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Fantasy We Be Pirates Rebooted

Isune said:
Zach Winston(Fairytail)

Zach watched as the captain left and came back before suddenly starting to change in front of him! Zach shielded his eyes as he shouted,"Cap'n! What in the devil has gotten into you!? In human society, peeking on people dressing is considered extremely rude! It's also considered very taboo to dress IN FRONT of other people!" Zach finished dressing, not even looking at Alicia as he exited. He pressed his back up against the wall as he let out a deep sigh.


Alicia Red: Fairy Tail

Alicia blinked and peeked her head through the hole of the dress, halting her act of dressing herself as Zach started freaking out. "
Huh? What?" She asked him, clearly confused, but he'd already left the room. She didn't get the big deal about it. All she did was change while he was. What was wrong about that? She'd mostly done it so they could talk and stuff without missing what was said. Now fully dressed she flew out of the room to hover in front of him, arms crossed across her chest. "I don't get what the big deal is! Seriously, all I did was change. It's not like I did anything wrong. Humans are weird...plus..my ship my rules! So there." She told him in a childish and defiant manner. Soon enough someone else came on board, someone she didn't recognize. "Present! Hi! What do you need?" She called out and waved him over before turning back to Zach.
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


I get a amused but dumb founded look on my face as I look at Bane and say "Oh this should be fun." I then get in a defensive stance in the middle of the ring.

The Fairy Tale


I saw the captain wave me over so I walked over to her and noticed a guy leaned on the wall next to her. But my gaze turned back to the small captain and said "Hello mam my name is Kat and I am part of the SS Bright Stream's crew. I just wanted to stop by and see how you where doing and if you needed any help with anything."

@Solemn Jester @Mitchs98 @Isune
Hell's hot box(prison yard)

Bane laughed at Leon as if he had just done sometime incredibly stupid and the other prisoners did the same."Hahaha new kid thinks he can beat Bane with his hands!" Laughed on prisoner."Haha maybe he wants to die early." Laughed another prisoner, then a man in a cloak pushing a cart stocked with weapons walks up to Leon." Here choose weapon, guards they let us use for battle. They say it amuses them to watch us kill each other. Here choose, choose." The man Insisted as he shoved Leon towards the cart filled with magical weapons." Alright hurry don't have all day." Bane said now Leaning on a giant war hammer that also seemed to double as a drum.
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


I look at all the weapons in the cart and pull a rapier and swing it a few times to get the feel for it. I then walk back to where I am on the opposite side of Bane and get into a defensive stance. I then close my eyes for a moment and breath deeply then open them and instantly lock eyes with Bane.
Hell's hot box (prison yard) @HollowForce

Bane smiled and stood there with the drum/war hammer resting on his skinny shoulders with ease." Better move back this is going to get messy boys." Bane warned in his raspy rocken roll voice, and the other prisoners listened moving away from the two. Even the cloaked man pushed his cart of weapons away. Then Bane lifted the hammer and began pounding it lightly on the ground and the sound of drums began playing. He continued this for a little then lifted the hammer back over his shoulder, but the music continued. Even having other instruments and even voices singing added to it." I prefer to have some tunes when I fight." He said before charging at Leon and slamming his war hammer at him as the music (the song playing while they are fighting I think it's suiting)

Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


As Bane brings down the war hammer I step to the side as I do I say "I like your taste in music my friend." And then I try and slice at his torso.

(yea I agree with you it is quiet fitting.)
Hell's hot box (prison yard)

As the war hammer hit the ground a sonic boom would erupt blasting Leon back before he could hit Bane."Gonna need to try harder than that to hit me, and thanks I thought this was an appropriate song." He smiled wildly then charged at Leon now spinning the giant war hammer and gaining momentum rapidly.
Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


As I got sent back by the sonic boom and landed on my back I jump back up and as I see the hammer gaining more momentum I got an idea. And thought to myself this is going to hurt like hell but if it works its worth it. So right as the war hammer gets ready to hit me I try and put both my wrist where it will hit hoping the impact will break the cuffs.
Hell's hot box (prison yard)

As Bane swung the hammer against the cuffs Leon was sent flying back into the wall. Upon Impact with the wall it crumbled upon him and Bane leaned on his war hammer again." That won't work mate, the only reason I could break your chains was because they had weak spots I could take advantage of. Those cuffs are way toughter." Bane explained, and Leon would find he was correct the Cuffs had not had so much as a dent in them."Although I suppose we could try again." Bane said smiling wickedly at him.
The Black flag pub

Thorn started to laugh. Coldly but amused "Do you honestly think I care? I will not risk the lives of my men to save a naive boy. I could be branded a coward any day. I want a reward if I go." She said, her smirk fading as her arms crossed.
Black flag pub

"To hell with you then, I always thought you and your crew were the weakest among the phantom Lords anyways. We won't be any worse of without ya." Fin said confidently as he stared at her unbothered by her refusal to assist." I mean you are only a woman can't expect you to be able to be of much use against the Navy. So go on and do your make up or what not if your not gonna help the men will take care of this." Fin said waving her away and smiling his shark tooth grin. @ThePumpkinQueen @femjapanriceball @Veyd Sahvoz @animegirl20
Wren glanced up at him, her eyes darting over to Fin. "Neither did I, so I won't hold it against you, I suppose." She extended her hand with a smile. "My name is Wren, but my best friends call me Birdie."

Hell's Hot Box (prison yard)


As I am held down by Bane with his hammer and with a forced smile through the pain I say "no thanks I will take your word on it." I then shake my wrist trying to get feeling back in them. I then noticed I dropped my sword I let out a sigh and say "sorry hope you don't hold this against me." I then try and knee Bane in the growing.

Black Flag pub


I take Wren's hand and shakes it and say "nice to meet you Birdie. So how long have you been part of Fin's crew."

"A couple of months, but time passes so quickly. It's hard to say." She pulled her hand away. "It's nice to have met you, Beck. Is there anything I can buy you?"

Black Flag pub


I let out a laugh and say "no I am good. But thanks for the offer. So whats some of your hobbies if you don't mind me asking."

ThePumpkinQueen said:
"A couple of months, but time passes so quickly. It's hard to say." She pulled her hand away. "It's nice to have met you, Beck. Is there anything I can buy you?"
Jack sat next to Wren. He put an arm around her. "So, who are you talking to dear?"
"I see why you make a good crewmen for old Fin. As for me well I just like living in the moment and what ever that entails. Sorry if that's a bit veg." I say to Wren. I then turn my attention towards the half breed and say "So you are the standing in for Roxanne's boy as captain of the Rose am I correct."

@ThePumpkinQueen @DaManofWar
The Black Flag pub

Thorns eyes suddenly turn red black. All black. Like a demons. The place where she stood on burned off around her, Thorns face contorted with rage, and some looked fearful. This lasted for only 3 seconds before everything suddenly went back to normal. She almost lost her cool. Which would've shown her true demon. She gazed at Fin with slit razor eyes, if looks could kill, he would have melted. Thorns face then relaxed surprisingly and she said with a grin "Is that a challenge Fin? We'll see who can kick the most ass." Her grim wider. God she wanted to kill everyone in this room.

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