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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Grimm

Ariel woke up and looked around. She got ready and left the house. She skipped down the street singing her favorite song by sleeping with sirens "If you cant hang". Ariel gave a full out performance skipping her way down to the end of the road where the woods began.
Bell looked at the two girls and smiled, "Wonderland..wow, that place must be really wonderful.." She turned back toward Check, "Neverland was wonderful too! Oh how I miss it so much.." She sighed, leaning against the light post that sat along the road. "I miss home. I miss the fairies and the Lost boys and oh I miss Peter!" Bell wailed dramatically. "But Peters angry at me and said I can't go home yet." She sighed again, "I guess I'll have to stay with you guys until I'm in the clear.."

Briar sighed, "I'm not really sure where I'm from, the old lady said I lived here." She shrugged and looked at Bell and Check. Briar wasn't exactly sure if she believed the lady anymore, she seemed scary, evil almost. Even if Briar didn't live here, where else could she possibly go? She had no idea.
"Briar... Briar... Like the prickly scrubs roses grow on! Very nice name! I'm Alyssa! Quite boring compared to yours if I do say so myself. And I do! Mine just has some insanity meaning. Much less interesting." She looked at the hand held out to her in confusion. Then brightening she shook it merrily as a handshake. Not using it to pull herself out, just sitting in the bush like it was a comfortable chair.

Then the boy mentioned he was from wonderland, he even mentioned the red queen! Alyssa paled and the boy called Check looked her way again. Check. There wasn't a Check in wonderland. Calm down. It was close but not it... Not it... Not THAT smile. Wonderland was behind her. Now she lived here!

Then the flute boy on the roof spoke to her and she looked up at him in astonishment all anxiety washing away. "I'm afraid I'm not very pointy, but I'm glad you agree with me!" She grinned color returning to her face as she talked. "Oh wait, you didn't mean I was pointy did you?... Hm... Points... Well I don't have one! Do you really need one to strike up an interesting conversation with someone?"

Then her attention immediately flipped to Bell, " I would say we could hang, but I just did that and it didn't end so well... But we can be friends! I like friends. They help you get through tough situations..." She kinda zoned for a second after she said that, thinking of her old friends in wonderland... Terrifying, yet wonderful.


Mitchell walked down the shopping street, he had been living here for a while now and the music in this town was really starting to intrigue him, he knew how to play a few instruments but it had been centuries since he had actually touched one, much less played a song on it. So he had enlisted the help of Roland, the local music shop owner. He turned the corner, walking past a man who looked at ease in the shop streets and arrived at the door of Roland's shop. He opened it and entered, "Roland?" The bell dinged as he opened the door. "I'm here for my lesson."

@Fantasy Crazy

@Lost Valentine
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Alyssa. Check thought for a moment, he knew he knew that girl. THAT girl.

"We DO know each other!" He says, his grin showing all of his teeth. "Tell me, Alyssa, have you seen the Hatter? I haven't seen him since coming here." Check says, smiling and practically forcing the girl out of the bush. His head was buzzing in excitement. He hadn't seen anybody from Wonderland in Grimm and he truly missed his friends. Even the Red Queen would be a site for sore eyes, though she did try to cut off his head once, or twice. Check had stopped counting the times he was in trouble with the kingdom in Wonderland, he had so much fun scaring that woman.
"I-I Oh my!" Alyssa paled. She had been right... She almost tumbled when Check pulled her from the bush. Still she teetered on her unsteady feet that were not ready to stand after falling from a tree then seeing someone from wonderland.

"Cheshire! not Check! not Check! My! Oh my! Oh my! N-no! I have seen no one! Absolute;y no one! Just got here, only a few days! W-Why are you here!? M-me! I was kicked, finally, kicked f-f-from wonderland!" She put her hands over her mouth in surprise. She had promised she wouldn't mention the world again, but there she went. "Oh my! Oh my! ... Is that all I can say? Oh my?... Oh my..."
Roland smiled slightly as his first student, Mitchell, walked through the door to his shop, calling out a greeting as he looked around the store. He didn't have his own violin with him, but that could be worked around, he did, after all, own an entire shop full of violins, and there was sure to be something around here Mitchell could borrow. He returned the greeting with a cheerful, "Hello," then made a motion with his hand to follow him farther into the store.

