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Fantasy We Be Pirates Rebooted

Luna crossed her arms and smiled. "Um no haha I don't drink. I don't handle it well. And well.....trust me I shouldn't drink ever."
Wren broke into a grin. "Thank the gods. That makes two of us." The girl tilted her head a bit, looking at the bartender serve a few rowdy customers. "You and Fin sure hit it off."

Luna tilted her head confused. "What's so funny? Huh? " she crossed her arms a little bit annoyed.

HollowForce said:
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)

As I am held down by Bane with his hammer and with a forced smile through the pain I say "no thanks I will take your word on it." I then shake my wrist trying to get feeling back in them. I then noticed I dropped my sword I let out a sigh and say "sorry hope you don't hold this against me." I then try and knee Bane in the growing.

Black Flag pub


I take Wren's hand and shakes it and say "nice to meet you Birdie. So how long have you been part of Fin's crew."

DarknessSpirit said:
The Black Flag pub
Thorns eyes suddenly turn red black. All black. Like a demons. The place where she stood on burned off around her, Thorns face contorted with rage, and some looked fearful. This lasted for only 3 seconds before everything suddenly went back to normal. She almost lost her cool. Which would've shown her true demon. She gazed at Fin with slit razor eyes, if looks could kill, he would have melted. Thorns face then relaxed surprisingly and she said with a grin "Is that a challenge Fin? We'll see who can kick the most ass." Her grim wider. God she wanted to kill everyone in this room.
Hell's hot box (prison yard)

Bane was about to back off when he was kneed in the groan. He grabbed his groan and let out a whimper. Then he fell to his knees tears running down his one golden eye."That....was not.....cool!" He said through labored breaths as he tried to catch his breath."I was just about to back off to, damn kid I guess you'll survive in here just fine. No one's gonna go near you when you hit below the belt like that." Bane explained before the war hammer disappeared and he curled up on the ground holding himself.

Black flag pub

Fin smiled wildly and stood up."Challenge accepted, alright then now that we've got that settled," Fin said as if he had planned that all."OK so the other ships will require cover we need some kind of fog or mist. So they can get close enough," Fin explained to the others. @femjapanriceball @ThePumpkinQueen
Zach Winston(Fairytail)

Zach looked over at the woman that had stepped on board. She introduced herself as a member of the S.S Bright Stream. When she asked if the captain needed anything it was Zach who said,"No, I'm afraid there isn't really much that we need help with. The ship runs itself, the captain has me to thank for that."

@Mitchs98 @HollowForce
Isune said:
Zach Winston(Fairytail)

Zach looked over at the woman that had stepped on board. She introduced herself as a member of the S.S Bright Stream. When she asked if the captain needed anything it was Zach who said,"No, I'm afraid there isn't really much that we need help with. The ship runs itself, the captain has me to thank for that."

@Mitchs98 @HollowForce

Alicia Red: Fairy Tail

Alicia frowned slightly as Zach ignored her. Though she took it as passively agreeing more than anything. She was gunna answer Katrina when Zach answered for her, to which she nodded in response to. "
Yup! Just like Zach said pretty much runs itself. Names' Alicia, nice to meet you Katrina!" She told her. "You're welcome to hang out a bit or whatever if you wanna though." She added.

Faust nods at Fin's plan before turning to Maria and Noroi/Sakura, "Oi, you lot here that? Sound good to you?" he asks as he's not exactly a traditional captain. Instead he views his crewmates as equals and thus highly values their opinions.



- 4 revolvers

- 2 boot knives

- Large knife

- Boarding axe

@femjapanriceball @ThePumpkinQueen @HollowForce
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


With a smirk I extend my hand towards Bane and say "pirates don't play nicely but I hope you don't hold it against me."

Fairy Tale


As the captain called me Katrina a shimmer went up my spine because only my uncle Terry would call me that when I was in deep trouble. I look at the captain and say "please call me Kat I really don't like Katrina. And I will happily take you up on that offer to hang out I am a little board."

Black Flag pub


I nod my head as Wren answered for Jack. I then turn my attention to the women who walked up and said "Hello my name is Beck and I'll be rejoining your crew."

@ThePumpkinQueen @animegirl20
Hell's hot box (prison yard)

Bane took his hand and finally caught his breath. "Oh damn right I'm gonna hold it against you. But then again I'll just get you back one of these days alright let's head back to our cells I need some sleep." Bane said as he limped towards their cell.

