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Futuristic Welcome Aboard the X-Uberant! (OPEN)


The Snarkiest Fox
  • "You excited about this? You better be, because there's no way out now, kid. Anyways, the Nyxian Government needs a bunch of
    information before they'll issue you a Space Travel Permit. Apparently this stuff is important to them for security and crap like that, blah blah blah. You better fill it out correctly, or we'll all be in trouble. No lying, you hear me? I know, I know, it sucks and I hate it too. Still, they are giving us the single most expensive piece of technology on the planet, so I guess it's the least we can do in return. If something's listed as optional, you can leave it blank. Otherwise, get writing.

    Oh, and one more thing... the scientists told me there's a
    three digit passcode you gotta enter to board. You'll find the digits throughout the information, so be sure to take note."

    Your first number is: 3
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⊷[rank: commander]

⊷[full name: kisha silvertta]

⊷[preferred name: kisha]

⊷[age: 23]

⊷[gender: female]

⊷[species: augmented fennec fox]

⊷[:previous work: mercenary, bounty hunter and pilot]

⊷[main skills: weapons expert, highly adept at flying most crafts]

⊷[weapons: heavily upgraded laser and plasma blaster, unique prototype collapsible and modifiable laser gun, laser cutter, simple knife]

⊷[character quote: "there are very few personal problems that can't be solved by a big frickin' heap of explosives."]

⊷[3-digit passcode: I made it, you government idiots!]


⊷[kisha stands around 5'6, which is considered pretty tall for her species. she's slender and in peak physical condition, mostly from all the years of shady, underground work that she's dedicated her life to. living on the edge has earned her a few noticeable scars, but overall she's gotten by pretty much unscathed.

her fur is smooth and somwhat bioluminescent, a direct side effect of her blood being replaced by substance 06, an old military creation left over from the war used to enhance durability and minimize the potential for injuries. kisha's coat displays both its natural tan coloration and the unique blue and turquoise patterns that are hallmarks of her cybernetic augmentation. Her vision has been heavily enhanced, and if you look closely at her eyes, you can see the maze of silver and metallic chips surrounding the iris.

her tail is exceptionally long for a fennec fox, something that is actually natural and unaltered. her hair is fine and of average length, the colors occasionally varying whenever she decides to change them, though it's usually a mix of blonde and blue.

kisha wears fairly average clothing for her line of work, though she loves adding glowing or neon objects. one of the first things you'll notice about this fennec fox when you encounter her is her extensive and varied collection of weapons, many of which are one a kind prototypes she makes herself. she's quite proud of them, and they're usually on display unless a mission calls for concealment. as well as her weaponry, she usually has jojo perched on her shoulder, and the strange fluffy white thing with the multicoloured scene hair usually manages to attract a fair amount of attention in her own right.]

⊷[personality: kisha is known across the galaxy for her snarky and sarcastic personality, and she easily comes off as downright rude if you're sensitive or she's in a bad mood. a true mercenary at heart, she's only interested in whatever she can gain from any given situation, and her assistance and loyalty can almost always be bought. she has an infamously hot temper and can be beyond reckless if angry, so much that her comrades have frequently joked about how the quickest way to commit suicide is to get on her bad side. no, really, you don't want to do that... trust me. pretty sure they're still cleaning up from the last time that happened.

kisha has no desire to obey authority or follow protocols, and will often openly flaunt this fact with a smirk. she enjoys her work, and couldn't imagine living a 'proper' life amongst the peaceful masses she so frequently insults. her idea of downtime is tinkering and building weapons, though she'll settle for almost anything mechanical in a pinch. she's exceptionally good at what she does, earning a fair amount of her income doing illegal repairs and upgrades on unlicensed weapons and vehicles.

those who know her usually find her witty and etertaining, and her comedic skills and natural charisma can make her quite popular in any given group. kisha would never admit it, but she does have a softer side, and if you manage to win her over, you'll have a snarky friend for life. despite the teasing and rudeness, she's quite close to jojo and the two are almost inseparable and obviously best friends.

her attitude and fixation with material goods is difficult to tolerate at times, but she's not all bad and can actually be caring if the right situation presents itself. winning her over is indeed possible, if you're willing to put in a little effort.

