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We Never Die, If Only...

September 23, 2517

This is the day that changed our worlds forever, the 75 of us that were conscripted. We were chosen to be heroes. We left our childhood behind with the deaths of our clones. Our old lives gone. Our names gone. Our childish dreams gone. All that was replaced with the goals of Dr. Hasley. Being the frontline of the UNSC, the ones to stop a war before it escalated. Well that's how it started anyway...


A woman, a Dr. Hasley, had just explained to them that they couldn't go home to their parents. That they were to be trained as soldiers. That these other kids were family now. Bruce was stunned when his handler, a broad man in camouflage pants and a nasty green shirt, dragged him through the doors and onto the dirt path. The day passed like a blur. He was confused and lost. Bruce was on auto-pilot as they led him around with the rest of the kids. They escorted them to a barracks and the day just ended for him once his head hit the pillow on the cot.

The sounds of children shouting out and the man next to his bunk shouting in his ear woke him up. "Wake up, boot! the man with camoflauged pants shouted. Bruce struggled to get out of the cot and hurried to the front of the cot. His heart was racing and the shouts of other kids indicated theirs were as well. There was a man at the end of the rows and he looked stern and stood like he was made of stone. Chief Petty Officer Mendez, he shouted to the kids, was his name. The other men were instructors and to do what they were told. The men pulled out sweats with their names stenciled on them. Bruce looked at his and they were placed on his cot. The men shouted at them to hit the showers and get back to their bunks to dress. It took a while for him to wash himself on the conveyor and he was freezing after the icy water sprayed him. He ran back to the bunk and hurriedly put on the sweats and boots waiting for him before the instructors hustled them out the barracks before they could catch their breath.

They were made to do excessive exercises and Bruce thought he was going to die. He wasn't prepared for this. After they ran for a very long run, given no time to think about anything but staying conscious. They arrived to a building and it had
Naval Officers Academy on the front. Bruce was excited when he saw that. "School... School... YES!" He hurried up the steps and rushed inside with the woman in white. She showed them some video of some guys in underwear and lots of blood and stuff. Deja, the AI in white, had explained the battle and the soldiers of Sparta, Spartans, fought of an empire with a few of them. Bruce was inspired and he was close to ask a question when it was over. CPO Mendez waited outside with some instructors and was going to show them the playground. Bruce wasn't as excited as the rest of the kids but the 2 mile run brought their spirits down on his level.

They reached the "playground" and Bruce looked at it with a small amount of fear running up his spine. It was a forest of twenty meter tall wooden poles. Rope cargo nets and bridges stretched between the pole; they swayed, crossed and crisscrossed one another, a maze suspended in the air. There were slide poles and knotted climbing ropes. There were swings and suspended platforms. There were ropes looped through pulleys and tied to baskets that looked sturdy enough to hoist a person. They were made to form lines and they were put into teams. Bruce was on the first row and there were other two rows. He sighed when he looked at the second member of his team.
Soren-066 was stenciled on his shirt. He didn't look different other than being average. There was someone else in the third row but he didn't want to move his body and risk getting zapped by the stick the instructors were using.

Its been a very hectic 48 hours. Just over two days ago, Blake, a small girl sleeping in bed, was suddenly snatched and taken from her un suspecting family, replaced by a look-alike, a dopple ganger, an exact clone, of herself. Being carried to a car kicking and screams muffled by the hands of her handler, tears swelled in her eyes as she reached out for her home, heart racing, mind confused, and body strapped down in a seat in the back of a truck. Which, strangely, had the faces of other children her age. Blake was an intelligent girl, quick to put pieces together, and she came to the conclusion that this...this wasnt just a random kidnap...

Her and the other 20 or so children were driven for many hours. To a place where they did not see, for the back of the military-looking, caravan truck had a cover, making it impossible to see where they were headed. The ride was bumpy, the children were silent except for their sniffling and sobbing.

After a long time, the truck came to a stop and the back opened revealing light, artificial light of course, from the facility they were brought to.

The building looked more like a corporate office or a lab, either way, it looked very important. The massive group of kids were taken to a woman. Blake noticed the name on her name tag just above the pocket of her lab coat,"Dr. Katherine Halsey...", she whispered to herself and took note. The wrinkly woman spoke about strange things, such as being soldiers, and taking on difficult tasks, and how the children were part of a now very bright and hopeful future. 'Bright and hopeful for who,' Blake thought. Soon after this strange debriefing and introduction, Blake and the rest were being escorted once more. They formed them in lines, leading them to rooms and barracks to sleep in. The children obeyed but none had slept that night. Too scared, too restless, or in Blake's case, too confused....