Kameal woke from his slumber. Fighting one of the phantom lords had really worn him out and he had no idea how long he'd been out. Could've be . A few hours or a few days. He hoped he didn't miss much. That would suck if he missed a chance to fight a strong opponent.

Rubbing sleep out of his eyes, Kameal eased out of bed and got dressed. He made his way into the halls of the ship. He noticed that it was mostly empty. He searched for his captain but found no trace of her. That didn't worry him of course. She was probably out doing phantom lord business. Kameal made his way above deck and found that the ship was docked. He didn't recognize the place so he decided to explore. Slipping the hood of his black jacket over his, Kameal hopped from the ship to the peir were the boat was docked. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he started in any random direction.
Zach Winston(Fairytail)

Zach looked over to Alicia and said,"Well, if you'd like to cap'n you can always give our guest here a tour. I on the other hand, have some business to attend to." before switching to his wolf form and walking off on all fours. The sound of a voice could be heard however going,"How many times have I told you to clean your quarters Johnson!"

@Mitchs98 @HollowForce
Black flag pub

Thorn gave Fin an icey, quick glance at his words, but listened. "I can summon a black thick fog. But it may instantly set off a red flag. We will want to catch them off their guard completely." She said in a calm serious tone. She frowned. This would be one of the most risky missions yet.
Hell's hot box ( cell)

Bane quickly laid down and covered up on his bunk."Alright be sure to close our cell door I'm going to sleep. See you in the morning if they don't decide to exicute you then."

Black flag pub

Fin yawned and looked at Thorn."Well tben what do you suggest we do. We need to hurry before they exicute the kid." Fin insisted.
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


I close the cell and lay down wondering how in the hell am I going to get out of this one.
The Black Flag pub

Thorn glared at Fin annoyed "Things like this take planning Fin. You can't just blindly charge in" Sge then resumed looking at the group. "First, what ship are we getting at?"


Hades Lazarus Nexxemexis

Black Flag Pub

Hades had sat listening to all of the conversations around the table, along with the rest of the pub. When Fin mentioned cover Hades slammed his mug right down on the table and grinned maliciously. "There's no better ship for such a thing than the Blood Dragon. It was built to have the most intense and devastating firepower, and not only that but it also has chasers ready at the front with triple cannons. Now tell me what good fog would do when you could supress it with maximum firepower?" He explained, actually quite impressed himself by his own ship, and to add on to the extreme firepower he had an entire crew of over fifty demonic, supernatural of gifted people. If anyone would be willing to risk such a thing it would be him. Since unlike some he wasn't afraid of death. "I think it would be best if you left 'covering' for us, ain't that right Alisa?" He stated, addressing everyone of the Phantom Lords and pirates with them.

@Solemn @femjapanriceball @ThePumpkinQueen @HollowForce

(Sorry for not responding sooner)
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"Very well I suppose Hades shall be the distraction. But we still need a way for all our ships to move in without being noticed by anyone." Fin explained as he moved tiny little ships around on the map. One for each Phantom Lord."Maybe they won't be suspicious of your fog, or at least they won't think much of it." Fin said addressing Thorn.
The Black Flag Pub

Thorn stared at Hades thoughtfully, considering the option, if they could be distracted with it, it would give the ships a better chance to get in, but she would still need to get them hidden until they get taken by surprise. "Maybe? This isn't a raid Fin, it's a massive jail break, nothing can go wrong. I do have a spell... But it's big...Anybody here know necromancy by chance?" She had a spell, that would cloak the ships to blend with the environment, BUT it would cost a life. A life of somebody's of a higher title. It would need to be sacrificed so that she could draw the spell.
Faust - Black Flag Pub

Faust gets up from his place at the bar and walks over to the group, "We just picked up a ship on the way here and don't have the crew to sail it yet. So, we're going to need a lift from someone," he says in a carefree manner, addressing all the Phantom Lords present. At Thorn's question Faust looks over to Noroi, "You know anything about necromancy or the like?" he asks, just in case.



- 4 revolvers

- 2 boot knives

- Large knife

- Boarding axe

Jack went out for some fresh air. Unfortunately, he tripped, and fell in the water, where he was killed by a shark. Only his hand remained in the murky waters.

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