"It's alright that you didn't bring your own," he started as he began taking down instruments that looked like they might fit Mitchell, "but if you're really serious about learning to play I'd prefer if you got your own. If you've got one already use that, but if not I'll let you borrow one for a while to practice with." He set all the violins in a neat row across the counter and handed one to Mitchell. "After a few weeks, you'll have to decide whether you want to quit, buy your own, or if you need more time to decide. Anything's fine, but I can't let you keep borrowing one forever."


Lucas glanced up from his window shopping as he felt someone brush past him, hand tightening in his pocket around his tinderbox. It was just some other resident though, heading into one of the shops for whatever it was he was looking for. Lucas brushed the encounter off easily, deciding he was bored of the shopping district anyway and somehow meandering onto Gypsy Road, taking note of the tiny townhouses and apartment complexes. He felt grateful he could afford better, much better.

There were people here though, and he wondered for a moment if this was where all the interesting things happened. Well, he was content to stand on the side and watch girl freak out, getting visibly flustered as the boy with purple hair continued to talk to her. There were other people there as well, but Lucas didn't pay them as much heed. It seemed they were mostly watching as well, though the other boy with the flute exchanged a few words with small, blonde girl.

Laughing quietly to himself, he strode over, his steps swift and purposeful. It was time to meet the neighbors.
"Glynda sent me here. The good witch from Oz." He says, ruffling his hair and grinning at Alyssa. "Why so flustered?" He purrs, and examines her eyes with his own. She must have wanted to forget about Wonderland, but of course, no one forgets Wonderland. It is quite impossible, actually. His examining was cut short by a man walking up to him, and seeing as he was dressed quite nicely Check knew he wasn't from here. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his grin still on his face as he clutches the man's hand in his own.

"What brings someone like you here?" He asks, shaking the hand before quickly letting go and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Briar turned around to see the man that Check was talking too, he was dressed nicely, something she hadn't seen since she arrived to Grimm.

While Check and Alyssa were conversing Briar was thinking, she was confused. Why had she trusted that lady? What if she didn't live here? Was her name even really Briar Rose. She shook her head slightly to try and get rid of the confusing thoughts.

Briar looked back to the nicely dressed man, waiting for his reply to Check. She also wanted to know why he was here.
"I-I am not!... Flustered that is. I am not!" But Check went around her greeting the person, who had just walked up, quite strangely. But Alyssa turned as well smiling brightly, looking a bit insane with bush and tree bits sticking out of her clothes and hair. Her hands were a bit scratched from when they slipped from the branch but aside from that she was sound. And she waved at the stranger.

"Oh! Someone new! Brambles! Chess! Jingle! Wait. That's not right..." Alissa pointed to her new friends as she said their almost correct names. But she knew she had them wrong and she stopped and pondered what it was they had really told her their names were.

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"Brambles? Jingles?" Bell laughed, "Goodness Alyssa..you really are flustered." She said as she tuned back into the conversation. She had zoned out when talking about Neverland and Peter; oh how she missed him so much. She looked back at everyone, at how much the talking had picked up, at how upset Alyssa was, at how Check grinned so widely. She too, tried to smile (and brush off the sick feeling she had begun to feel) when a new stranger had approached the group. He was dressed nicely, quite nicely actually. Bell looked at him, this time giving a genuine smile. She respected nicely dressed people, nicely dressed people were important. But some were mean, she thought, like Hook.

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Mitchell thought about the last violin he owned. It had been made of the finest wood by a master craftsman... He had given it to a kid who couldn't afford to buy his own. That kid became a master violinist but of course now he did not own one. "Borrowing until I find one that fits seems like a good idea. I'm a bit picky so that might take a while... But I assure you I will purchase one as soon as possible."