The next morning came, and all were forced awake by the yelling and unpleaseant hollering of a middle aged man calling them names and yelling in ther faces. Blake slept at the end of the room and sat up from her cot, rubbing her eyes, and seeing the man coming closer. She scrunched her face, a little annoyed with his raspy commands but got up anyway. Moving some hair out of her face, she stood by her bed and watched the other children still rise from their sleep. The man introduced himself as the Drill Instructor. Now Blake has seen the movies that her father would watch, about war and armies and all that. She figured that this is what it was like, she assumed, now, that she was in some sort of disciplanary camp. But why her? She wasnt a bad child. Little did she know, this wasnt about discipline at all, and her life was about to change forever. Lost in her thoughts, a tall, very well kept man came in the barrack. The Drill Instructor (or DI) introduced him as Chief Petty Officer Mendez. Her eyebrow lifted as she studied him closey. Both the DI and CPO Mendez were saying things the children didnt really understand, much like the previous Dr. Halsey. Each child was presented with clothes to exercise in and some dog tags with their names and a number beside it. This too much like a dream for Blake. The DI instructed them to shower and change, but the children replied woth blank stares. "MOVE!" he finally yelled and the children scrambled. Girls and boys were separated. The water was feezing, and Blake covered her eyes and gasped as it came down on her. Shivering, she changed frantically into the clothing given to her and followed the others back to the DI. Some more degrading talk came out of his mouth because they werent "fast enough" he said. Blake ignored the negativity but pretended to pay attention.

Once again, they were put in lines an led to yet another building. As the children entered, they were told where to sit and to wait paitently. Chatter arose amongst the children, but Blake stood quiet. She wasnt quick to making friends. The lights dimmed and at the front a strange light flickered on, revealing a woman. Not a real woman, but a hologram of a woman appearence. Her voice was silky but clearly artificial. She was dressed like a greek godess (if i remember correctly from the book), and introduced herself as Deja. Blake could presume she was a teacher of some sort but she didnt seem as boring as the teachers back home, and easily captured her audience with her presence.

After the instruction of ancient wars, the kids were taken outside, where the DI and CPO Mendez stood stiffly.

Blake observed Mendez again, but quickly snapped out of it by the sound of scuffling shoes. She turned and saw that the kids were RUNNING. 'Running where?' She thought, but followed along with out hesitation.

As she ran she recalled something about a "play ground" being mentioned, but that was it. Blake looked around at the scenery of the path they were running, then turned her attention toward the fellow 'soldiers' she was running with. Watching and taking note of who seemed the most fit and who was at the front. Being a small girl, her strides werent very long, but she was quick, and managed to keep herself in the middle of the bunch. However, it dodnt take too long till she became exhausted, and it was appearent that the others did as well. Everyone slowed down significantly ant it seemed they were no where near finished.

By the time they reached the playground, Blake was ready to collapse. She huffed and puffed, bending over and resting her hands on her knees while panting. Her legs felt like jelly and staggered into the line she was placed. Her stomach twisted while she swayed in the back of her line. But her nausea was dostracted when a certain kid in the front of her line looked back at boy behind him then to her, but he quickly turned away. She made a pout face with her eye brows furrowed as if to say "what was he lookin' at". Her head lifted slightly to look at this 'playground' they came all this way for. Blake was disappointed, it didnt look like a playground at all! So many, ropes, platforms, and climbing poles! This was just a training ground. Blake was tempted to plop on the ground and pass out, just by LOOKING at this thing. The six year old girl shook her head and mentally pushed herself to endure. Moving a black lock of hair behind her ear, she knew this would challenging. Unfortunately, this six year old girl wasnt as adept with physical skills compared to her academic ones....
The large man gave them their instructions on their "game", Ring the Bell. There was a bell that was hung on a pole stood above the others an additional ten meters and had a steel slide pole next to it. There were many ways to get to the bell and it was left to each team to find a way up there. There was a prize to be won, dinner. Roast turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, brownies, and ice cream. Bruce licked his lips when he heard that. He loved corn and the ice cream was just too much too resist. Bruce wanted it and he looked to his two teammates, Soren and the girl. Her light skin was brighter because of her black hair. But what struck him were her blue eyes. They seemed to glow, he thought it might have been just the lighting. CPO Mendez added in this tidbit that brought his attention to the front, "The last team to finish goes without food." That caused everyone to grow quiet. No one wanted to go hungry.

