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Fantasy We are Musketeers Character Sheets


New Member

  • Master of Arms- A Master of Arms is a Musketeer who strives to find power within the strength of their arms and their chosen weapon. Each has studied long hours and practiced each day in order to use their weapon to its fullest potential. In the hands of a Master of Arms a knife is as deadly as any sword. Beyond this they have honed their own bodies until they reach an understanding of self that allows them to move in a way that wastes no effort, their reflexes are the likes of which could run through a storm and not have a single drop of liquid upon them. They strive to end conflicts in a straight forward way, but despite their best intentions find issues of more subtle natures difficult to grasp.

  • Rangers- Rangers are Musketeers who battle from range with a variety of hidden weapons and fast hit and run tactics in order to confuse their enemies. They utilize a wide variety of weapons, from the subtle throwing knife to the powerful Musket to end conflicts quickly. They train in the shadows to hide their natures until they can fully blend in to the background, becoming living shadows whose ever movement is wrapped in mystery. They are prepared for a variety of situations and prefer to be a step ahead of everyone. However due to their solitary nature they at times have trouble communicating their thoughts to others. Their hearts are in the right place, but their communication skills are awful.

  • Seekers- Seekers are those who dare to uncover the secrets of the natural world by manipulating the natural mana in the air to form spells and perform wonders. At times what they do appears to be miraculous, as if they were reshaping the world itself to their needs. However this an illusion, the Seeker can only reach forward into the mana with intent, what they draw forth from it may not always be what they expect or plan. It is only with years of meditations and study that a Seeker can come to actually craft the wild mana of the world into a controllable form, and even that provides some difficulty. They are by far the most powerful of the Musketeers, but physically most are frail. The greatest drawback for a Seeker is their sight, which allows them to know others by looking at how the mana of the world reacts to them. Most go mad seeing only darkness in others and become Witch's who cause pain, but should a Seeker stay true they can inspire light into the world.

"Greetings to those who are known as Musketeers, I write this letter never knowing if it will reach you but praying to the Creator and each of the Saints praying that it does. I am the Crown Price of a large Kingdom by the name of Zorim, and I have seen such pain in my kingdom that it rends my heart. Without having made it known I have walked among our people and felt their despair, children dead on their mothers breast for lack of food, priests thrown from their places of worship so that they can be remade into the sanctuary of a witch. Nobles feed of honey and boar while the common people beg for rats. My peoples pain is my own, but I have no power, and even my father the King is made into a figurehead by the Nobles, holding our kingdom hostage with threats of pulling out their money and leaving us defenseless to the more aggressive Kingdoms. But I can no longer stand this, I can't live knowing that my people suffer. I do not ask for you to empower or serve me, I beg you to do what must be done for my people. I don't care if I am cast from my place on the throne and live the life of a commoner working on my hands and knees to scrub floors. Please I cast aside my pride and beg you in the name of the Saint's and the Creator, please save my people. I beg this of you.'

An old man lowered a crumpled letter onto a large wooden table in the center of a large hall, filled with figures wearing red robes with hoods that covered their faces. Also at the table was a pale blonde man with a saber at his side, and a young woman with raven hair and ebony skin who wore pistols on her sides. "This is the request that has come to us," the old man stated.

"I see," the pale man said, steeping his fingers together and looking forward. "If people are being abused then the only action we can take is to strive forward and save them." he smiled confidently and put a hand on his blade, as if he were going to charge forth himself.

The raven haired woman looked less sure. "And if this is a trap, we have never been friends to nobility before, having a Prince write us and begging for his people sounds suspicious to me." her words weren't meant to be unkind, but carried with them an air of realism to them.

"I must rebuke you at that," the old man put a hand over the letter. "This paper carries with it the soul of a gentle person, even with my weak eyes I can still feel the tears that splashed on it while he cursed his own weakness."

