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Fantasy We are Musketeers Discussion


New Member
For discussion and questions relating to the We are Musketeers Roleplay.

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just a heads up in case we start: I might only be able to post once a week since we only have 4 weeks left until the end of our semester, which is notoriously known for being the most hectic weeks in a semester.
A massive thanks to everyone who applied for this RP, each of your character sheets were unique and bursting with style. I would love to have each of you playing but the story would grind to a halt with so many players, no matter how wonderful. Now that isn't to say if one of the players first chosen drops out that I won't come asking someone else who submitted a character, but for now I am going to make my six choices while saying how happy I am to have found such interest in this idea. You have all made me a very happy GM to know there are still players such as yourselves. 

@SecretRock @Isomia.n @Fenris @EnkoKasumi @Rapbit @Ignie

You are the six that have been accepted into the RP. Please send me a PM or post in the main discussion to show you have accepted. That is due by the end of this Friday, and upon hearing back from all six I will post the official game thread so we can start with your adventures as Musketeers.
Hello. I'm here also, thank you for having me. There is a very nice variety among the selected players, I hope everyone responds.
Definitely looking forward to rp'ing with everyone. Though its regrettable we'll be losing some of the other intresting concepts and players...
It is now Saturday, and as Rapbit and Isomia.n have still not made any contact they have been dropped. If they are interested I intend to add @Fray Dracoheart and @Faultier to the cast. Sadly that disrupts the 2 2 2 for the various classes and leaves only one Seeker. But in all things there is compromise. Apologies for the delay, but starting without the full cast is a bit counter productive, and we should be able to begin some time tomorrow or later tonight depending on how quickly I am contacted back. 
Sweet. We just need our second invite and we will be finally ready to begin. Thank you again for joining us Faultier, I am sure everyone is excited to have you here
Welcome Faultier!

Oh and if you start today I'll be late with the first post, so I'll post Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
I was wondering, will there be a post order in this RP or not? Or are we going to post with no specific posts order?
Don't wait for me, I'll probably be able to post on Sunday only. So, please, do your thing and I'll introduce my character later.
I don't particularly mind a post order but usually it seems to work itself out on its own unless there's just 2 people on a spree...

As @EnkoKasumi mentioned, rl occasionally dictates when you can and can't post and I'd hate to make anyone wait while I can't reach a computer for 2-3 days. So imo, loose order upholding some common courtesy sounds better, specially with a smallish group. 
Thanks! :) I asked because i've already been in rp with a specific post order and other with no post orders. Plus, i dislike to post something before everyone has made his own post. 
Looking forward to the entrance of our last musketeer and how the story progresses from there. What we've seen of Cloth so far is pretty intriguing!

Also @Ignie , assumed Isabela tagged along, if not say the word and I'll edit.
Tomorrow morning will mark the gating toward the city. There will be a small encounter where I will introduce the combat turn order. 

Basically when the game is in free range mode players are encouraged to have their characters interact freeform without having to worry about an order. But during combat in order to be fair and make sure no one player gets any more action then any other there will be a flow of turns where players will fight and deal with the actions of those whose turn came before them. 

Sorry for the late update, Black Friday prep at my store is a nightmare. Catch you all later.
RIP, hope you survive.

Also I have exams for the next few weeks so I'm sorry if I'm slow at posting.
Hi everyone. I just want to apologize for not being able to post this week, let's just say that Leyna is waiting for the adventure to start and I'll kick off with her when we are teleported on a quest.
Speaking of posting, I know its my turn but @MaximumofHope will you post for the bandits (mainly Hilo)? Or shall we carry on for now?

Sadly I'm currently tied up with work and won't be able to make a proper post until tomorrow, or the day after at the latest. To avoid bogging down the action I don't mind skipping a turn or sliding down order if necessary. 

That aside its my first combat in a while and I'm certainly enjoying the different approaches :)

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