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Fantasy We Are Not Heroes!

"Does it matter?" She asked Then turn around to meat the boys eyes. "You'll just have a hard time hitting me...." Flora then turn to face the others. "Boy why would they kill us if they went to so much trouble to prepare us as heroes, this is more likly to be a team experiment...They might want to see how'll interact with others.....to see if will remain stable and not beat eachother up for saying the wrong thing" She finished and looked at all of them. She wouldn't trust anyone until they earned it.
"And who's to say we weren't all just failures?" Leo pointed out. "Or perhaps this whole thing was just an overly complicated psychology expirament? What do we honestly know?"
"What we do know is that we have been each other presence for a good ten minutes and I think it's safe to say we don't like each other. *Shrugs* I don't care, but if they are going to snuff us I hope they hurry it up." He said in an uncaring manner. "All I want is to return to my nap before the torture starts again." He muttered as he looked at the ceiling.
Jack seemed to have heard little else, and turned back to Flora, "We have no time for playing games. Any moment they may pour poison gas into this room, or set us aflame. Tell me clear and simple- Can you teleport?" Jack asked staring Flora down, all his focus on her, his mind working quickly.
As Ken demonstrated his powers another unlucky person join the group in the cold room dress like them in the same jump suit. She was then questioned and displayed powers confirming that she was like them but remained vague on her abilities. Leo was still musing on what was the reason of this and Ken still complained about not getting to sleep, Jack was pestered Flora about her power and for using them to escape. Arron was then left with time to think to himself on what was going to happen next. He was sure that they weren't going to kill him, They spent so much time on him. Was he really a failed experiment...Arron pushed that out of his head, He was not a failed anything! 'There has to be another reason for them to bring us together, The team explanation has to be it.' He thought confidently.

As everyone was absorbed in themselves the doors finally opened and 6 men in black body armor and helmets with black eye shields with orange L7 printed on the helmet in a circle of the same color. They carried G36's with them, A gun that can switch from burst fire to consecutive and can hold a clip with 3o bullets. Arron was taken back by this, 'Maybe these bastards do plan to kill us.' He thought reading to take them out first. Just before anyone could make a move a woman joined them. She was gorgeous petite blonde standing at a height of 5'5 dress in a odd white costume with a M printed on it in the center of her chest. Her name was Tasha Kazanova but most people called her Miss. Mega, A well know Superhero.

Arron took a look a at her, She had a stern look on her face as if she was waiting for someone to try something stupid. Arron kept his calm and even gave the people who entered a smile and wave. He was nervous about the possibility of them shooting him but they would have done that as soon as they rushed inside wouldn't they? "Hey there, You guys by any chance the dick heads who put us in these hideous jump suits." He then turn all his attention to Miss Mega, He was going to have some fun with her. "Oh my creators...Are you one of us! You have to be, No other reason a sane person would wearing something so god damn ridicules. You look like 2 dollar whore on Hallo-" Before he was finished insulting her he found that she had her hand around his neck and the back of his head hitting the ground. She had him pinned as she chocked him and for some reason Arron couldn't stop her, His power weren't working. Her back was turn as she dealt with Arron but she was still aware of the others behind her.

She then swung around and slung Arron across the room into a wall pass the others. When he hit the wall he fell down onto his stomach, His back in pain and neck sore and bruised. He looked at her now incensed and rubbing his neck. He was determined to watch this woman die, He could just imagined snapping her neck and watching the life in her vanish but for some reason he couldn't do that. Even before he got angry and before he got slung across the link a rag doll he couldn't use his telekinesis. "You! Why couldn't I use my powers!" He shouted at her dying to know.