"Go!" Everyone began running. Bruce ran to the girl and grabbed Soren on his way there. The girl's top was stenciled like everyone else's and it read Blake-102. Bruce spoke to his teammates, "Hi. I'm Bruce. And we need to stick together so we eat tonight. I think we should all get on the basket and pull ourselves up the pole. But let's hurry." Bruce pointed at the cargo net that led to the platform and at the bridge that crossed to space separating it from a platform. As he pointed, five kids fell into the water below after the bridge flipped. He looked back at his team and smiled, "Looks like we might make it after all. Ha." Soren's face was passive and he just nodded and began running to the cargo net without saying anything. That left Bruce and Blake.
Blake crossed her arms and made that scrunched face again,"No food? Thats inhumane," the little six year old said matter-of-factly.

She was standing around rubbing her arm, observing her environment. Until she heard "Go!" And indeed she went, passed her fellow team mates when she noticed they had caught up with her. She stopped and looked at them. The boy that was in the front of the line and looked back at her. He introduced himself as Bruce and expressed the need to win. She looked at the other, quieter boy the back at Bruce, "My name's Blake...and we dont really have to win right? Just not be last?" She spoke up next. The sound of a loud sploosh and splash distracted her and she turned looking and the five kids that had fallen in water under a bridge. Bruce and the other boy looked too, and once they looked back so did she. Bruce mentioned that they had an advantage now since five kids were now out if the way. She didnt laugh like he did but it was amusing. Soren suddenly took off and Blake blinked at him,"I thought we were a team! Dont leave us!" She whined but since he was already gone, poor Bruce had to put up with it. Blake rolled her blue eyes over to Bruce and she smiled,"After you," and after he took off after Soren, so did she. She was still incredibly tired, climbing through the ropes and other obstacles to get to the platform was tiring! Her legs were ready to give out, her stomach was just about to turn, and her head spun with a headache. Tired and short legs, it was hard to keep up but she pushed through.
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Up the cargo net, past the bridge, leaping over the bridge before it turned and helping the others get on it was harder than it looked. One kid had already rang the bell and the rest of the kids were almost there. Soren had secured the basket and Bruce hopped in after shoving Blake in it. Soren began pulling the rope that led up onto the pulley. Bruce started helping and the strain was evident in both the boys faces. Bruce looked over to Blake and jokingly laughed, "Even girls have to help." He smiled and bit his lip when he felt their weight lift up and the others began to find another way up the course. Bruce looked up and saw the bell get rang by a few more children. 'Don't be last... don't be last...' He thought to himself as he remembered the corn on the cob the huge man promised. And the fear of going hungry tonight drove his arms to keep pulling.
Blake followed Bruce closely behind. Ocassionally tripping or stumbling because of the amount of fatigue that her body was feeling. After hoping into the basket, Blake bent over to catch her breath, legs wobbling more than ever. Her pale face was flushed with rosey cheeks, and her hair was pulled back into a sloppy ponytail that she did during the course. "Even girls have to help," Bruce laughed. Blake straightened up with her hands on her hips,"I know," she pouted and quickly grabbed onto the rope. As they pulled she could see others catching up. She turned back to her teams and clearly saw the desperation of trying to reach the top. 'Dont make then lose because of you,....' She thought to her self. Her grip in the rope tightened, a deep breath was taken, and a tiny pink tongue stuck out and she put all that she had left into pulling. She moaned and groaned in process but didnt give up. The shiny bronze bell was finally with in reach...
The basket hit the top and Bruce latched the roped around the post and hopped out of the basket onto a platform. It was one more climb on a net until they reached the platform leading to the bell. Kids were running to the bell from the other end, so Bruce hurried up the net as fast as he could. His lungs were on fire as he climbed up and his arms felt like they were being stung by pins and needles. He made it to the top and smacked the bell two times before hopping on the pole and sliding down to a bunch of cushions at the bottom. Soren was the next to hit it behind him and Bruce couldn't look back up to see if Blake had made it. Bruce ran for the finish line and made it there with others behind them. He was breathing heavily and leaned forward, placing his hands on his thighs trying to regain his breath. Soren crossed the line and fell in behind the other kids that made it, not wanting to be visible. Mendez looked at the two and nodded, making a few checks on his clipboard and returned to looking at the obstacle course. Bruce sighed heavily, hoping he was going to make it to the vanilla ice cream and corn on the cob.
The basket made a little thump when it finally hit the top. Blake trailed closely behind Soren and Bruce. They reached it before she did, and when it was her turn to climb up that net, she stood at the bottom, looking upward to the platform that led to that shiny bell. She took a deep breath and sighed with an,"Ughhh...." She closed her eyes for a moment, gathering the mental strength to muster up the physical push she needs. She separated those long, dark lashes, that revealed her open sapphire eyes. Arms swinging heavily with confidence, she brickly walked over to the net and grabbed a hold. Climbing up with arms that were ready to pop off, and legs that felt like there were cinder blocks tied to them, she pulled her self all the way up. Making the last stretch to push herself on her feet, onto the platform, felt like it took forever. And the more she moved, the closer she got to passing out. Those deep blue eyes landed on the bell, that she was more than happy to see. One pale hand stretched out to the rope that dangled from with in, and grabbed a hold. Blake shook it with the very last bit of energy she had.

