early. I heard some guys like to spy on the girls as we shower..." she said with a sigh. "If we find out they do, well......." Raven sighed. "Lets hope we do not come to that alright."
Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna

Tag: @djinnamon

Samuel offered a loud chuckle as the boy blushed. Closing his eyes he let out a "hmm" before answering his question, "10 Page essay? Due tomorrow?" He laughed, shaking his head a bit, "No. History shouldn't be about essays, at least not that long. I won't be too harsh. Maybe." Sam smirked and gave a small nod, "Good to see you are ready. I am sure you will go far this year. Don't be surprised when the girls and guys start to swoon over you." He nudged the boy, chuckling again and offered a lazy smile.

(Setsuna being homosexual makes him 1000 times more weiss-y)

(Brb. Shower)
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Ronnie stands back up after tripping and continues on his marry way to school, he heads towards the cafeteria, because he is hungry like crazy!
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The girls communal shower/bath

Tag: @The Unamed Beast


"Oh my gods, that's terrible." Moka said as they made their way towards the communal showers/baths. Moka opened the door and let Raven go first and then she went in after. She closed the door behind her and began to strip off her sleepwear and she ran the bath to warm water adding some herbs to it just to give it a nice scent. Moka walked into the big communal bath and she leaned her back against the edge and relaxed.
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Name: Raven

Location the girls communal shower/bath

Tag: @sprouhtt

"Tell me about it, bad enough I had two brothers around me at all times growing up." Raven said with a sigh. "I just want to relax at points." she said as she undressed and got into the communal bath. 'she looks nice' Raven thought to herself but did not say anything. "This feels so nice.... someone could honestly fall asleep in here..."
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The girls communal shower/bath

Tag: @The Unamed Beast

"I think I already beat you to it," Moka said as she let out a small chuckle. It was nice, the warm water hugging her body all over and the scent from the herbs was a nice touch as well. This school does have it's benefits at times, like taking this warm bath. "How do you think this school year will go?" Moka asked as she played with a waterlily for a while.


Location: Cafeteria



When Ronnie enters the cafeteria, he walks to go get his food, but one problem, he slips on a banana peel and hits his head on a table while slipping.
Jacob Berry]Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast Location: Cafeteria Interaction: Setsuna Tag: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23808-djinnamon/ said:

Samuel offered a loud chuckle as the boy blushed. Closing his eyes he let out a "hmm" before answering his question, "10 Page essay? Due tomorrow?" He laughed, shaking his head a bit, "No. History shouldn't be about essays, at least not that long. I won't be too harsh. Maybe." Sam smirked and gave a small nod, "Good to see you are ready. I am sure you will go far this year. Don't be surprised when the girls and guys start to swoon over you." He nudged the boy, chuckling again and offered a lazy smile.

(Setsuna being homosexual makes him 1000 times more weiss-y)

(Brb. Shower)
Name: Setsuna

Interaction: Samuel

Location: Cafeteria

Sage froze at the mention of a 10 page essay before he realized the man was joking a breathed a sigh of relief. Sage shivered at the thought of the fanboys and fangirls. " I hope now , its nice to be popular but when people keep coming onto you it get annoying. Besides I have a crush on someone already ( Samuel , I'm stating the obvious aren't I ) " He said while looking away with a blush.
Name: Samuel J. Pentaghast

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Setsuna

Tag: @djinnamon

Samuel continued to chuckle at Setsuna's relief, if he wasn't a teacher, he would most likely fit in as a well known student. Samuel raised an eyebrow as Setsuna said he already had a crush on someone, he was going to tease him before looking at the kid who face planted the table, "Wow, that table could be a pro-wrestler with moves like that." He offered a chuckled before looking back at Setsuna, nudging him, "So, you like someone. Wanna share the details? Eh? Ehhhhh?" He offered a toothy grin and couldn't help but laugh.

Location: Cafeteria



Ronnie stands up, hand on his Hurt head, humiliated, as some of the other kids were laughing at him. Ronnie sits at the table he just hit his head on and puts his head down, not wanting to look at anybody now, too humiliated.

Name: Quinn Zeralackinz

Location: Lounge

Interaction: A book

Tags: None​

Quinns eyes were wide, devouring the book he had picked up not twenty minutes earlier. The ancient culture of trolls was facinating. How durable their skin was amazed him. Someday maybe he would find them better lives than how they were treated as a majority. The trolls seemed to be extremely intelligent, not dull like many choose to describe them. Page after page he read, not a thought passing if someone would bother him.

Location: Cafeteria



Ronnie got up from his seat and decided to go for a walk, but that was a bad idea, when he started to walk away, his pants fell down, showing his pink under pants.

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