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Fantasy we aren't gods we are just awesome

Skye looked up at the Skye and sighed she shuffled her wings and switched from poking to tickling Lucien's sides
Skye looked to Lucien and saw him trying not to smile, she bit her lip then smirked a bit mentally laughing to Lucien tickling him more " Hahaha! I can see you smiling! " she mentally said to him
" You know I don't have to listen to you, or answer you questions but I will say.... Skye " Skye stretched and moved to stop tickling him then she ran her fingertip up his belly and up his neck to his chin pushing his head to look at the clouds
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" Yes, I know and that girl would very much liked to be called by her name... Lucien " Skye thought and let go of his head retracting her invisible hands she walked up to Lucien and rang her hand over his wings gently
Skye shuffled her wings flicking the blood off which stained the tips of her feathers a pinkish red and she fully extended her wings to look at them then measure them with Lucien's wings
Alaster Von Grim]Lucien fully extended his wings for Skye as he looked to nami and Ronnie "So who are you two" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9858-wolfborn4/ said:
"I'm Ronnie Rick Road! And this is my portal gun!" Ronnie says holding up his portal gun.
Nami smiled. "I'm Naomi, but call me Nami. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I'm afraid I might have been misinformed." She glanced over at the bird that had just landed on her shoulder. "What an interesting group," she said with a giggle as she watched Skye play with Lucien's feathers and Ronnie his portal gun.
"I'm Lucien master of thunder and lightning, it's a pleasure to meet you all"

He said in a monotone voice as lighting sparked around his hands
(ill be really busy for the next few days so ill get my first post up tuesday prob. srry about the delay)
Nami frowned at Lucien and crossed her arms. "Are you the one who killed today's sun? I'll have no know mother nature does not appreciate being manipulated like that," she scolded.
"Mother Nature is no concern of mine, I do as I please"

He said as he turned his head away and placed his hands on his hips
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Ronnie goes to a corner in the wall and places a portal on each wall, right next to each other, he then stands back turned on front of one of the portals and reaches his hand through the other portal and scratches his back, "I am a genius..." Ronnie says.
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Lucien looked at Ronnie with a blank expression

Ronnie says, "i still have no clue how i got this thing" referring to the portal gun.
Skye just followed Lucien around her hair and feathers did puff up a but when his hands sparked but she ignored it and kept letting him. His feathers where smooth and she liked that, though she did moved her hands to his hair just because her would not stop moving and she wanted him to sit down or something. Her wings flapped a bit.
Another winged girl appeared hovering over them. Her wings flapping caused a gentle breeze over the group. "May I ask what you guys are doing here?" She asked in a calm manner.
Skye didn't even look at the girl and she said " No.... No you may not ask " she said back calmly just to mess with her

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