With a nod of her head the woman accepted those words. "Very well, but I would still recommend we send a group forward to observe teh situation before we gather all of our forces."

"I agree my dear." the old man replied with a nod.

The pale man frowned but accepted the words of his fellow Musketeers. "I see, then!" he stood up on his chair and looked to the various figured that surrounded the table. "I ask for volunteers for this mission, if you believe yourself ready state your intention so all may know who you are!"

  • Character Sheet

"I, [Character Name Here], of the [Your Class here] division ask to be sent on this mission!" [Describe your character taking off their robes and revealing what they look like here]. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my [Favored Weapon or Magical Ability] and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, [State your characters personal creed, a reason why they have chosen to become a defender of the weak] stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"

In addition

  • Character Image: If you want to add a picture
  • Weapon Image: If you desire to show off what your character uses
  • Backstory: To give your characters history
  • Personality: To give a view into who your character is
  • Additional Information: For anything else that might need to be known.

Link to Interest Check: Link

Link to Discussion: Link
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[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]"I, Miria Kirkland, of the Master of arms division ask to be sent on this mission!" Miria unbuttoned her green cloak with gold ruins in the hood, She flung it aside like it was useless to her, as it left her body it created a small gust blowing her hair to the side  "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my Long sword and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer,  to follow my fathers footsteps and protect those who have no one beside them ,stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Appearance and weapon:[/COLOR]



Courteous: Ofter
Risk-Taking: Often
Ambitious: Sometimes
Curious: Occasionally
Self-Controlled: Often
Nurturing: Generally
Trusting: Occasionally
Honest: Occasionally
Loyal: often
Affectionate: rarely
Romantic: rarely
Flirty: Rarely
Sympathetic: usually 
Altruistic: Never
Optimistic: Sometimes
Observant: Typically
Logical: Sometimes
Social: Usually shy
Emotions: Usually stable

is annoyed by people prone to finger-tapping, prone to stuttering and prone to loss of appetite when anxious.


"I, Corin Nariah, of the Seeker division ask to be sent on this mission!" Nariah lowers his dark hood, revealing an amber eye, the other covered by an eye patch and dark, messy hair. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my mana and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. On the creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to see fairness rule, I will stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"

Nariah is a quiet person, not speaking unless directly asked a question or feeling that he has something that needs to be heard. Otherwise he is more than happy to let others speak. He mostly lets his actions speak for him. He's also quite stoic, only showing mild emotions and it take a lot to get him riled up.

Raised in a kingdom full of witches and magic users, manipulating mana is like second nature to Nariah. He was raised by his father and sister, his mother having disappeared not long after his birth. Despite learning how to fight, a necessary skill since the kingdom was ruled as much by bandits as the nobility, Nariah had a rather normal life. He joined the Musketeers after his sister was executed by the king for declining the proposal of a lord. Seeing how selfish and unjust his home was, he joined to protect people and prevent tyranny like that, wanting to eventually return home and save his kingdom.

He prefers to go by his last name rather than his first and he has a short sword for when he is too drained to manipulate mana or for problem just too small for that.
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"I, Michael Sharp, of the Ranger division ask to be sent on this mission!". Michael lowered his hood, revealing his grey eyes which seems to give a green glow when the light hits it. He grins, not because of the unfortunate fate of the people of Zorim, but because he know he'll be paid a lot for this mission. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my musket my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to give everyone what they deserve, I will stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!" 



He wasn't always 'Michael Sharp'. There was a time when he was simply 'Nicholas Dullard', the youngest among the two children of Maria and Gestafo Dullard who are one of the wealthy owners of a few farmlands in the land of Izunra. Back then, the musket was simply a tool for hunting deer and game. It was also what bonded him and his brother, Nathaniel Dullard, who taught him everything he knows about the musket. That was until a group of men, armed with the same device that signified his childhood, began storming the farmlands and taking his parent's lives with them. They later found out that a noble paid this group to seize the farmlands by force. His brother demanded audience to the courts, but their plights were ignored as all their connections with the nobility vanished along with their ownership of the farmlands. The brothers wandered the street, doing what they can to survive. His brother soon died from a fever leaving Nicholas to roam the streets alone. He then realized that money is power and that he'll need loads of it to exact his vengeance against the noble that caused all this. With the rusty musket he got from his brother, he began working as a mercenary. Soon, he joined the musketeers because they paid more than the usual clients in the mercenary business.  