She slowly and carefully made her way down the "playground" apparatus, and sloppily jogged to the finish line, meeting up with Bruce and Soren. Before she reached them, she stopped and held her head. Her legs staggered and stumbled and, bending over, she threw up what ever she had left in her stomach from before being taken from her family. She stood back up and wiped her mouth with her arm and breathed heavily. She walked to her team mates and put her hands on her hips,"Im fine..." She said sternly, but her quivering body, red cheeks, and her visible lack of balance said otherwise. She hadnt felt this sick in a while, Blake always had a weak immune system and got sick frequently, often throwing up with fevers and what not, so she was a little used to the feeling of being sick. However, she felt something new. Her head was spinning, and her focus of vision was a little off. Blake felt like passing out, but shes never experienced something like that before, so she ignored the signs.

Blake lifted a hand to her forehead, and pushed aside some of the black bangs that dangled there, while at the same time, wiping the sweat too. She looked at Bruce and Soren and gave a very weak smile,"We werent last!" She said between the breaths of her panting.
Blake had made it through and Bruce threw up his arms and laughed. "Yessssss." Bruce smiled and felt his adrenaline kicking past the pains and soreness his body endured. He laughed and patted Blake on the back. "Guess it's ice cream and corn for us! Yeeesssssss." He laughed again and waited for a minute or two until all the kids had made it past the line. Mendez nodded and he beamed at them all, "Good work, trainees. Let's get back to the barracks and chow down." The kids cheered, including Bruce laughing at the excitement, ignoring the mud all caked over his boots and sweats. The last team, team three, had been singled out from everyone. Sam, Kelly, and John. John had protested that he was first. Mendez replied, "Yes, you were first, but your team came in last." Mendez looked at everyone else and addressed them, "Remember this: you don't win unless your team wins. One person winning at the expense of the group means that you lose." Mendez turned and walked to the head of the group. Bruce tried to find Soren but he was hard to find mixed in the crowd, so he nudged Blake who was next to him, "Good job. We're a team. Now, lets eat some ICE CREAM." He said trying to keep his voice hushed to keep from being swatted by an instructor.

They ran back to the barracks, another dreadful run after they had just ran and Bruce was trying to determine if he was going to be alive to eat the ice cream. The mess hall was filled with children as they stuffed themselves silly with the food promised to the winners. Bruce was at his team's table and he had a mound of corn and one was in his hand, being devoured. His hunger was ravenous after all the exercising they had them doing. Though he looked at the food and realized that he might get a stomach ache that would make him feel worse tomorrow during drills. He put the corn down for a second and looked to where Blake and Soren had gotten to and saw Soren walking to the table with a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