"For the moment all of your powers are offline and only I can turn them back on. So smart ass if you want them back shut up and try to stay on my good side! A good way to do that is not to raise your voice at me, Also not to call me that word and any synonyms for it."
She spoke with a light Russian accent as if she been in America for sometime. Her voice was quite strong and not soft or alluring. Arron quickly realize not to take this woman lightly. He knew she could kill him and that scared him. He wasn't ready to die anytime soon, Honestly ever.
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"Well if I can't use my powers I'm completely useless" Flora muttered through her lips and looked at the lady that had turned off their powers. She moved with caution as she approached the last who would be their end or their hero. "The names Flora" She gave the lady a smile and then let some more words spill from her mouth. "Are you here to rescue us...." She asked with a small smile before steeping back and moving over to a corner.
"Our powers are offline? .... So we are in a virtual reality...damn it." Ken muttered as he let his hands fall to his side. "This is pretty annoying...so Miss Mega are you here to teach us all the upside to being a...hero?" He asked obvious disgust was in the last word as he crossed his arms and looked at her. "If so then great job! I can't wait to be a superhero! So I can beat the crap out of someone who is more or less defenseless just because they did the most atrocious thing and....hurt my feelings! And the ugly costumes! Gods can I have one now!... Wait no never mind I'm already wearing one! Yay! I'm half way there!" He said as he placed a hand over his mouth as if he said something forbidden. He knew this would likely make her or one of the guards take action against him, but hell if they did then they proved one thing he already knew. 'I hate heroes and I have no damned interest of being some goody goody who can't take a joke, not to mention saving the people who created me is on the list of things I will never do.' He thought calmly more or less ready if she did retaliate not really worried since he was somewhat convinced it was just a virtual reality, though this likely means he will get punished or whatever when he gets out.
But a moment after he felt his powers drain, Jack put his fingers in his mouth for half a second, than began to shake a little. When the people entered the room, he stumbled back, and said nothing, his eyes growing wide as he began to twitch more violently. As the superhero attacked Aaron, and they talked, he began to twitch, looking around the room rapidly. Shortly after Ken spoke, he yelled, "Oh god, what... What the... Help me!" He said, his knees buckling, as he fell to the floor, "Turn it off!" He screamed, looking around wildly like a deranged beast, "The device is killing me! Turn the-" As he spoke, he was interrupted as he coughed, and blood splat on the floor. His eyes rolled back, and he hit the ground with a loud thud, unmoving, though still clearly alive.
Arron was able to stand back up, He was still recovering from the vicious beating he just received. He had his hand off his neck and had manage to calm himself down. As he returned to his level headed state, He took the time to think about how they were able to suppressing there powers. He then took notice to what Ken said. "I doubt this is virtual reality, The pain I just went through was way to real. I've been harmed before in virtual reality but i never felt in danger as i was a few minutes ago." Arron then went back trying to figure out how Mega was stopping the telekinesis. 'Maybe there is a jammier somewhere close by...or maybe when we were asleep they planted something to stop are powers. If they had done that they could turn them off at a moments notice like Mega has already shown she could do.'

Miss Mega looked at the girl who was had just addressing her. She seemed to be well mannered but she didn't trust her. She already decided to give herself a name...It thinks it's a person. "My names Miss Mega and nice to meet you but no, I'm not here to rescue you. I am here to help you on your path." She was then greeted by another smart ass just like the one who she had beat up earlier. She brushed his comments off, "You don't want me to put you down like your friend over there do you?" Miss Mega asked as she walked up to Ken and looked up at him and into his eyes. "I could be your best friend or your worst nightmare, So what's it going to be?" She was trying to intimidate him, She doubt it would work. She was shorter and was getting the impression these things are full of themselves. Her staring match with Ken was then broken once she heard Jack scream in pain. She turned her head to see Jack falling to the floor. "Good dammit, You guys are a cheeky bunch." Miss Mega said rolling her eyes as she walked over to Jack and crouched down. She started to lightly slap him to get him to wake up. "Okay you wake up...Wake up!" She was getting irritated again. "God dammit you better not be dying! We got plans for the 6 of you and your apart of it." 'Does this guy think I'm a fucking idiot, The implant can be harming him...At least I hope it's not. I need to make judgement call here, If he dies I'm going to be in trouble with my superiors. Maybe the implant is malfunctioning. '
Leo just stood in the back corner. He was originally going to try and freeze the room and help the others get out, but that wasn't an option any more. Instead he remained unresponsive to everything that happened and just cleared with his icy blue eyes. He was told on a couple of occasions that his glare was almost as cold as his ice.