If you make a fox pun or call her foxy, however, you will be shot in the face at point blank range with one of the most infamous weapons in the galaxy. no exceptions.]

⊷[past/backstory: kisha grew up in a small family that prided itself on honesty, integrity and morality. she always felt out of place amongst the idealistic and peaceful community, and frequently went out of her way to cause trouble and disappoint her parents and sister, all of who were beyond embarrassed by her behaviour. Tired of the constant fighting and life in a boring, safe world, the young fennec fox left with the entire family's bank account, determined to find a place where she belonged.

eight years, one jojo and thousands of shards later, kisha has grown into a well-known mercenary, weapon designer and pilot, becoming the exact embodiment of what her parents hated most. it wasn't without sacrifice or difficulty, but she's honestly proud of her lifestyle and has no desire to change it.]

⊷[important family/friends: only jojo, kisha rarely forms attachments and ran away at age 15]

⊷[secret: is not quite as heartless and detached as she hopes to portray]

[thoughts on this mission: MONEY! or, only interested in the immense payoff and adventure for herself and jojo, kisha really doesn't care about saving nyx]

⊷[other skills and talents: excellent mechanic and tinkerer, extremely brave, good at hand to hand combat from years of underground fighting, is quite charismatic, talented leader, always the calm one in emergencies, multiple augmentations with unique abilities]

⊷[weaknessess and flaws: rude, tempermental, completely monetary, can be reckless, risk-taker, lacking empathy, questionable morality, is far better dealing with machines and weapons than other living creatures, doesn't care about laws]

⊷[fears: emotions and attachment]



✓money and valuables


✓piloting an impressive spacecraft

✓tinkering and creating weapons

✓being right


✗romance and mushy stuff

✗following rules

✗needles or anything medical

✗fox jokes/puns

✗children and stupid people

⊷[theme song: Bad Reputation]

⊷[any extra useful information: kisha is the main character in the novel i've been writing since 2013]

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[Kyrios Bristanzia]


?[rank] Second-in-Command

?[full name] Kyrios Avagnar Bristanzia

?[preferred name] Kyrios

?[age] 21

?[gender] Male

?[species] Human

?[previous work] Cooler at a casino. Bodyguard, and armed escort.

?[main skill] Can sweet talk the best of 'em. Cybernetic eye used for cheating at card games and predicting enemy movements. good hand-to-hand combat skills, amazing shot with a pistol.

?[weapons] a standard military issue laser pistol and a combat knife.

?[character quote] That's why I'm up here and you have to listen to me.

?[three-digit passcode] 317 - hey look they're all prime numbers


?[detailed physical description] Stands 6'0" and clocks in at 135lb. While he is slender he does have surprising musculature for his size. His left eye is cybernetic and emitts a soft blue glow, he also sports a cybernetic right arm. Sports scars on the left side of his face, the only reminder of his past.

?[personality] Kyrios never really thinks before he speaks. He's one of those people who, for better or worse, lacks a filter. He has a somewhat sporadic personality taking on whatever tone and attitude the situation calls for, but generally he is without fail very cocky, sometimes border-lining arrogant, will typically come off as cold and distant, but is actually a very caring person when you get down to his core. Knows how to turn on the charm and use it well, he typically prefers to talk before things turn to fists. Despite his seemingly flawless personality he also has one of the most fearsome short-fused tempers this side of the galaxy. So uh tread lightly.

?[past/backstory] Grew up in a nice upper-class neighborhood ,on the outer expanse, most of his life. Went to a private school, and attended a private college. He seemed to have an idyllic life, but living on the outer expanse wasn't without danger. Despite having some of the best automated security his small neighborhood was taken over and held for ransom. Negotiations went on for months, before Kyrios got fed up and decided to take matters into his own hands. He went to his father's study and took the pistol that his father kept tucked away for emergencies.