Loud-mouthed and outspoken, you wouldn't realize that Michael is a ranger at first glance. Despite being trained to be patient and silent, he can be impatient and ill-tempered at times. He can also be quite chatty to the point of annoying those around him, but this makes him great to hang out with in taverns since he never runs out of stories to tell and jokes to crack. But give him a musket and a high-profile target with a big-ass bounty and he turns into the silent, disciplined hunter his instructors always wanted to turn him into.
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"I, Luciel, of the ranger division ask to be sent on this mission." With a single clawed finger he unceremoniously pulled down the thick black fabric of his mask exposing a thin lipped, unreadable expression. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my rifle and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to open the eyes of those that have been blinded, I stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator."


|| Character Image & Weapon ||


Backstory: Among the ranks of musketeers Luciel's past exploits may be the most notorious. Before he pledged himself to the three laws and joined the ranks of rangers he had been the familiar of a powerful witch. Under her order he willing slaughtered, killed, and destroyed those that stood in her way. Even his own kind feared and cursed him; he had been a monster among monsters. The idea of him becoming a musketeer was laughable. That is until he had he had come into their hidden city weaponless and voluntarily let himself be chained and bound to a wall. All for a chance to join the order. To this day it still remains a mystery as to why he had abandoned the witch but his contributions to the musketeers had proven his loyalty. Despite this rumors still circulate even among the justice seekers.

Personality: Initially most had expected him to be a blood thirsty beast with an arrogance to match but what they received instead was an apathetic and unexpectedly obedient ranger. All chores and tasks that were given to him were finished with such efficiency and attentiveness that it was grudgingly admitted as admirable. Not once had he expressed any complaints or spoken out of turn; not that he tended to speak at all and when he did his speech was brief and differential. His general disassociation with others may prove to be troublesome but his ability to follow orders to a T makes up for his lack of communication. The latter being a common complication for rangers. What did raise eyebrows however were his questionable, borderline callous actions that at times he seems oblivious of making. A constant reminder of the inhumane way he had spent most of his life living.
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"I, Mortred, of the Ranger division ask to be sent on this mission!" Blades in hand, her robes were removed by way of a silver dance, revealing a prideful, yet practiced smirk.  "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my Paradox Blades and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to avenge the death of my sisters, stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator."




Personality : Charming, playful, and oftentimes humorous, Mortred comes off as overtly flirtacious and somewhat of a snark, a trait not found in most Rangers. One might take a look at her and write her off as a simple, shallow flirt, yet inside she's something else entirely. The Phantom Assassin has a strict set of ideas and morals often viewed as contradictory to the 3 laws of the Musketeers, and so hides her true intentions beneath a veil of honeyed words. This does not mean she is malicious, no, it is only a gift of some sort from an order Mortred had previously sworn her loyalty to, a particular topic she does not wish to evaluate any further when asked.  She takes into account the here and the now and knows that any day might be her last, and so every swish of the blade, or grin of the mouth is carefully thought out to achieve what Mortred aims to do. Killing seems all-too a casual topic for her, some might attribute this from her past, another thing that arouses the curiosity-- and suspicion-- to those she has owed fealty to now.

Additional Information : Her tone of voice differ that than most people, her voice being a little bit nasal, but most would agree on it being flowery, and somewhat pretentious. The Phantom Assassin's pronunciation has her smoothly flowing throughout each word without interruption (or exaggeration), most would agree on it being soft on the ears, yet somehow a couple of letter V's and (albeit rarely) Z's make their way into places where they should not be at.