He picked up one of the violins. "Now... How do I know if one is the right fit?" His had always been chosen for him in the past... He had never picked one of his own. Even if he was picky.

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"What is going on out there…?" Bethany grumbled, running a hand through her messy hair. The paperwork that littered her desk glared silently back at her, as if daring her to leave. Leaning back in her chair and looking out the window of her apartment, she could just barely make out the tops of a few heads. People socializing, Beth imagined. Madness.

Trailing her eyes back to the seemingly endless reports and papers than needed sorting and filing, Bethany threw the papers in hand onto the top of the nearest pile and slid her chair back. A break seemed like the best idea, as there wasn't much chance of getting any more work done with all the talking outside. Besides, her eyes had started to hurt, and she was pretty sure it wasn't normal -even for her- to be seeing random shapes everywhere.

"Coffee maybe?" She muttered to herself, slipping a jacket around her bare shoulders and heading for the door. Just before leaving, she grabbed a knife out of the umbrella holder and slipped it into a hidden sheath on the inside of her jacket. Better safe than sorry, after all.

Quietly sliding out the door and descending the apartment's front steps, Beth managed to slip by the growing crowd mostly unnoticed and make her way towards town. Coffee came first, then deciding what to do for the rest of the day.
Lucas shook the hand of the purple haired man. His smile looked too big to fit on his face, though he supposed something like that wasn't totally uncalled for in a town such as Grimm. He had an easy smile on his face as he took in the rest of the people gathered round, raising an eyebrow curiously at the girl who couldn't quite get everyone's names right. He may have expected strange names, but Jingles, seriously?

He turned to look at the small blonde girl, she seemed the most respectable, the most sane. "Hello, my names Lucas, it's nice to meet you all."


Roland nodded at Mitchell's decision, looking up once he had gotten all the violins lined up in a satisfactory way. "It'll be the right size if it's about as long as the distance from your left shoulder to the wrist of that arm. If your left handed use your right arm." He instructed Mitchell step by step, aware that choosing the right violin was just as important as learning how to play it. "It may not be perfect, but look for one no shorter than that length, but also no longer than mid palm. Once you find a good size, you also have to pick one the sounds right to you. Every violin sounds different, and one that may be best for me may not fit you. Take your time to play through as many as you need to."

((sorry this took so long, I wasn't getting any alerts T_T))

Bell smiled when Lucas turned toward her, and her cheeks glowed a faint pink. "And I'm Bell." She said, holding her hand out for him to shake. She used her other hand to tuck her soft blonde hair behind her ear as she continued to grin at the man. "Finally someone who isn't completely insane." She thought to herself, but Bell really didn't have the right to say that, for she herself wasn't 100% sane but enough that she considered herself not like the others here in Grimm.

"So, where's a professional looking man like yourself from?" She smiled again at Lucas, trying to keep her hair in place as the wind blew plast her.​
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Briar snapped back into reality and nodded at Lucas, she thought she already told him her name so she stayed silent. She looked at Bell who had a slight blush on her cheeks, Briar smiled a bit at the sight. Briar still didn't know the people around her very well, but she felt like she had a bit of a connection with them, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was.
Lucas shook Bell's hand when she offered it, smiling in a way he knew was charming. "I'm just an old Danish tale, picking up work where ever I may." It appeared he was right in assuming she at least knew how to greet people. It was nice meeting someone who could at the very least act sane around other people. He took a longer look at the other people gathered around, not needing his years of practice with people to tell him it would be best to avoid the girl with sticks in her hair and the boy who'd first shaken his hand. The other three, however, seemed like they might be a good place to start.
Alissa stared at the girl who tried to go unnoticed by them. Being quiet and walking past Alissa, was like screaming and wearing bright colors to a normal person. She had learned to ignore the strange and be attracted to the subtle in wonderland. Not that there is a lot of subtle... But She smiled and tried to wave at the girl before she disappeared down the road... but Alyssa didn't know if the girl saw her.

