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We Shall Kill Them, Then Eat Pie

Ashryn stands up and walks out of the creek, and begins to wring out her hair and clothes. Then she sits next to Koba, and takes one of his paws in her hands, stroking the pads on the paw. "We need to move again, after you get a bit more rest."
Koba sighs and looks mournfully at Ashren, Youre right Flower. He stands and stretches, then drops to all fours. Ready
Koba turns towards her, and softly nuzzles her cheek, No, what would I do without you, keeping the animal inside me at bay? Now climb on flower, we still have a day of hard riding ahead of us if we are to reach the capitol in good time.
Koba groweled and lunged forward, trees and brush rushing past them. They ran for the remainder of the day, stopping only once to listen for warhorns, Ashryn heard nothing, and koba only faintly heard the sound he described as "A faint howl on the wind". As the sun began to set they slowed their rush, the forest began to look less and less natural, and more like magic was used to guide its growth.
Koba chuckled, making a ruk ruk sound deep in his chest, If they perceived us as a threat they would never have let us get this far unchallenged, and i would finally know what elf tastes like...
I would only take a couple bites... Besides i doubt they taste that well anyway, you for instance taste terrible, like grass and pine needles. He jumped to clear a formation of rocks. But still...
Nice to know that I am in no danger of being eaten. She held on tightly as he jumped. I'm fairly sure that we are almost there. The scouts will probably be stopping us soon. to seek our intentions.
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Ill let you do the talking, do you wish to proceed together or shall you go openly and have me keep to the shadows?
Koba growls, Caution never goes unrewarded, but well do as you wish. They slowed to a halt, Time to greet the scouts. Turning on his heel Koba half stands, still slightly hunched to keep Ashren from falling, and roars. His challenge echos through the forest and is met with utter and complete silence, it seemed as if even the wind dared not make a whisper for fear of provoking thy mighty elites wrath. Ashren felt a feeling of immense satisfaction emanating from her life partner, that not even the crickets would dare respond seemed to please him greatly.
She smiled faintly and slid off his back so he could stand upright. "Hello there!" She called loudly, moving in front of Koba. "We wish to speak with you!"
For a moment there was no sign of life, the forest still in a deathly calm, then some of the shadows began to take form and 3 elven men and one woman seemed to almost materialize from under the boughs of the trees.They stepped into the clearing and the female stood in front of the men. They were thin and beautiful, as all elven kind are, and wore tunics that were neither green nor brown, they in fact seemed to shift colors as they moved. All were breathing heavily. "You run with great speed and endurance." Said the female, "We were unsure if we could keep pace with you to the capitol, i trust we have not angered your mighty companion?" The maiden gestured towards Koba, and he let out a vicious snarl, which caused the scouts to grasp their weapons and move back a pace...or two.
Hush darling. They have no evil intentions. Ashryn smiles. "He is just a little bit on edge right now. We ran into some trouble on the way here, and both of us have been on guard."
The maiden nods her head, but does not relax her grip on her bow. "What is your business in Pragia?" she asks, "and how were you able to take command of the forest guardians?"?"
"We have a message for the queen," Ashryn replies. "And as for your other question, I filled the requirements, and the city needed protecting." She pushes back her hair to reveal her pointed ears.
Koba projected his thoughts to the entire group, Enough questions she elf, bring us to the knotted throne so we may deliver our grave tidings. As you needlessly stall us the enemy draws near on swift and strong legs. A dark expression came across the elf's face, she glared at Koba, "It is my duty to..."

Koba cut her off with a roar that caused the stones to at their feet to shift, Steel scraped against leather as swords were drawn, with blinding speed the She elf knocked an arrow and aimed it at Koba as he stood to his full height, pushing Ashryn behind him. Again he projected his thoughts Pray your aim is true fool...
Ashryn scrambled up his back to sit on his shoulders, swatting at his muzzle. "Would you stop it?! They were just about to let us pass!"

She turns her attention back to the group of elves. "I apologize. He is rather dramatic at times, but right now, he's right. Time is of the essence."

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