Without saying a word to his family he stormed out the front door and headed straight for the leader of this rag-tag group of marauders. His trip there did not go smoothly as that is when he earned the scars on the left side of his face. However when he finally reached the leader of this group they had a surprise for Kyrios. While Kyrios was out on his manhunt, they had taken his family hostage. Without so much as a second thought Kyrios began shooting every last marauder there. Even though he saved his family they didn't view him as their hero or savior when he looked at them all he saw was fear in their eyes. His own family was afraid of him. Having his own family afraid of him was something that haunted his dreams at night, until he found a way to forget that any of it ever happened, a memory wipe was the key.

?[important family/friends] Doesn't remember his family, and hasn't made any friends yet

?[secrets, will not be shared with anyone] Had his memory wiped to forget his past

?[thoughts on this mission] Money? How much money? That's a fair amount of money. Okay i'm in!

?[other skills and talents] Can uses his cybernetic eye to scan objects and get their chemical make-up, also revealing any weakness in the object. Can mix the best drink you've ever had. Handsome.

?[flaws and weaknesses] Can be vain and self conscious about his cybernetic enhancements. tends to not take things as seriously as he should.

?[fears] Actually caring for somebody deeply enough that he would put their safety above his.



? Drinking

? Money

? Gambling

? Food

? Being Handsome


? Not being Handsome

? prudes

? people who challenge his authority

? kids

? push-overs

?[theme song]

?[any extra information] The 'seal' on his memory wipe occasionally cracks and past memories bleed through causing massive headaches.
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Lets play!

  • tumblr_mxaqb6qRq01rhg2efo5_500.gif

    Warning file corruption detected█


    Engaging recovery-ERROR ERROR VIRUS DETECTED


    System reboot successful...welcome to black moon data base

    Ships Weapon Lead/1st Officer ]

    ⊷[full name:
    Jade Black Face]

    ⊷[preferred name:Jade]

    ⊷[age;179 in Total from all build stages]

    ⊷[gender;Gender less but "Male" base]

    ⊷[species:Space Face's]

    ⊷[previous work:Galactic Pirate]

    ⊷[three-digit passcode:



Ill Khshsui

?[rank] Sub-Head Researcher and Backup Shock Trooper

full name] -Can only be communicated with a series of glows from e.g a torch-

preferred name] Ill

age] 25

gender] Female

species] Umbraoid

previous work] Second-in-Command of the Seraphims of Slaughter

main skill] Organic and Biochemical Analysis and Research. Melee combat.

weapons] Extendable Umbrablade and a basic pistol.

character quote] "Would you prefer to be consumed, or mate?"

three-digit passcode] 317


detailed physical description] Standing at 178cm, with varying weight. the humanoid Umbraoid is relatively average in height for her species. Her eyes shine with a platinum glow, and vary from wide, circular and beast-like to slim, delicate, almost human like. True to the name, Umbraoids have coal-black skin. Very slight grooves of different patterns spread across her body, dimly glowing much like her eyes. The strength of the glow from said patterns is thought to correlate with the emotional state of the Umbraoid. Upon her face one will almost always find a large, horned, ashen-black mask that reaches around her skull. Jagged teeth in a zig-zag pattern barely move during speech. It leaves only the back of her head exposed, from where short, silk-like, ashen-black hair flows just to her ear-lobes.

personality] Curious. Blunt. Evolving. A true personality has yet to properly settle within Ill, as her kin is usually secluded to simple, primal interactions and communication. What she has gathered so far is borderline mimicry of those around her, meaning it is difficult to truly define a 'personality'. She still retrains the bluntness, forwardness and carelessness of her species, yet has gained some civil formality from interactions in the Academy and with others. More complex emotions, thoughts and perceptions seem to be in development, and she can feel their sting and effects time from time.

Surely, she will find herself picking a lot of cues from the crew ... developing further.

past/backstory] Ill was born and grown in a secluded Umbraoid family. The species usually does not interact much with others communities or species in Nyx, but as soon as she came of age, Ill thirsted for knowledge of other species. She found richness in interspecie interactions, and great evolution in consuming the different organic and inorganic elements that was otherwise unlawful of her own Clan. Exiled for such behaviour, Ill sought shelter within one of the many Academies that existed in Nyx. Anxious to interact with the otherwise secluded specie, she was quickly received and put on a honor curriculum.