When Jack started crying out and collapsed on the floor it removed the small shard of doubt that he didn't have powers. Now it was only a matter of if he knew them or not, or just lied to them for no real reason. He wanted to believe the first option, but logic pointed towards the second. Maybe if his powers were turned back on he would leave the liar behind with the guardsicles.
Ken didn't back down when the women stared into his eyes. He gazed right back, honestly not caring if she did attack him. When she was the one to look away he smirked even though this wasn't much of a victory and likely would get him on her bad side he honestly didn't care. 'Put us on the path? these scientist really are stupid! They subjugate us to daily torture and they want us to save people like them?' He wondered as he looked around.

He watched as the women talked and jack fell to the floor. 'What's his problem? All of our powers were also taken away and we are just fine. I guess he has something that keeps him alive and when it is taken he dies. Oh well, for whatever the reason he lied and even though I do that whenever I can it is annoying when others do it.' He let out sigh as he placed his hands on the back of his head. "So once you are done with drama queen over there what's next?" He asked in a nonchalant tone.
Cavan sighed as he looked at the new people. Great, just great. He didn't want to be in a group, all he wanted was to bring the light to whatever or wherever it is that he is supposed to bring it.

When the woman took away his powers though, he couldn't help but have the desire to go over there and slide his sword between her breasts, he was taught how to kill after all, one sword through the chest is a done deal.

"Well do you mind giving us our powers back? Not that we are useless without them, but we are much more useful with them, well I am at least." Cavan was calm when he addressed Miss Mega, not an once of any emotion evident on his face.
Jack was annoyed that the others were so daft as to not see the opportunity that he had presented them. He had sliced the inside of his mouth to collect blood inside to further legitimize his act. He figured the scientists wanted them all alive, and that if they thought this was killing him, they would turn it off. But no matter, he would have to act on his own accord. Perhaps they would figure it out soon enough. He coughed up blood once more, and looked up at Miss Mega, a hollow, defeated look in his eyes, as he seemingly forced at the words, "Please... I've done nothing... I don't want to die..." He said choking up, his arms that supported him failing once more as his head hit the ground.
(Sorry for the lateness, I will comment some Time after 12.

Arron looked on at the scene before him and realized what Jake was doing, Why would everyone's powers being shut down only effect him, He was playing Mega! Arron watched as Miss Mega debated on what to do, She didn't want to have Jack die or she will be in trouble. She was going to make a foolish mistake and Arron was going to take advantage of it. Arron then saw his chance as Mega went to the side of her belt and clicked a switch, At that moment Arron knew he had his powers back. He would try to get Mega back but he knew he would encounter her again sooner or later, So Arron deiced to make a run for it.

"Idiot." Arron whispered with a smug smile as he lifted his left hand up at the ceiling lights and sent a wide wave of telekinetic force at them smashing the lights. The room was now dark and the guards had turned on the lights on there helmets. What one of them saw when he turned on his light was Arron hand reaching out at him and his helmet collapsing in on him Crushing his skull. Arron jumped over his body and made a run down the hall but made sure to leave so word for his fellow captives "I could use some help getting out of here but somebody should take out that whore in the thong, She is Dangerous!" Arron didn't have any idea where the hell he was going but it was out of this hell hole.