"Hey Soren, what do you think of our team? Hm? Think we are going to make it to the top? Hm? HM?"
Bruce hassled Soren as he sat down next to him on the bench. "Eh.... I just kinda.... want to get by without... too much attention..." Soren said slowly putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. Bruce frowned a bit, he didn't like that. Even if this was different, this was home now. He wanted to have fun at the times where he could because he could sense that the rest of their time here was going to suck. "Well, at least the girl in our team isn't keeping us back. Right? Ha, girls..." Bruce said hoping Blake wasn't around to hear it.
Blake nervously laughed while being pat on the back. Bruce's excitement put a smile on her face and she nodded,"Seems like you'll get your food after all!" And just as she said that she could hear the upset sounds of a boy behind her. She turned around, onyx hair whipping behind her, and noticed a certain boy with almost platinum blonde hair, and colored eyes. Chief Petty Officer Mendez spoke to him,"Yes, you were first, but your team was last," he pointed out. Mendez begun to ramble about how important being a team is, but Blake just played with a pebble on the ground using her foot. She started think about the whole idea of 'team mates' until she disturbed by a nudge to her arm. She looked at the culprit, and it was Bruce,"Yes, lets." She replied in agreement to getting ice cream.

The group ran back, and Blake was towards the end of the group, tired out with no energy. She tripped and fell once on the way when her legs gave out at one point, a little scratch was on her knee but it didnt effect her, it was nothing. She looked at it menacingly,'Get up...' She told herself, and so she did and continued on her way.

Once they reached the main facilities, her and the rest of the children were led not to the barracks, but to the mess hall. Inside, it was loud and there was a lot of talk,'I guess people made friends already...' She thought. She got in line with the rest that were waiting to be served. Not too far, she could see Soren and Bruce sitting side by side, and of course, Bruce obviously speaking with excitement, his facial expressions and gestures said it all, and Soren with his submissive nature replying back hesitantly. She scoffed and grabbed her tray of food after she was served. She walked slowly to them, black hair trailing behind. She went to their table and to their side of the bench, catching their disscussion and inly hearing somthing about girls. She slammed her tray down on the table--making her presence known-- on the other side of Bruce that wasnt occupied by Soren. She crossed her arms while standing up, and lifted an eyebrow, looking down at them,"What was that about girls?" Her small voice that matched her height, asked.
"Oh you know. Glad you're not a slowpoke. And...," Bruce said pointing his spoon at her tray, "I want to have a bite of your brownie." Bruce smiled and ran his fingers through his short messy hair. He looked up at her with his light brown eyes, "Please? They didn't have any out when I passed through." He grinned. Soren scooted off to the edge and poked at his ice cream. Didn't say much really. Bruce looked at him and wondered how it was going to be with Soren the quiet one and Blake the girl. His team was kinda... different in all aspects. But he would have to see later on at what their strengths were, at this moment, he knew they could count on each other.

"So... that brownie looks scrumptious." Bruce added with a lick of his lips.
Blake looked down at the brownie and unfolded her arms,"The brownie?" She blinked with a curious expression then went back to an emptionless face,"I suppose you can have half..." She sat next to him and leaned over the table a little to look at Soren,"Unless Soren would like some as well? Then he could have the other half. Blake never really had sweets because of her parents. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a pediatrician, so according to them 'Sweets are bad, all theyre good for is spoiling a child,' so shes never had much. Infact, as Blake took a quick glance at their ice cream, shes reminded shes never had ice cream. Using a plastic knife that was included with the meal, she cut the brownie in half. Her pale hands grabbed a napkin and used it to grab tge baked good. She turned her arm so the brownie was now facing up and lifted it to Bruce,"The napkin was for sanitary reasons, you dont have to take that," The six year old struggled with the word 'sanitary'. Her luminous blue eyes lifted to Soren and her expression changed from no expression at all, to giving a gentle smile--she noticed his reserved nature, so she tried to be as nice as she could--,"You can have the other if you like?"
"Alright, trainees. Wrap it up. Lights out in ten. Up and at'em." Mendez called out at the entrance of the mess hall. Bruce growled in response. He wasn't exactly done with his corn. He grabbed the brownie, both halves, and shoved them in his mouth before grabbing a corn on the cob into his sweat pants. "Th-*muffled crunches*-nk ch-*muffled cruches*-uuu" Bruce thanked Blake while eating the brownie and looking like a chipmunk. He got up and made some efforts not to drop the corn in his pants as he walked to the exit where the waste bins were. Soren sighed and left his tray on the table and snuck out with a few of the kids, blending in like he was a natural. Bruce waited for Blake to catch up since he couldn't find Soren, again. By now, his mouth was clear of any delectable chocolate-y goodness. And a crumb hid itself in the crease in the corner of his lip that was visible when he smiled at Blake. "Come on! Don't wanna get chewed out after we just had a delicious dinner."
Blake made her signature scrunched up face with annoyance,"Hey!" She said as she watched Bruce stuff his face with both halves of the brownie. She crossed her arms again and looked down at her almost full tray,'I didnt even get to eat much...' She thought. She stood up and noticed Soren sneak away from then. Blake let go of a sigh and rushed to catch up with Bruce. He called out to her and when she caught up she cupped one side of his face with one hand, and using her thumb, wiped away a single crumb that clung to the corner of his mouth. Her eyebrows furrowed as she lectured,"You know, one of those halves was for Soren....".
Flinching slightly when Blake brought her hand to his face, Bruce licked his lips again and frowned, "Sorry, MOM." Bruce sneered slightly and hurried off out of the mess hall. Mendez was outside and so were the instructors. They walked them to the barracks and the kids went to the bunks with their footlockers. Bruce landed on his bunk and felt all his muscles scream in agony of the abuse they endured today. But what was hurting more than his muscles were the thoughts that snuck through the spasms of his tendons. His mother and father, mother who loved machines and father that played with funny named liquids he couldn't pronounce. But when he tried to remember the looks in their faces before he was taken from them, the lights shut off with a snap of a switch. Doors shut and some kids groaned a bit and others around him shuffled in their bunk. He laid flat on his back and wondered what was in store for them. And the why would have to wait, since sleep was beginning to pull him in.
Blake pouted at his mom comment. She brushed it off and followed the others back to the barracks. Everyone filed in, and went straight to their beds. She went to her bunk, and climbed up to her bed. She sat on the top bunk and stretched. She looked around and watched as the other kids plopped on their beds, tired out. Blake laid back, her hands folded on her stomach as she stared at the ceiling. The softness of the pillow and the warmth of the blankets were lulling her to sleep. Her body rolled over to its side, and before she knew it, she passed out. Dead asleep.

