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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Greendale CS


The Sky
Character Sheet


Nicknames (Optional):



Appearance (Keep it realistic):

Face Claim:



Tattoos, Scars, Marks, Ect:

Biography: (3+ paragraphs also explain their personality through it)

Theme Song (Optional)
Feel free to add more if you want

Welcome to the CS for Welcome to Greendale.
Please put effort into your
CS you don't have to code it just
really spend time developing a
character. Also do make sure that you
have read the plot and the rules completely.
I really can't wait to see
what character or characters you
come up with. Please show me
how creative you can be through your CS!

IC= Welcome to Greendale
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Living Life
To the fullest

Name: Skylar Jensen

Nickname: Sky



Playing music





Feeling forgotten

Being pressured

People thinking they
are better then others

-Long dark brown wavy hair
-Sparkling green eyes

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: N/A

Face Claim:
Emily Rudd

Skylar is such a right brained human being. She is so creative and talented in many ways. She cares for others and strives to help those who are struggling. She is tough and knows how to get her hands dirty; however at times she can be completely clueless.

Skylar Jensen grew up in a beautiful home with a mom and a dad. Her life was pretty good for awhile until around the age seven. Her dad mentally and physically abused her. She became his punching bag. Skylar began to not see anything good in herself, for the pain her father mentally caused her destroyed how she saw herself. This happened for years until one day her mother walked in on all of this and called the police. Skylar's father was sent to jail.

She continued to live her life still suffering from many of the things her father caused her. She fell into a deep dark depression and she hid from the world for a long time. She almost killed herself at age thirteen, but her mother found her before it happened. She was sent away to a place where they were supposed to "help" the patients, but they never really cured her. Years passed and she finally escaped her depression which many people thought impossible. Somedays it returns for a time, but for the most part she is living a happy life.

Well until she turned fifteen when one day she was raped. Life again fell apart and the touch of man she could not handle. She has been overcoming it though and is growing stronger through it.

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Leon Tristan


Nickname: Leo

Age: 19

Birthday: March 30th

Likes: Athletics, Trespassing Exploring, Being right.

Dislikes: Losing an argument, being told what to do, confrontation.

Tattoos, Scars, Marks, Ect:
Both arms inked in rather distasteful tattoos.

Biography: Leon's mother died giving birth to him, leaving his father as his only role model. His mother's passing haunted the pair for the years that followed, and filled the bottles Leon's dad became so fond of soon after. After well over a decade of drinking, Leon's father leapt to his death from their apartment building before Leon's fifteenth birthday.

Living off benefits and with his guardian, Leon continues on with the lesson of what both parents taught him: Life isn't fair, and there's no reason to expect it to be. His life since hasn't exactly come with a clean criminal record, but Leon has yet to commit a crime heavier than the disregarding of traffic laws or underage smoking.

Leon has put quite a bit of effort into putting on a menacing front - muscles, tattoos, hard stares and such - yet ultimately his soul remains unfractured by the misfortunes of his life. Past the barricade, he's no more unfriendly than the next guy.

By nineteen, Leo had been holding down yet another part time job, trying make some kind of living, when he was taken.

Name: Magdalena Meredith

Nickname: Lena

Age: 25

Birthday: June 6th, 1992



A dirty red beanie, short self-chopped faded-blue hair, brown eyes,
a square-shaped jaw.

A grey North Face hoodie riddled with holes over a black tank top,
Black shorts and striped socks with a pair of generic sneakers.

Pictures of her late girlfriend.
Opioids (Ideally Vicodin, but has been known to use heroin in desperate situations.)


Tattoos, Scars, Marks, Ect:
An open pocket watch on her back, reading "2/22/95 - 10/16/15" in memory of Alice.


Lena was both into your typical nuclear Christian American family, her mother, her father,
and her brother Sam. Lena's name comes from Magdalena, a female follower of Jesus in the Holy Bible.

Lena was a high-honor roll student, the proud trophy child of her family.
Lena never got into any kind of trouble, was straight, a virgin, and wore her promise ring
like jewels adorning a queens neck.

Her mistake? Letting her parents send her to an all-girls Catholic school after 8th grade. Lena soon fell in love
with Alice, a red-haired, blue-eyed, slightly tall beauty. (Lena often describes her as a "Wonderland-bound angel.")
Lena's parents found out about their relationship after catching the two girls kissing near a local Starbucks, and subsequently kicked Lena out of the home, saying "I refuse to have a homosexual living in my home. Return when you can follow the laws God has laid out for you."

She never returned.

Lena and Alice ran away together to a suburb of New York City, where Lena and Alice lived in a low-end apartment, scraping by, but satisfied with each other's love and company. They continued this life for 4 years until 2014, when Alice was diagnosed with lymphoma, which she died from a year later, after chemotherapy and clinical trial drugs barred no effect.

Lena had a pocketwatch tattooed on her back in memory of Alice, and turned to opioids to numb her emotional pain.
Lena has a high tolerance to most painkillers, and goes through a large bottle of Vicodin in about a week.

Name: Magdalena Meredith

Nickname: Lena

Age: 25

Birthday: June 6th, 1992



A dirty red beanie, short self-chopped faded-blue hair, brown eyes,
a square-shaped jaw.

A grey North Face hoodie riddled with holes over a black tank top,
Black shorts and striped socks with a pair of generic sneakers.

Pictures of her late girlfriend.
Opioids (Ideally Vicodin, but has been known to use heroin in desperate situations.)


Tattoos, Scars, Marks, Ect:
An open pocket watch on her back, reading "2/22/95 - 10/16/15" in memory of Alice.


Lena was both into your typical nuclear Christian American family, her mother, her father,
and her brother Sam. Lena's name comes from Magdalena, a female follower of Jesus in the Holy Bible.

Lena was a high-honor roll student, the proud trophy child of her family.
Lena never got into any kind of trouble, was straight, a virgin, and wore her promise ring
like jewels adorning a queens neck.

Her mistake? Letting her parents send her to an all-girls Catholic school after 8th grade. Lena soon fell in love
with Alice, a red-haired, blue-eyed, slightly tall beauty. (Lena often describes her as a "Wonderland-bound angel.")
Lena's parents found out about their relationship after catching the two girls kissing near a local Starbucks, and subsequently kicked Lena out of the home, saying "I refuse to have a homosexual living in my home. Return when you can follow the laws God has laid out for you."

She never returned.

Lena and Alice ran away together to a suburb of New York City, where Lena and Alice lived in a low-end apartment, scraping by, but satisfied with each other's love and company. They continued this life for 4 years until 2014, when Alice was diagnosed with lymphoma, which she died from a year later, after chemotherapy and clinical trial drugs barred no effect.

Lena had a pocketwatch tattooed on her back in memory of Alice, and turned to opioids to numb her emotional pain.
Lena has a high tolerance to most painkillers, and goes through a large bottle of Vicodin in about a week.

Accepted! Just wondering do you have a picture for their appearance?

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