Super Human senses

Super Strength - Can lift up to 3000 pounds but with difficulty

resilient Skin - Skin can withstand bullets but be left with a bruise \

Extreme Pain Tolerance

All granted from a drug she takes
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Leo felt his powers return. Then the lights were smashed and flashlights were quickly turned on. It was too little too late, however. Leo pressed both of his hands against the walls and let thick sheets of ice spread across every surface. He let it climb up every guard until they were frozen said. He did the same to Mega, but he wasn't sure if it would last. He let the other captives remain free, but ran without them.
"...*sigh* I'm going to be tortured no matter what I do." Ken muttered as he felt his powers returned. "Might as well have some fun!" With that he also followed the others. He wasn't sure if he will actually try and escape since he has so many failure, but maybe, just maybe he could use the others to get himself out. He couldn't help but grin at the idea to see the outside world and be free, but first thing first he had to get out. As he ran he kept an eye on Miss Mega incase she tried to come after him.
Jack slowly stood up, and wiped the blood from his face, casually brushing himself off, "Don't I at least deserve a thank you?" he said with a smirk as he waltz over to a frozen guard, and pried his machine gun from his hands. After inspecting it for a moment, and looking down the sight, he removed the safety. He then proceeded to remove the clips of the guns from a few nearby guards, and put it in his side pouch. After this, he ran, and quickly caught up with the group, "Miss Mega- She is a problem. I suggest we finish her off while we have the chance. It should be rather easy, with all of us."
'Great, now I have to catch up'. Was the thought that went through Cavan's mind as he ran to catch up with the group. Not that he minded actually, staying back and watching the others was allowing him to observe them properly.

"It would be my pleasure to kill her. No one has the right to take away our powers like she did, and I'm very good at killing." Cavan addressed the whole group when he said this, after he had finally caught up with them.
Miss Mega regretted her decision, She let that thing play her. Her punishment for her stupidity was a group of escaped prisoners and her body covered in ice along with her team. She wasn't going to be contained for long as she started to break the ice off her body but she had her team to worry about too, One was already dead. She needed to free the others before they froze to death. 'Damn, If this was five years ago I would have had all of those things unconscious, Hell i wouldn't even be here in the first place.' She thought.

The rest of the team had caught up to Arron now. They were all running from Mega with know idea where they were going. They didn't even know what part of the world they were even in. This great escape of there's was unplanned. It was born in the heat of the moment and if they don't escape there creators might just kill them for this. Arron just wished he had time to plan this out. Jack then uttered some words that caught his attention. He wants to escape but also get revenge on Miss Mega too. What was more important, Escape or vengeance? "I think we all agree, She may not be the smartest but she has the bronze to cover it. I would love to kill her but there is a problem, She has a jammier. That jammier can jam are powers and If she turns it on again we won't stand a chance." A idea then came into his head. "Hey you, Electric guy. Do you have any idea what a E.M.P is and can you make one happen? That would make her button useless but that is only if we take her on. We should be focus on breaking out and making it outside. I see we have two who want to go back and risk being subdued." Arron also realized that they needed names. Names would make things easier, Flora already gave her self one anyway. "It will be easier to talk to each other if we all took a name. You guys can call me...Arron. Sounds like a nice name to me at least."
"A name?....I...never thought much about it..." Ken said before shaking his head. "I'll think of something like that if we get out of here. As for an EMP...yeah I know what that is. I can do something like that...but if the suppressor is well armored or something it won't work. I need a clear shot at it and if my powers get shut off before then...well...yeah." He said calmly as he glanced behind him.
Leo just kept on running, silently listening to what everyone had to say. "Leo" he said. He had given the name some thought before and thought it was fitting just because of the irony that went with it. Fire is associated with the zodiac Leo and he had ice, the opposite.
"You can call me Cavan, I don't really know what the name means, but I have it in the lab before." the name Cavan had always sounded good to him, and he knew that none of the scientists had that name, so he was sure they wouldn't mind him 'adopting' it.
Jack shook his head, "Skip the revenge for now. Once we are out of here, we can find the source of this, and remove it. Miss Mega isn't going to be the only one who can turn it on. And again, I'm Jack, if you missed it the first time. I suggest Leo freezes a wall around here, and shatters it. If that's not possible, make it as brittle as possible, and zappy here could break us out, or..." Jack gestured to his assault rifle, "Or I could blast us through. Sound like a plan?"

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