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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Elk-Wood High!~Currently Accepted

Sam stopped drawing for a second and looked up at him. "It wasn't rude. I knew what you meant." Smiling, she began to draw again. She felt comfortable around him. "How long have you been playing drums?"
[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]Sam stopped drawing for a second and looked up at him. "It wasn't rude. I knew what you meant." Smiling, she began to draw again. She felt comfortable around him. "How long have you been playing drums?"

"S-since F-f-fourth g-grade." Sticky said softly. "It's my only s-skill, r-really." Sticky smiled and looked at her drawing.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"S-since F-f-fourth g-grade." Sticky said softly. "It's my only s-skill, r-really." Sticky smiled and looked at her drawing.

"I bet you have a few other talents." She looked up and saw he was looking at her drawing. "It's terrible. There's something wrong with it and I keep trying to fix it, but I keep making it worse."
[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]"I bet you have a few other talents." She looked up and saw he was looking at her drawing. "It's terrible. There's something wrong with it and I keep trying to fix it, but I keep making it worse."

"N-n-no, it's great!" Sticky said softly. "It really is."
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"N-n-no, it's great!" Sticky said softly. "It really is."

Looking at the drawing again then back up at Sticky, she said, "Would you like to keep it?"
[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]Looking at the drawing again then back up at Sticky, she said, "Would you like to keep it?"

Sticky smiled. "I'd lose it." He whispered. Either that, or he'd end up with it without the slightest clue of how he acquired it. "You should keep it. So it doesn't get lost."
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Sticky smiled. "I'd lose it." He whispered. Either that, or he'd end up with it without the slightest clue of how he acquired it. "You should keep it. So it doesn't get lost."

"There is still a chance of it getting lost," Sam said and switched to a clean page. She looked at his face, the alignment of his cheekbones, his jaw, the slant of his eyes, the arc of his eyebrows, the slope of his nose, the fullness of his lips, how his hair fell onto his face. She started with the shape of his face, then began to work on his nose. As she was about to start on his eyes, the bell rang causing her to groan. Sam didn't want to go to class. She wanted to stay there, drawing Sticky and feeling comfortable.
[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]"There is still a chance of it getting lost," Sam said and switched to a clean page. She looked at his face, the alignment of his cheekbones, his jaw, the slant of his eyes, the arc of his eyebrows, the slope of his nose, the fullness of his lips, how his hair fell onto his face. She started with the shape of his face, then began to work on his nose. As she was about to start on his eyes, the bell rang causing her to groan. Sam didn't want to go to class. She wanted to stay there, drawing Sticky and feeling comfortable.

Sticky jumped a full foot when the bell rang. "I should get going. It was nice to meet you, Sam." Sticky smiled kindly and stood up.
Andy frowned and looked out the window of the math classroom and frowned So much snow... She thought, rubbing her chin. She silently began humming the song 'Once upon a December'.. her mom's favorite song. She remembered that when she was little, her mom would turn that song on, and they'd waltz around the room giggling, Andy standing on her mom's toes, since she was way shorter back then. Andy didn't even realize that she had been crying, until she felt a tear trickle down her cheek.

(for those of you who've never heard the song Once upon a December here it is: [media]

[/media] )
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Sticky jumped a full foot when the bell rang. "I should get going. It was nice to meet you, Sam." Sticky smiled kindly and stood up.

"Nice to meet you too, Sticky." She said and gathered her things. "See you later." She headed to her next class, math. She was looking forward to being done with class for the day and heading back to her dorm to work on the drawing of Sticky.
Sticky went to his next class with his head down. He wasn't about to start paying attention to anyone. He had music theory next. That should be fun, right?
Andy brushed hair out of her face, and quickly wiped tears out of her eyes once again as the teacher walked into the room. 

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