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Fantasy we aren't gods we are just awesome

Skye blinked then nodded " It looks like I'm wearing a feathers vest " she said glancing to her wings then looking back to Lucien
Skye kept her wings in place " But I don't know how long I can stay like this "
Skye blinked and looked around, she felt like someone was watching her and she shook her head
wolfborn4 said:
Skye blinked and looked around, she felt like someone was watching her and she shook her head
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Lucien noticed something was off and kept his guard up

The girl shrugged, spreading out her wings again. "Suit yourself." She said, stretching one wing at a time. "I can't be late to the meet...so...cya, come whenever you want." Her bodyshot up into the sky, propelled by the force o her wings.
Skye shuffled her wings a bit as she watched Leah fly off into the clouds, with a sighed she kept walking
Skye looked to Lucien then nodded " What else would I do with wings " she said and tilted her head
Skye shuffled her wings and half folded them behind her back watching him
Skye curiously watched, walking all around him she glanced to her own wings and then back to him
Skye extended her wings and flapped twice to get the movements down before actually did a real flap which only made a gust of wind
Drake snickered a bit, while his machine charged at the girl, starting to run away. The machine ran in front of them, silent. It stood still for a few seconds. However, it started to whir, and charged at her.


@Alaster Von Grim


Skye tensed when the machine charged at her and she backed up before grabbing it it with her mind tugging pieces of it off she tried to find who made bit and once she located him she furrowed her eyebrows and thought to him " Excuse me that isn't very nice mister "

(... You can't really find who made it that way... I mean, I'll excuse the machine part, but locating a remote robot, automated, with no info? robots have a mind you know...0
Even in it's own skeletal chassis, it still jumped up, and started to run towards Drake, aiming it's guns at the girl. "Fuck off..."
Lucien hooked onto the front of the machine in front of the camera

"Let's see how much power your resisters can take"

He sent a massive amount of lightning surging through the machine

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