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Okay, I'm really confused now, serves me right for not checking this even if the notifications didn't warn me...but can someone explain what is exactly going on? Suddenly there's a time skip, is that it?
@Mauvez timeskip? That was Sincere's character before she was sent off, Mine was basicly Felix's travel's to explain why he was late and I'm not fully sure of Doran's part but we're basicly waiting for your character to appear, do your intro basicly.
@Orikanyo I saw something about Stormlord's Pendant and I got confused...Look, for the sake of your time and patience, I'll leave. Don't get me wrong, this roleplay looks amazing and detailed, just the right amount of everything. But it's best if I leave.
@Mauvez nobody is saying you should, exploding into a blast of worry and self resignation isn't going to help, if anything your damning yourself. We have waited patiently, and we are still paitent, he'll Doran had to leave for a few days so we're on the slow side anyways. Your not freeing us by doing that, if anything its a disappointment, your a good writer and seem like a fun person.

TLDR don't go plz.
@Orikanyo Are you sure? Thank you for the compliment, I think the same way about you guys but...I don't know, the story seems too complex for me, I can't make much sense from what is happening in the ICR tab.
@Mauvez To be honest there is very little you need, the world maybe big but all you really need to know is what your character is and what she does and why your there. And why your there is essentually your kingdom has somewhat of an interest in the north so they sent you to check it out with the rest of the representitives.

And the rest of what happened before isn't really that important, just a small look into the opther characters. We are just about to start the adventure and all we need is you, not to put any stress on you, it's easy enough to introduce the character, he'll she could've already been there for all we know. If you don't feel up to it today, tomorrow is just as good, or even Wednesday, nobody is rushing~!
@Orikanyo ....Alright, I'll try my best. Man, you're good at persuading! Thank you for the explanation and I apologize again for all the trouble. Let's see if I can make this work today!
@Mauvez thank you, have fun with it, humor is always welcome in all things.
What Ori said ^^; Please don't go D: Stormlord's pendant is another story arc based in the same world. Unfortunately I can't create another ooc tab. So we're sharing. I might put up a separate notification tab so that those who don't have the time to sort through the ooc can check the important bits straight from the updates. =)

Basically, all that's happened is in my intro, I wrote about the decision that made Fyrilis become the guide for the expedition. Then I fast forwarded it to the present, where she has been waiting at the Tavern of THree Dragons for a day and no one has arrived. Ori and dorran basically wrote a little background of their journey to the Tavern. As of now, we're all chilling on the tavern's porch/balcony having done away with the greeting formalities =) Hence, we're waiting for you =D (no rush!!) its up2u how you want to introduce yourself.
Helo! Lost interest already guys? Since its still the beginning, I'm fine if we're not gonna continue this. I'll just restart the rp. No hard feelings =) Just don't want to force something thats not gonna work out.
I wish to do this, but I gave time for our wayward friend to finally make her appearance, sadly even with my words she buggered off. Just a tiny bit salty about that, in ancyase I wish to continue.
Ah, yeah... oh well.. we'll just continue this. There will be a short grace period as we move along where they might have an opportunity to return. But once our characters cross a certain point, it will be closed.

Do make your post =) Thanks
I shall do so when I awake this morning, which is technically now. What should I include in it? Pushing towards the plan?
Good question. Hmm.. perhaps a short reply to Fyrilis' answer to Felix's question. Then you can push onwards. Yeah.. for now we'll just assume its just us 3. And that the Dorran's character is passive in the background.
Yo man, Mauves sort disappeared so were heading onward
You're Ori, You're.. sry, I'm usually fine with most other stuff and typos. But I have a long standing vendetta against your for you're ever since i started rp-ing [/SIZE] xD [SIZE=10px]

Also, sorry if it wasn't clear enough. Felix is on the reigns =P
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Oh shoot sorry... kinda had to force that out last night, I'll redo it when I can, in like 5 min.

My sin has been rectified.
My tears have yet to dry, and I fear they shall never do so, I disappointed you, and so I must pay!
My tears have yet to dry, I have disappointed thee. I fear they never shall.

My tears have yet to dry, and I fear they shall never do so, I disappointed you, and so I must pay!

Hate posting on my phone, espeacally when it gets like this... damn doubling.
Ori, you can RP the barkeep if you want to. I just wrote it this way to keep with the background. That the people of different lands are actually quite prejudiced to each other xD

but its up to you

and wow, i never got the notification you replied in the ooc =o=
hmm, I think you have a best understanding of these people, sorry if i seem lazy i just like interactions in rps. i shall be using more then Felix in the future, the next post will indeed have some shenanigans. *strokes non-exsistant beard deviously* (i can't grow a beard TT~TT)

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