Chitchat Weird Experiences-

I personally believe nothing in my life has been weird to allow me to post anything within this thread, but that is because my definition of weird is nearly non-existent and I tend to be other people's definition. That or I have simply erased any weird enough experiences or things that I would consider such from my memory as my mind is rather incapable of holding onto things. Yet also given the things I've seen here, I may actually have a few instances.
So I have actually had a few weird things happen, but merely in my head as dreams, perhaps nightmares. Some being what I've been told are premonitions, that which is dreamt and then happens at a later date. But I've never had a real dream or nightmare for a few years now...

  • But one weird instance that has been present throughout my entire life and perhaps why I don't have many more to tell if you believe in the influence of good spirits. Is that of my Grandfather who I only know of as JR, a man who died before I was born, a few years before if I remember correctly. Now, I've always felt that I've known JR on a personal level, and have been told that'd I'd talk about him as such, despite never having known him, maybe as a child I had been told lots about him by my Grandmother, but I don't remember anyone saying I was. And I still to this day feel like I know him as a dear family member that I talked to on many occasions and became really close to, and sure, it's not a weird experience or a story to really tell, but the fact of knowing someone personally who died 2 years before you were born and having been told such things that if any spirits did follow me around, they were solely there to protect me. So take this as you will, but it honestly feels a bit like it deserves, at the least, an honorable mention due to the lack of weird in my life.

  • SNow, I have a severe lack of nightmares, or actual dreams and have for as far as I can remember dream-wise, knowing they stopped after my 5th grade year when I was pulled out of school for certain reasons. And I do exclusively remember a few dreams or nightmares I've had, mostly nightmares that I don't care to discuss, but anyhow. Ever since the lack of dreams and such, I've only ever had silent and extremely vivid premonitions as my aunt told me that have always happened to no fail. But one thing that only counts as a dream now, are things that seem to either serve as a warning to me, or perhaps have been the work of something a bit sinister. One particular "dream" being that of which I sort of went into a battle with a grandparent of mine who seemed adamant to have me killed, and the entire time it went on I had this growing rage that became worse by the second... Which upon waking caused me to punch my wall and thus bloody a few knuckles and fingers. I've always known my anger is a rather dangerous thing in me as I never have a way to release it properly, but the fact is that this seemed to have made it worse where I was fine the night before and a few hours later after I calmed down. But my lack of dreams and the emotional warning "dreams" I have always seen to herald something. One such sad one, was a bit before a family crisis, one I didn't pay attention to until my sister was driven away and my household was a bit in shambles.

So there ya have it!!! My not-weird weird things I can remember! XD
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