Mortred is naturally blurry, by that I mean she is literally difficult to see. Looking at her from anywhere beyond 10 feet would result in your brain struggling to perceive if she's actually there or not, although it is proven that she can be seen properly by use of mirrors. This is both a blessing (in her designation as a Ranger of the Musketeers), and a curse (she is goes by easily, unnoticed by most members, an irritation of hers for some reason). It is attributed to her belt, a relic supposedly blessed by a Saint to provide the wearer the night's subtlety, though because of wearing it for so long removing the belt would not remove her blurriness. 

Her skin differs from most as well, having a light, greenish-blue hue. She actually has no solid explanation for it, only saying that she got it from her parents.
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"I, Leif Fellwinter, of the Master at Arms division ask to be sent on this mission!" A large weathered cloak slipped to the ground, revealing simple yet functional garb in dark tones. It was adorned with a colorful scarf framing an ill trimmed face. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my strength and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to defend fellow man from the beasts which would prey upon them, stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"


Large Scimitar



Once a traveling merchant Leif's simple way of life came to a sudden end in a single bloody night. A terrible beast fell upon them under the light of full moon savaging anyone who'd dare to stand in its way. Despite suffering terrible injuries Leif survived that fateful night only to inherit the terrible curse.

Unwilling to give into his fate he's sought out the numerous would be witches and lore keepers but ultimately ended up pleading for the musketeers help. Unlike many of his fellows he practices the way of the blade not for martial strength but to find the discipline and self control needed to suppress the darkness within. Locked tightly behind barriers of stubborn will and magic it is only the full-moon which can coax forth the slumbering beast.


Around strangers Leif is calm, tight lipped and direct, fearing his simple words and gestures might give away too much. While his more jovial side tends to emerge when in good company, revealing more of the fun loving, naive and impulsive man he'd been not so long ago.

Additional information

Being rather superstitious he adorns himself with numerous rings, amulets and trinkets said to be of minor protective qualities. In truth few if any hold any magic, though his exploits may have led the odd recruit to believe them powerful wards. While competent with a blade Leif fearful potential only shines when he abandons formal stances and falls back on the enhanced strength the curse has bestowed upon him.
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"I, Ludovic Manoury the III, of the Master of arms division ask to be sent on this mission!" Throwing his robes aside revealing his worn leather gear, in his hands he held a wide brimmed hat which he sets upon his head. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my Broadsword and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, for I am the shepherd among the sheep, I must give justice to the weak an the fatherless and uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed, stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"


Backstory: Ludovic was born to a noble of this land, like many others his father was selfish and brutal to those less fortunate. It wasn't until the Counts movement started, was his father eyes opened. Realizing his error he did everything he could to help the Count. Ludovic was raised on the laws of the Musketeers, for he was the strong so he must protect the weak. 

Personality: He was raised with strict rules and high standards. Therefore he keeps to his strict morals. He believes that only the qualities of kindness, charity, benevolence, respect and humanity are necessary to bring the world to peace. 

"I, Leyna, of the Ranger division ask to be sent on this mission!" She unbuttoned her red coat and removed a hood from her head revealing her long light brown hair. Her impassive green eyes were unfocused, hooded but staring straight ahead. She placed one hand on her chest, speaking in a monotone. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my musket and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to do whatever is necessary, stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"


Appearance and weapon: 








Leyna is very indifferent. She has a way of going through life without any emotions, almost mechanically. Her expression is always bored, eyes hooded, and it most of the time it seems as if she is looking through and not at you. She follows orders blindly and as such is a very useful soldier, not flinching from killing or dying. While not the most talkative person, Leyna does engage in conversations when prompted. She isn't very friendly, but also isn't asocial, she just never succeeded to find the point in making friendships or caring about anyone. This does not mean that she is a malicious person, she is capable of committing both very good and very bad deeds, dependent of the situation.