Alyssa hid behind Briar as she wispered at Bell "Jingles- no Bell, Bell this man is smiling at you..." She glanced over at Check, "not always the best thing..." She remembered that smile coming with a lot of trouble. The new guys smile was different though, more... Weird. Was Bell blushing? What did that mean?


"Okay. I think I can do that... I do have to tell you that I've played a violin before but it was a very very long time ago... and everything was... spelled out for me. It was like someone else was playing it... I want to learn how to play the right way this time. I want to learn how to play something for myself, not just how someone else wants me to play it. Can you help me do that? Can you help me actually learn?" Mitchell was very serious. He didn't really smile except an easy one when greeting people, but little emotions hardly crossed his face and he would never show anyone an extreme one. But he fiddled with the violins that Roland had lined up for him. a little nervous energy.

(if I go

@Silver Pansy

Does that help?)
Bell's smiled faded slightly at Alissa's words. She cleared her throat as she tried to compose herself, with her cheeks fading back to their original pale tone. She pushed her hair back into its place when the wind finally died down, and she looked back up at Lucas, her smile returning to her face. "Danish? I've never met a Danish person before. This is so very exciting!" Bell squealed. She wasn't used to meeting new people from new places, she was always stuck in Neverland. The only people there were Peter and the Lost Boys, a few dozen fairies, and Captian Hook and his crew. Never any new faces, so this was a whole new world for the young girl. "What kind of work do you do? Since you said you pick it up wherever you may." She chuckled, "I didn't know you could pick work up!" Bell didn't have the brightest wings in the forest, so she didn't quite understand somethings, but she really did try her best.

Lucas's smile faded a bit at the blonde girl with sticks in her hair when she whispered something to Bell, too softly for him to hear. It was quickly back in place, however, when she started talking again. He chuckled lightly at how excited the girl was and by her misunderstanding of "pick up work."

"You don't literally pick it up," he explained easily, "it's an expression for finding a job. It's understandable that you didn't get it though," he reassured. In his experience, people could become very reserved and self conscious if they felt they didn't understand something that seemed like common knowledge. "You're probably from a place very different from here, right? I'm sure it'll take me a while to get some of your expressions. I don't actually have a job yet though," he continued, answering her question, "I just moved here recently and am still looking.

Shoot, now he actually had to get a job.


Roland was slightly confused by Mitchell's concerns, though he supposed he wasn't in much of a place to say so, considering he himself had not learned how to truly play the violin on his own, instead gaining the ability magically and then working to improve from there. He wasn't sure how he knew playing the fiddle was a skill he had not gained naturally, seeing as how he had already known how from his very first memory. Now was not about his own insecurities though, now was about teaching Mitchell how to properly play the instrument he had picked out.

"It's alright, we can start from the very basics if that's what you need." With that, he motioned for Mitchell to follow him into the back room he had set aside for their lesson, and let the teaching begin.
"I think picking up a job would be much more interesting and simpler if it was literal." Alyssa smiled as she started to pick the sticks out of her hair and clothes, she had decided they didn't go with the rest of her outfit.

"Where were you thinking of applying? I already tried the hair salon!... It did not go so well..." She might have set someone's hair on fire... She did not know how, but she turned around and when she looked back the poor woman's head was on fire...


"Basics. Sounds like a plan." He picked up the rosewood violin he had been fiddling with, it was light with a reddish blush in places. He had been attracted to the darker ones but this one seemed to fit his arm length better. He followed Roland into the back room.

"Okay, so where do we begin?"

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Check was soon bored, his grin disappeared and was replaced with a slight scowl. "This is all," he starts, his eyes traveling to the person who had walked by, "very fascinating. I must be off for you lot are absolutely boring." He shrugs before walking away. So much for making friends. That well-dressed guy had something to hide, and Check did not like secrets. The Bell girl seemed slightly rude, though Check could see himself speaking with her again. However, Alyssa was fascinating. He knew that they had had their differences, but Check needed friends, so he'd warm up to her.

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