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Realistic or Modern We are the Sentinels

BlackSwan said:
Parker groaned and rolled them over. "Don't remind me. Drunk idiots and wannabes all night." He grumbled, burying his face in her shoulder.
Luna smiled and layed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Nah it's David and Tays party, they probably won't let any drunk people in."

She placed a hand on his chest and grinned.

"Besides, you will be there and I know either way you'll do something stupid."

Luna joked as she layed on her back with a sigh.
Sebastian wakes up the next morning, remembering the night before. Looking around, Sebastian finds Mare on the other side of the bed, obviously still sleeping and slowly gets out of the bed. He then looks up and is pleased to find that he remembered to put the guitars up before he passed out. Searching through a cabinet a few feet away, Sebastian grabs a small bottle of ibuprofen and takes three to get rid of the aching from his bruises. How'd the contest go..? He texts Luna. "Sweet mother of God.." He whispers to himself, taking off his shirt and beginning to rub a bruise on his chest.

@Jasil @BlackSwan

(Sorry I didn't get notifications)

Sky started to make breakfast for her family eggs bacon and toast. Soon her mom and dad came down said "morning" then ate and left they had to get to work today.

Kyle soon came down. "Food" he said with a smile and hurried over to start eating. Working on a field gives you an appetite.

Sky smiled at him "don't eat all of it" she ran a hand through her hair as she cleaned the kitchen


Carly texted Sky

Carly-Hey can I come over?


Carly headed over and once she opened the door she said "what's up people" Kyle smirked as she was like a sister to him he walked over gave her a hug and then went back to eating.

Sky smiled as she made Carly a plate of food "are you hungry?" She asked. "Yes very!" Carly replied

BlackSwan said:
Parker pouted and squeezed Luna tighter. "i don't do stupid stuff...stupid stuff happens and i get involved someway somehow." he whined
@Jasil .
Luna shook her head.

"Come on let's get ready."

She began slipping out of the covers.

"Gonna be a nice day, nothing bad.

We will do whatever and then we will go to a nice party."

Parker groaned but reluctantly rolled out of bed.

"fine...but only cause someones gotta keep things interesting.."

he grumbled, then dug through some drawers for clothes and headed to the shower, pausing he poked his head back out with playful sexy smirk. "wanna join me? itll get us ready faster and all..."he sang

BlackSwan said:
Parker groaned but reluctantly rolled out of bed.
"fine...but only cause someones gotta keep things interesting.."

he grumbled, then dug through some drawers for clothes and headed to the shower, pausing he poked his head back out with playful sexy smirk. "wanna join me? itll get us ready faster and all..."he sang

Luna decided to joke along.

"Yea sure."

She casually waltzed over and leaned against the door frame infront of him, matching his smirk
Parker raised a brow, before a full blown grin broke out and and he swept her up and into his arms. "well alrighty then!" he laughed carrying her weight on one arm whilst turning on the shower and stepping in

Luna squealed and finally realized her mistake.

"Wait I was joking!"

She stumbled into the small bathroom.

(Sorry it's short I'm performing in a concert)

Parker snickered, adopting a innocent and confused look. "joking you say? what is the joke of the ing?" he gasped. his blue grey eyes alight with mischief and humor.

@jail (your good! i did make you wait like five days...)
BlackSwan said:
Parker snickered, adopting a innocent and confused look. "joking you say? what is the joke of the ing?" he gasped. his blue grey eyes alight with mischief and humor.
@jail (your good! i did make you wait like five days...)
Luna narrowed her eyes.

"You are incredibly annoying. You're just lucky you didn't get me wet, I'm still wearing my underwear."

She pulled back and made sure not to trip that time.

(THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME! We tapped glow sticks to our bows and made them look like light sabers for our star wars piece we played)

Parker laughed and stole a rough kiss from her cheek."love, i dont need a shower to get you wet." he grinned, winking before stripping and stepping into the shower.