Born and raised in the same town in a military family, from a very young age she was introduced to a soldier's way of life. Both her parents were in the same line of business and it was only natural for her to follow in their footsteps. She received any available tutorship and training during her childhood and adolescence and then became a Musketeer, a Ranger. From then on she accepted any tasks as befitted her station, content enough to lead that kind of a life filled with violence and danger for the next nine years.


"I, Lilian Snow, of the Seeker division ask to be sent on this mission." In one placid motion, she unclasped the hook of her cloak, letting the heavy white cloth rest comfortably between the crook of her arms. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my transcendence and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to break the chains of the subjugated and lead the way to freedom; I will stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator."




|| Personality ||

To those that have met her it can be agreed that Lilian is as gentle in her presence as she is in her actions. It's rare to see her without a wistful smile or eyes sparkling with hidden mirth as if you both had just shared a private joke. Among the musketeers her bouts of spontaneity are legendary and it doesn't take much effort to lose yourself in her company. Because of her whimsical attitude many tend to forget or overlook her natural capabilities for strategic battles and are often surprised at her decisiveness; especially when making hard and fast decisions.


|| History ||

The first thing most people are curious about would be the lily seemingly sprouting from her right eye. The first and most obvious guess is that she can no longer use it and in some ways that's true. It's one of the few subjects she isn't willing to discuss. Other than that Lilian is pretty much an open book about her past. Which is why it is well-known that she comes from the high lands past the northern sea. The constant snow storms and plummeting temperatures make the living conditions there bleak but otherwise manageable. She was once part of a tribe that worshiped mana and practiced in harnessing the wild energy. It was attacked one day by slave ships exploring the north and Lilian including a few of the other tribesman were captured in their raid. When they were brought back to the mainland the traders were intercepted by a band of musketeers who aided in her escape. After that incident she decided to join their ranks and become a seeker herself in hopes to save others from a similar fate.
"I, Isabela Kennedy, of the Master of Arms division ask to be sent on this mission!" She took her hood off, reavealing long ginger hair. Her light green eyes were burning with passion. With a single arm, she put off the rest of the cloak, revealing her outifit, nothing more than a white shirt along with a clockwork corset, covering most part of her chest. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my rapier and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, making my family proud of me as a fighter of injustice, stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"


(NB: i do not own the pic.)

isabela’s rapier :



Isabela’s an only child, born from the love of one of the Musketeers’ blacksmith and a villager. Since her tender childhood, Isabela grew up around a wide range of weapons, all used by musketeers. Blades, guns, crossbows, every single one of those were used to bring peace and justice in this cruel world. That’s when she began to dream to wield thoses weapons, to become a musketeer.

Who was her father to stop such a dream. He was  proud of his only girl, that will become a bringer of justice, and allowed her to train in the backyard before applying to the Musketeers. In front all of the weapons choices she has chosen the blade to defend the weak, and as she wasn’t a woman of magic and stealth, applied to become a Master of Arms.


When it comes to work or serious subjects, Isabela might look too serious, even a bit stern. However, once there is no direct dangers or that musketeers are just chilling in a tavern after a hard mission, she becomes more outspoken and approachable. She know that her colleagues are precious allies and tries to be as sympathetic as she can with other musketeers.
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Enter, the swordswoman of the mist

"I, Adiane Syo, of the Arms division ask to be sent on this mission!" She grasps her torn, wool cloak. Before the Prince stood a slender women of muscular build. A gentle breeze brushes about her, filling the room with the scent of agarwood and cherry blossoms. "In the name of the Saint of Sword I pledge my Odachi, Katana, and my life to freeing the people of Zorim. The creed I gave upon becoming a Musketeer, to protect the innocent, to judge the accused..." Adiane's demeanor shifts, her eyes narrow and her tone grim, "And to destroy the wicked." She pauses for a moment, her body loosing as she finishes her speech. "I will stand strong and I will not let further injustice happen. Please choose me for this assignment, I ask this in the name of the Saints and the Creator!"