Although she was asleep, her mind was active. She dreamt she was back home, in her own bed. Her mother tucked her in while her father kisses her forehead and stroked her hair. Blake smiled at them, in her dream. They exchanged good nights and she closed her eyes. A strange bubbling noise was coming from her window. She sat up and jumped to the window and could see a strange black blob. It looked sticky and it boiled. Blake took a step back, frightened by the sight. She ran for the door, but a string of the blob stretched and broke through the glass, wrapping itself around her ankle. She screamed and tried to reach for the shiny golden knob of the door. Unfortunately, the blob struck again, and wrapped around her wrist. Being anchored to her, it started to pull its self closer. She struggled to break free but it clung on. "Mom! Dad!" She yelled for help. The blob pulled her toward and through the window. She screamed and fought and tried to escape..---

Outside, Blake's sapphire eyes shot open. She sat up, sweating and clutching the sheets. Her heavy breathing began to slow as seconds passed. She looked around, remembering where she was and her eyes began to water and swell with tears. Her breathing became choppy and sobs started to come from her. She covered her face with her hands and cried. Blake turned, to lay on her stomach and cried into the pillow, trying to keep quiet. She sniffled and sighed, trying to wipe her face.

December 29, 2523

Silent whispers pass through the cedar foliage as snow broke overhead through the canopy, falling beside a figure standing flush with the trunk. His body looked firm and he had grown taller than most in his class. His short cropped hair was hidden under a multicolored snow cap worn backwards and his bronze skin was camouflaged with whites and subtle browns to blend with the snow. He held a pair of UNSC binoculars overlooking the compound where it was supposedly had a few caches of contraband that they were to confirm for pickup by team 7. Though intel was always half assed and CPO Mendez always having something up his sleeve. So, Bruce made sure to get Soren up close before getting the signal that everything was clear. Soren, of course, had excelled in blending in with his surroundings. Which made him an asset to their team, the recon team. Blake was somewhere, probably getting into position and Bruce was watching over the polycrete structure's entrance for Soren's signal.