@Jasil (that sounds awesome! i wish i was there!)
BlackSwan said:
Parker laughed and stole a rough kiss from her cheek."love, i dont need a shower to get you wet." he grinned, winking before stripping and stepping into the shower.
@Jasil (that sounds awesome! i wish i was there!)
Luna blushed deeply and stood awkwardly in the bathroom for a moment, before turning and leaving.

"Nope nope nope."

She muttered and began trying to plan what she'd wear that day and that night.

(My three dogs just caught and shared a rabbit... I had to bathe all the damn blood off of them."
(aww i wish my dogs were that cool!)

Parker stepped out the shower ten minuits later and wrapped a towel around his hips, slipping some boxers on underneath the towel he headed into the main room. "your turn!"

Luna waved him off.

"Yea yea."

She mumbled and stood with her clothes.

Luna sped off towards the bathroom and stripped as she jumped in the shower.

The girl sang softly as the water flowed and she began planning out the day's events.


(this is why I have many charecters to interact with myself!

xD )

Carly smiled as they ate. She looked out the window. "I love your house it's just so pretty and well..." "It's not broken" the last thing slipped out Carly continued eating pretending she said nothing. Sky looked over at Carly with a look of concern Carly never really talked about her family much all Sky knew is that her parents were divorced and she's always going back and forth between the two. Kyle also had he exact same thoughts as Sky but both of them knew just to let it go. "I can't wait for the party tonight!" Sky said excitedly. "Same!" Carly replied.

Sky soon texted David

Sky-Hey just wondering what time the party is I can't wait!"

She put her phone away and continued to talk.




Tay and David were about half done setting things up when Tay's college friends showed up; Matty, Liam, and Eric. Matty and Liam were both guitarists and Eric played bass, while Tay did vocals and David would do drums. With the three other guys there the set up went along quicker and they were soon done. At that point it was around 4 (Idk, maybe a time skip? Whatever, I'm a little tired right now). David got a text from Sky and he smiled. Soon. Tay and I could come pick you and Kyle up now if you want? he replied back. Tay noticed his smile and came walking over. "Who ya textin'?" she asked with a smile. "Is it your girlfriend?" she teased. David shrugged casually "Technically....yeah, I guess." a wide grin spreading across his lips. "What?! You're serious? Who? Who, who, who, who, who, who, who?!" she was jumping up and down in excitement. "Calm down, it's Sky." he said with a chuckle at her giddiness. He looked down slightly embarrassed. @Skylark

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Sky got the text and looked at her brother and Carly for a moment she smiled when she read it and pretty much the same reaction that happened to David happened to her. "Who ya textin" Carly asked. "It's probably her boyfriend" Kyle added with a small smile. "Wait touchable a boyfriend!" "Who?!" "David" Sky said with a huge smile.

She then texted back David

Sky-Do you have room for Carly.

And yeah that would be great.

Luna hopped out and dressed in the bathroom.

Once she was ready with her make up she walked out with an easy smile.

Looking at Parker the smile grew and she bet down to pick up her heels.

"Well you're obviously ready."

She commented.

Sure do. We'll be there soon. David replied. He looked to Tay. "We can pick up Sky, Kyle and Carly right?" Tay nodded. "Sure, I'm picking up Brett anyway. Let's go." she said with a perky smile. She turned to the three guys. "Liam, Eric, you guys set the rest of the stuff up, Matty, you come with us." The guys shrugged and did as they were told as Tay and David got into the car. Tay shot a text to Brett telling him she was coming and started driving. @Skylark @Toxic Infinity

Sky looked over at Kyle and Carly "they are coming to pick us up for the party" Sky said with a smile. "Wait I need to find something to wear!" She ran to her room and started rumaging through her things. Sky finally found and outfit she smiled. She quickly finished getting ready.

Carly soon came upstairs and also got ready she smiled at her outfit her and Sky both did their makeup then headed downs stairs.

Kyle was waiting down there when he saw Sky and Carly come downstairs he was shocked they looked so much older "look at you two growing up so fast." He acted like a proud parent he went over to them. "Sky that is too much belly" he said with a small chuckle. "Oh but dad" Sky said with a little sisterly push.

She then texted David

Sky- ok we are ready



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