Turns out that naturally, the primal specie was more than apt to evolve culturally and scientifically - held back by culture and traditions. Ill rapidly evolved into a prominent member of the Academy. But with an eternal thirst for knowledge and natural primal impulse, she found that the Academy was not enough to satisfy her. She'd start doing odd-jobs, joining independent researchers, mercenaries, gangs, organizations ... name it. Gathering experience, consuming, collecting and learning, she continued to evolve far past the rest of her own specie. So, only naturally, the next step would be to explore

Hopefully, she can resist her species primal urges of consumption, temptation and violence - but it is hard to ignore instinct ...

important family/friends] Members of the Seraphims of Slaughter - Current Crew

secrets] Was exiled from her Clan due to unsocial over-consumption.

thoughts on this mission] "The potential for organic and inorganic life and materials ... astounding."

other skills and talents] Academically, artistically and athletically talented. Very capable linguistic.

?[flaws and weaknesses] Incredibly guillable; easily influenced and thus manipulated. Primally impulsive.

fears] Getting carried away by her primal impulses - thus doing something she'll later regret.



? Pursuit of Knowledge

? Social Interactions - especially with other species

? Consuming organic and inorganic matter


? Anything sour

? Being ignored (will go to great lengths to capture someone's attention when needed)

any extra information]

Small parts of tight, cloth-like materials cover the more intimate parts of the being, but as culture dictates, they are integrated with the achieved patterns of the body. The addition of clothes is still a very recent part of the Umbraoid culture, enforced for easier coexistence with other humanoid species.

Umbraoids are known for consuming organic and inorganic material, as well as harvesting genetic material. With this, they evolve both their own genotype and phenotype. In hopes of keeping their own specie 'pure', it is considered taboo to consume genetic material of other species, or to consume material not native to their own planet. Examples of the utilities that come from e.g consuming steel, is the ability to synthesize claw-like daggers of steel from one's fingertips - or perhaps consuming certain organism to allow the production of certain e.g biological catalysts.

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  • Drake Johnson

    ⊷[rank]:Lead Mechanic

    ⊷[full name]:Drake Herbert Johnson

    ⊷[preferred name]:Drake




    ⊷[previous work]:Mechanic for NLED (Nyx Law Enforcement Division) from age 16-22. Age 22-32 lead mechanic for Nyx Global Transport Systems where he invented the TRU (turbulence reduction unit), which allows passengers using air travel to fly through even the most turbulent air space and not notice.

    ⊷[main skill]:Repairing any engine on any craft used on Nyx. Also able to think outside the box to come up with innovative and sometimes "out there" ways to make improvements to anything mechanical.

    ⊷[weapons]:Self adjusting ratchet. Handy for any repair job or whatever else life throws at you.

    ⊷[character quote OPTIONAL]:"Why are you bothering me? I have work to do!"

    ⊷[three-digit passcode]317


    ⊷[detailed physical description]:Drake stands at 5'6". He has short black hair that is usually in an unkempt state and falls to just above his shoulders. He has emerald green eyes. His hands are somewhat rough and calloused. The muscles in his arms are well defined from having to lift and move heavy parts. However, this is the extent of any hint of "body building". The rest of his physique is just plain average.

    ⊷[personality]:Most people think that Drake is an introvert. This is only because he is consumed by his work and has a difficult time getting away from it. Actually, he is quite out going and friendly when not crawling around in some engine. Because he spends most of his time with machinery, he is somewhat socially awkward. However, once he becomes your friend, you have a friend for life. He isn't very opinionated (except when it comes to mechanics) and will usually follow the crowd. Although not a violent man, he will defend his friends or himself if needed (using his trusty ratchet of course).

    ⊷[past/backstory]:Drake was born and grew up in one of the largest cities on Nyx. His parents got him a mini mechanics set for his 8th birthday and immediately regretted it as Drake would take apart anything in the house. His fascination with the mechanics of how things worked only continued to grow through his adolescence. At the age of 13, his parents enrolled him in a mechanics trade school. He was in heaven. Drake quickly became the favorite student of his teachers and graduated valedictorian of his class. At age 16, he got an internship with NLED as a mechanic for their squad vehicles. He stayed until age 22 when he was recruited to work for Nyx Global Transportation Systems.

