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We Could Make a Bad Romance {Moony + FactionBeforeBlood}



Supernatural Hunter, Forrest Bambina, is off on his first kill. Yet when he comes across a charming vampire.... is killing really on the top of his to do list anymore?

{Closed Between Moony + Faction Before Blood}

> WIP <

A brunette boy walked out of the car, keys twirling around his pointer finger. Locking the car behind him, Forrest approached a rigid old house that looked like it would fall apart at any given second. Frowning slightly, he stared at the windows which were boarded up. Being so distracted by the ruined house, the keys flew right off his finger, landing right in a huge puddle in front of him. Letting out a small chuckle at the luck he was given, Forest bent over and picked the keys up from the mess. Shaking the water off, he pulled back up. Smiling softly, Forrest felt his gun in his pocket to make sure that it hadn't moved.

Once he was assured he had everything, Forrest walked into the old house. Instantly a strong smell of death filled his nostrils. Still, he was determined not to be scared away by a musty scent. After all, he was instructed to go on this hunt by his father who had taught him everything he knew. Clutching his gun cautiously, Forrest walked further into the house.

@Faction Before Blood

(Sorry for the small post, I wasn't sure what else to put.)

Bolt could hear the stranger coming from a mile away. Who in their right mind would drive up a desolate drive to an abandoned house that he had gone through so much trouble to ensure everyone thought the house was haunted and stayed away. Whatever the reason was for this idiot coming uninvited to his home was he did actually have a plan for the occasion. He had thrown his crutches haphazardly across what would have been the living room as he listened to the car approaching and dragged himself up the stairs to the second landing and down the hall to a particularly foul room and jammed himself between an overturned bed and gutted dresser, preparing to test his acting abilities.

it wasn't like he was wearing nice or even clean clothes either, his plaid shirt was missing half it's buttons, was torn at the right shoulder so the sleeve was hanging by a few threads and left side was torn open as well. His t-shirt and jeans weren't in much better shape and to top it all off he and was covered in the blood of his last victim who had been particularly feisty. As soon as he heard the stranger's car door closed he started quietly calling for help, his voice shaking, and gradually raised his voice until he was heard.

Forest walked into the house, the wooden planks creaking beneath his feet. Taking a deep breath, he started to focus on his surrounding. But it didn't last long. The sound of someone pleading for help filled his ears. Instantly ditching his duties as being a vampire hunter, and becoming a genuinely worried human being again, Forest began to follow the voice. It was darker that he had originally anticipated when he walked into the house. He should have known with the windows boarded up like so, it would have blocked out all of the sunshine. Loosening up his grip on the gun, the brunette followed the noise, stepping over a pair of crutches that had been so carelessly abandoned.

The cries lead him up a broken stairwell, that Forest ever so clumsy nearly fell over in such of a panic. Once he got to the top step, he glanced around and studied the ill setting. It was obvious that whoever had decorated the place wasn't the most inviting. But that was probably why this house was rumoured to be the home of a demonic being. Going down the hall, he listened for the room that produced the loudest yelps. Finding the room instantly, Forest busted the door wide open. This area was even worse than the hallway, ripped wallpaper and trash filled the room. Stepping over it, he quickly spotted a young man jammed between a dresser and a bed. Instantly his eyes softened and his grip loosened as he realized the awful situation the ragged man had found himself in. "Oh god... are you okay?!" He asked in a panicked fashion.​
It was all Balthazar could do to not snicker as he listened to the panicked beating of the other's heart as he waded through the house to attempt to rescue a poor cripple. Balthazar jumped, he thought pretty convincingly, out of his skin as the door nearly came off its hinges as the brunette barged through it. Balthazar forced himself to shake as if scared though he held off on the water works. Even if a vampire was genuinely upset about something it was extremely hard for them to produce tears or any other bodily function because technically their bodies were dead, kept looking alive by the life blood of their victims.

Balthazar let a fake wave of relief wash over him at seeing the other male and nodded to signal that he was more or less alright but befor he finished with the movement he slapped some worrie on his face "H-he's never gone long... Pl-please help me get out of h-here." He whispered worriedly "H-he took my crutches. I-I can't walk without them." He told the other while indicating his legs which were heavily deformed thanks to extenuating circumstances before he had been turned into the vampire he is now.

Lowering his weapon further, but not fully letting go off it, Forrest quickly dodged around the room. He felt as though someone's life depended on him, and he wanted to make sure that everything was going to be alright. Approaching the man, Forrest heaved the dresser out of the way so that the other was no longer submerged between them. Glancing over at the door, then back at the man, Forrest frowned. "The good thing is, I know where your crutches are. I can help you down." He promised.

"I'll help you get up... but who is 'he'?" Forrest asked worriedly, unsure if he had stumbled into the house of a vampire or just a sadistic serial killer. Scanning over the man now that he was closer, Forrest was able to take in the details on the other's face. Closer up, it was even more obvious to tell that the man had even better facial features. He was attractive, but that wasn't even close to the first thing on Forrest's mind. "I'm Forrest, by the way.. and I promise over my dead body that I will help you get out alive." It was a lot to bargain, but the brunette was dead serious. Even if it was a stranger, it was obvious the man was also a victim.

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Balthazar thought Forrest was irritateingly adorable with his concern for a stranger's safety. Balthazar simply nodded at Forrest's promise to get him to his crutches though he forced himself to flinch when the dresser was moved then adjusted himself so he could be more easily grabbed to be dragged down the steps. He was also forcing himself to breath. Balthazar has been a vampire long enough that the human reflex no longer affected him which made him consentrate on breathing more than he cared to admit he had to and even then he was still breathing unevenly.

Balthazar looked Forrest in the eye when the other asked who 'he' was. Considering Balthazar himself had committed the horrors that painted the house it would be counter productive to tell the truth here especially since he wasn't nearly done playing with his food yet, so he evaded by shaking his head and saying "I've never seen his face clearly... It's too dark but... The things he can do" here he shudders "What he did t-to... He's not... He's not human."

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