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We Shall Kill Them, Then Eat Pie

The She Elf did not lower her bow, "We will escort our kindred to the knotted throne, but I will not permit this...Beast, to enter our capitol. It will return to the edge of the forest and not cross our boarders on pain of death."

Beast?! Koba snarled, Im going to rip her spine out
Ashryn stoked his head to calm him down. "If he doesn't go, then I don't go, then you all die. You see how that works?"
No, Ill leave. Ill go a few miles back and loose the ones they send to tail me, them make my way to the capitol. Just make sure you tell the Queen about this idiot. Koba thought, he then projected his thoughts, I will wait at the boarder to the north.
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A deep growl rumbled in Kobas chest, If i stay here any longer im going to kill this Elf, i doubt that would go over well with the queen.
Or me... She added. She wrapped her arms around him as far as they would go in a goodbye hug. I'll see you soon.

Koba nodded, Ill be watching you flower, He turned to leave. As he walked away he suddenly turned about and roared, startling the She Elf enough to cause her to fire an arrow at him. With astonishing agility for his size Koba side stepped the shot and caught the shaft in his jaws, I know your scent elven kin, and if anything should happen to her in my absence... Koba let his thought trail off ominously, and emphasized the pause by snapping the arrow in his mouth. And with that Koba turned tail and disappeared into the forest, heading north at a breakneck speed. The She elf barked a command and one of the other scouts broke off and began sprinting after Koba.
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Ashryn strung her bow and knocked an arrow in one fluid motion, pulling the string back until the feather on the arrow touched her cheek. "Call them back," she said, loud enough to be heard, but her voice was low and dangerous. "Or I'll fill you up with so many arrows that you'll look like a pincushion."

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