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Fantasy We are Musketeers Discussion

Hello everyone. So I am sad to say player EnkoKasumi has decided to leave the game due to unforseen personal circumstances. The loss of a player is never a pleasant thing to deal with at the start of a game, and it can inevitably make things difficult. If you the players want to continue I can, but I understand if any others want to drop out and find other RP's to fill their time. 
While its always regrettable to lose a promising player/character so early; I for one am still enjoying this story. Right now I've only begun to get a feeling for the other characters, their beliefs and perhaps darker sides while any post about the carnival and its mysterious inhabitants sparks my interest. It'd be a shame to drop it all before we even get to the city...

Maybe we'll have a chance to open a slot for a non musketeer? Someone that joins from Zorim, maybe a brave soul who'd want to become a musketeer? (ala D'Artagnan). That being said, if you as the plot creator have lost motivation I'd rather put it on ice a than see things slowly dragged until everyone jumps ship. At least thats my take on our situation. 
That is possible, and I am more then willing to continue the story if all the players are still wanting to go forward. There are still five, and for the moment we can run with just that. But before that becomes a possibility I want to give time for other players to drop if they so feel. The first round of combat made me a bit nervous, as it seemed the Musketeers no killing of weaker enemies rule might not have been as clear as I had once imagined when posting the RP. 
Still want to continue! It's sad that Enkokasumi left thought. but those things happens.
Count me in as well, actually. I'm imagining that there'd be an appropriate consequence for breaking one of the three laws for my character though.
Thats four of the five remaining characters. I guess one way or the other we continue.

Glad everyone's pretty much on the same page!

I think the aftermath should allow plenty of interesting opportunities to flesh out some more character traits and a casual stance toward the value of human life is certainly something that can add flavor and development as the story progresses and the group is forced to accept/confront one another.

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