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Futuristic Welcome Aboard the X-Uberant! (OPEN)


The Snarkiest Fox
Y'all ready for this?

Also, don't feel you have to use all the BBCode in your character sheets. I personally enjoy it, but if you don't, you shouldn't have to wrangle it.

Anyway, thanks for joining, guys!
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@CommanderKisha Cool idea for an RP, very nice presentation as well. Quick question: On the character sheet, it asks for a rank. What does it mean by this? Military rank or something else?
Thanks! Rank means what rank you'd like to apply for on the ship, an example would be commander, head nurse, cook etc.
@Yonsisac just read your character sheet, dude ridiculously awesome. Our character's are going to have some good dynamic. I can see it now.

The brute blocking the door decides to get right in Kyrios' face."What are you gonna do you scrawny punk? You look like you couldn't open a jar without your metal arm."

Kyrios fans his hand in front of his nose before replying. "For starters, dental hygiene. Secondly it's not what i'm going to do, it's what my six ton walking tank of a friend there is going to do to you. Hope you paid up on this month's health insurance."
Cool! I'll get to work on my character sheet but it might be a bit. My guys going to be a dog of some kind, I just can't decide what kind.
Yep, how many depends on the number of players involved.

Also, I am so sorry to everyone for the incredibly late replies! I live in a rural area and practically every snowstorm kills the Internet for a day or two, which means I have no way of responding.
I live in a rural area and practically every snowstorm kills the Internet for a day or two, which means I have no way of responding.
Musta been one hell of a storm, it's been a week. (:3)

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