    ⊷[important family/friends]His parents, Linda, and John

    ⊷[secrets, will not be shared with anyone]Was singlehandedly responsible for a public transport accident 5 years ago the resulted in 375 deaths. As he was brought in to help investigate, he was able to cover up any evidence of gross negligence on his part. He occasionally has nightmares about this.

    ⊷[thoughts on this mission]Giant faster than light engines? What else could one want out of life!

    ⊷[other skills and talents]Occasionally makes modern art sculptures from broken and scrap parts. Some of these are on display at Nyx Global Transport Systems as well as the offices of other global companies.

    ⊷[flaws and weaknesses]Workaholic, socially awkward, can't use a gun.

    ⊷[fears]Guns, being shot by one and firing one. Wide open spaces (such as plains or deserts). Causing another accident.



    ✓Self adjusting ratchet

    ✓Repairing engines


    ✓Drinking games

    ✓Did I mention repairing engines?




    ✗Being interrupted from his work

    ✗Lending out tools


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[Andrew Ellison]


?[rank] Junior Navigator (aka: "I know Stellar Cartography!" -or- "I turn the ship around half way there, because you don't understand how things stay in motion, do you?")

?[full name] Andrew Jackson Ellison

?[preferred name] Drew

?[age] 21

?[gender] Male

?[species] Human

?[previous work] None! He's fresh out of the Nyx Academy. This would be his first real assignment. Besides, as all space captains know, a navigator isn't a real job until it's time to orbit or land the ship.

?[main skill] A full understanding of how to maneuver in almost any situation. Except those that lead to slingshotting around a star for extra momentum. That was just something they couldn't teach at the academy.

?[weapons] Not a weapon, but his ability to somehow not be important in any situation. Terrorists taking over the academy--he's safe and sound blending into a group. Trapped in a seedy bar fight? Grab a blue drink and intermix with a group of innocent-looking people.

?[character quote] "I do know how this thing works. Really!"

?[three-digit passcode] 317


?[detailed physical description] Standing at 5'11", Andrew sports medium-length purposefully unkempt "pretty boy" brown hair, brown eyes and a serious expression. He's very lanky looking, as physical prowess isn't really required to learn physics or studying star charts or using the computer to fly the ship.

?[personality] Cocky when it comes to navigating a ship. Otherwise, he's a very timid person who's working on getting out of his shell. He's always willing to listen to people that will acknowledge him. Very insecure with people he doesn't know, or hasn't established a friendship with yet; spending years studying star charts and physics does that to a person. Pessimistic, knowing that his line of work is actually done by a computer and he's just the one that operates it.

?[past/backstory] Growing up, Andrew would always look at the stars at night; wondering what secrets they held. After learning that each star could hold that chance of another new world, he knew what he would do when he grew up! As time passed, he started devoting more and more of his time to studying star charts, and learning anything and everything about the vastness of space and what it meant to move between this vast expanse of..nothing. Top of his class in secondary school, he was invited to Nyx Academy to study; and the rest is history.

?[important family/friends] Instructor Morrison at Nyx Academy.

?[secrets, will not be shared with anyone] He had to take his practical navigation test two times before passing.

?[thoughts on this mission] Finally! A chance to fly a real starship!

?[other skills and talents] Good at a game of 3D checkers, but not 3D chess. Can usually understand basics of any ship computer system after about an hour or two of using it.

?[flaws and weaknesses] Easily fatigued in physical activities. Andrew chose to develop his brain, not his muscles. He's also a firm believer of "If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.". Naive to the "real world".

?[fears] Having to make any decision that could upset any of his friends, or other things that could lead to conflict. Crashing the ship during a simple landing procedure. Exploding the ship.



? Space

? Drinking

? Recreational Flying (hands up if you thought that was going to be another word)

? History of space flight

? Explaining how to pilot in a zero-g environment


? Conflict

? Food that comes out of the sea

? Strategy games

? Not being in "the know"

? Being the center of attention. It makes that blending thing not work too well.

?[theme song] "Ghost Riders In The Sky"

I'm posting this CS late, in hopes that this will still become a thing, and it hasn't died and is only stalled.

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