Bruce saw something through the digital display and centered his focus on it. It was a figure clinging to the shadows creeping to the door and stopping. The door opened to two men leaving to stand outside for a smoke. They weren't in uniform and from the M6G magnum and MA2B Assault Rifle on them, they weren't going to be very happy to see kids coming in and stealing their stuff.
'Could've used this information sooner... Gotta love that intel... ' Bruce thought as he let out a sigh. The mask he wore prevented the condensation from being visible and giving away his position. Soren's idea. Bruce liked Soren's knack at not being seen, especially as he took out the two men standing in front of him with well placed strikes, rendering them unconscious and grabbing them before they clanked on the floor. Soren moved their bodies to the shadows of a nearby column and covered them with a tarp near some ammo crates. Soren flashed a mirror from his position and Bruce saw it. That was the signal. 'Time to get going.' Bruce let out a owl's hoot to let Blake know it was all clear up on the hillside. Bruce slowly made his way down the snowy hillside down to the compound.
Blake treaded lightly on the snow. Deep in the brush, she wedged her still small body on the ground between two bushes. She made sure the area was clear of any other life force but her own. Her arms pushed her up and she swiftly took cover to a near by tree, close to their targeted area. She leaned her back against it and slid down to sit, there she waited for Bruce's signal. She sighed and leaned her head back against the bark of the tree and looked upward into the snow covered branches and leaves. "Ugh.." She groaned. Her pale hand removed a white and black camo scarf that covered her nose and mouth,"Cant breathe with this thing" condensation floating out of her mouth. A snap echoed through the trees followed by the sound of falling snow. She lifted her head and stood still, listening for anything unusual. It was dead quiet, not even the birds were singing. Sapphire eyes scanned the environment carefully. Suddenly the familiar call of Bruce's owl imitation signaled to proceed. She looked toward the sound and then turned back behind her, her black bangs swinging with the turn of her head. Something didnt feel right...but she obeyed Bruce none of the less. Like a deer coming out from the thicket and out into the open meadow, Blake wearily came out making her way to the compound. She looked to her left, and could see Bruce making his way down the hill side. She lifted the scarf back up above her nose, just under her eyes, and lifted her hood to cover her midnight black hair against the snow. As she watched and waited for him, the snow began to fall again. She looked up and watched it fall while Bruce caught up.
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Dodging the trees as he climbed down the hillside, Bruce was looking around to make sure no one was out on the rooftop of the compound. Bruce made a run for it once he reached the bottom to the ten foot gate surrounding the compound. Bruce knelt down and looked for Blake with his binoculars. He spotted her and ran crouched over to her position on the opposite side of the hillside. Bruce made it to her and nodded, "Good. Hey. Hey. Hello?" Bruce poked her forehead, trying to bring her back to reality. "You know, we are on an assignment. And from what I've seen so far... These guys got firepower that'll most likely kill us if we aren't careful." Bruce whispered to her. He explained where Soren was and was making the plan to get through the compound's courtyard.

There were cargo trucks and a few forklifts uniformly lining the edges of the compound's courtyard. Giving the impression of it being a logistics warehouse. And from the assignment they were given, this intel seemed to be very important. Bruce looked at Blake after getting some insight on their next moves. "Alright, Soren is already at the entrance of the compound. We'll sneak through by going through the section of gate Soren opened up and we'll meet up with him at the doorway. After that.... um.... we'll figure it out." Bruce said with a small chuckle.
Blake felt a light poke on her forhead. She looked back down, her eyes meeting Bruce's,"Oh hey...." She said but then he reminded her they were on an important and risky mission from what he described,"Sorry..." She blinked and looked up at him. She didnt realize how tall hes gotten, then again shes just short. Bruce explained that Soren was already at the gate,"Lets go then," she nodded and made her way into the compound, being extra careful.
After passing through the gate, Bruce stayed in front of Blake and hoped she followed his path. He wove quickly path the cargo trucks and hurried to cover ground between the forklifts to keep hidden. His body kept close to the wall as he stayed crouched, moving forward to where Soren stood searching the two men. Soren waved Bruce over and showed him a card. "It's not marked but it has the ID codes of the guards. Can't get anything off of them. Maybe Mendez didn't plan this to be in our assignment." Soren whispered to Bruce. Bruce looked at the card and flashed it over the card reader to open the entrance into the compound. "Well, it's our assignment to recon the compound, retrieve any intel of it's origin, and extract for debriefing. Let's get it done, so we can get some grub. Tired of berries..." Bruce said softly with an edge. He was getting hungry and wanted this assignment over. He crept inside and surveyed the room.

The room had high ceilings and wasn't decorated at all, like most of the military compounds. Halogen florescent lighting giving it a cool eerie atmosphere. There was a desk for the guards off to the left and a hallway leading down into some darkness and an elevator off to the right with a key access pad. Once Bruce got inside he clung to the outer wall and called for Blake. "Check that access pad, see if you can find out where the elevator leads. Soren, go scout the hallway. Be safe." Bruce nodded to Soren. Soren acknowledged it and moved like he was part of the walls. When Soren disappeared, Bruce crept to the table and searched the contents in the compartments. He found a log and copied it to his data drive. He also found a music chip and decided to stow it in his pocket, for future assessment. He found a data pad and tried to access it. It was password encrypted and he was terrible with electronics. He played with it for a few moments and sighed in defeat and stashed it in his pouch so he could give to Blake.
Blake followed Bruce closely behind, occassionally looking over her shoulder to see if anyone else was following, especially after that eerie feeling she got when she was in the thicket. Their steps were quiet and fluid. All she could hear was the sound of her own breathing, it was normal but a little fast from her nerves. Bruce and Blake came to halt once they met with Soren. Soren searched some bodies and picked up a card of some sort, which Bruce inspected.

Turns out it was a key that got them to the next room. Blake followed again, into a totally different room. Blake looked around,"Wow..." Her voice echoed a little in the large room. She dozed off while looking at the details of the room, until the sound of her name snapped her out of it,"Hmm?" She turned around and blink her blue eyes at Bruce. He told her to check a nearby access pad, she sighed, and flicked her wrist,"Yea yea i got this..." She walked over casually to the access pad,"Work me like a dog..." She muttered. She pulled out some pliers that she kept in a pocket of her cargo pants, in case she had to really dig in deep. She pressed a button on the frame of the pad and a bright blue light shined as the screen started up,"Gah!" She turned away,"Thats bright....". There were instructions to swipe a card and enter a number,"A card?..." She lifted an eyebrow,"Oh!" She snapped her fingers. "Bruce you still got those ID cards from the guards?" She asked him, still looking at the menu that glowed brightly in the dark room.
At the snap, Bruce looked over to Blake and put a finger to his lips with a smile. "Shh. Can't have the whole place shooting us up because of you." Bruce said softly and chuckled. He pulled the card out and flicked it to her. He walked over to the door and looked out. There was nothing but file cabinets and a small desk with a computer that looked like it was meant for archives. Bruce ignored it and turned back at Blake and walked over beside her and waited for her to do what she was planning with the ID card.

Down the hallway, Soren crept along the wall and brushed his nose to stop an itch. The lighting was dim down the hallway and there was no activity yet. That was until he reached the end of the hallway and heard some men talking. Soren crept to the corner and eavesdropped.

"Hey, Troy. When's the L.T coming back? I want to get off the rock and head to Earth already. My vacation time's already here" One man said.

"When he's ready to get here, Jensen. Why do you always got be complaining bout something?" Troy said, smacking Jensen's head.

"Whoa now. I'm just getting tired of watching this place with no one to protect it from. I got these guns but don't get to shoot them. I have these muscles but I don't get to beat something." Jensen said flexing his arms.

"Yeah, I got an idea. Go use those muscles to beat yourself silly with. I'm going to the front. Max and Dyna have been gone on their smoke for a while." Troy said, his voice getting closer as he walked in Soren's direction.

Soren reached for the ceiling and found a lip on the edge of the wall before it concaved upward. He pulled himself up and held onto the ceiling lighting. He heard the boots hitting the ground coming closer. He was going to have to take him down before he discovers his team and puts holes in them. Soren pulled out a baton from his pack and waited for the footsteps to turn the corner and walk under him. He saw the buzzcut pass between the lighting and Soren dropped on his back. Swiping the baton across his neck and holding his hand over his mouth, Troy crumbled to the ground with a muffled shout. Soren looked around before grabbing his heels and began pulling him back to the room.
Blake shrugged,"Sorry," she apologized for her volume. Both hands reached out to catch the card,"Thanks," she whispered with a wink. She went back to the access pad and swiped the card, entered a pin that was on the back of the card, and the access pad glowed brighter as more appeared on the screen,"There are several floors, but this person only has access to some,"She said. Tapping buttons on the screen to what each floor had she scrolled all the way to the bottom. Bruce walked beside her and she glanced at him,"Theres a database all the way down at the bottom floor, sounds like a gold mine.." She said. They were there for intel after all,"But theres also an office at the top one, must belong to the one who runs the show around here," she added. That office must have a computer, and a main one at that, maybe even some files. But theres a chance it didnt have anything, the database could have it all, which means itll be under tight security. She looked at Bruce,"Gold mine or penthouse? Take your pick..." She smirked.

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