Character Image:


Weapons Image:






Raised in darkness and forged by hatred, Adiane lived her life as an assassin for the Syo Clan. The clan was a ruthless but honorable group of warriors that act as vigilantes for the people. Though they were trained to become elite freedom fighters, their methods were a bit more than just unorthodox.  From a young age she was forced to survive by honing her skills in combat, this being achieved by murdering her own peers and becoming an elite. Annually, her clan would host a game called "Asashin no michi" or "The way of the Assassin"  which featured the top 20 youths the clan had to offer. These youths would be scattered into a large and very dangerous jungle they called "Kumori no Janguru" or "The Cloudy Jungle". The jungle would be surrounded by a 24 hour mist, a mist so thick that half of your arm would disappear if extended fully in one's line of sight. On top of such a dense mist, the creatures that reside in it are deadlier than any possible and conceivable imagination. In these circumstances, the youth are forced to kill each other and claim a piece of their victims clothing as proof of their victory. If a person who's killed possesses these trophies, the victor takes them and continues on surviving until the last person has 19 trophies. She not only came out with 19 trophies but also the head of an enormous lizard, which was the first time anyone has ever saw a creature from the mist. When she became of age she was used to assassinate high priority targets. Emporers, soldiers, and other assassins alike were not safe from her swift judgement. On the night of her last mission for the clan, she stumbled onto a gruesome discovery. The origins of her clan, the things she was taught to do were only to appease a vile deity that the headmaster was in charge of pleasing. But the thing was, there was no deity, only an old man reading from a scripture commanding her fellow clansmen to wipe out an entire village that had nothing to do with their "mission". During the grotesque scene of men, women, and children being massacred, she witnessed a smile on the headmasters face. And not just any smile, it was one that came from pure enjoyment. In that moment, her rage grew amok. She mercilessly and utterly purged her entire clan, erasing their very existence from the history books. Now, she wonders from land to land with the weight of her clan,as well as all the people she has killed on their behalf, on her shoulders. 


Despite her violet upbringing, Adiane is as gentle as she is fierce. Having a strong sense of morality, she goes out of her way to protect those who can't protect themselves. Even during her assassin days, she would halt her mission to dispatch anyone she came across that would harass, harm, or humiliate another soul that was weaker. Since killing was all she knew, she would propose a challenge to the death for anyone she deemed to be dishonorable. For an assassin she was unusual in the fact that she never hid or waited in silence. Instead she would be face to face with her target or challenger and take them head on. Clearly besting everyone she challenges, her fighting style was revered throughout her homeland. Her style would best be described as "an assassin in plain sight". Her moves were just as smooth, quick, and calculated as an assassin hiding in the shadows. Now, she challenges people without death being a price to pay for she still loves a worthy opponent. She's forgiving (unless in combat), humble, and loyal. However, she tends to be pretty impulsive. 

Additional Information: 

Since combat is all she knows, the common skills everyone learns is far out of her sense of reasoning. Cooking, cleaning, reading, writing, and basic knowledge of society norms puts her in a weird disadvantage for social interactions. She can hold a conversation decently but her ignorance may be (or inevitably) a hindrance. Also she stands out like a sore thumb by her attire and scent. In regards to her combat style, she usually will opt for her katana to either duel or drag out a fight that she is really into. In other cases, she uses her Odachi to slay. Period.
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A massive thanks to everyone who applied for this RP, each of your character sheets were unique and bursting with style. I would love to have each of you playing but the story would grind to a halt with so many players, no matter how wonderful. Now that isn't to say if one of the players first chosen drops out that I won't come asking someone else who submitted a character, but for now I am going to make my six choices while saying how happy I am to have found such interest in this idea. You have all made me a very happy GM to know there are still players such as yourselves. 

@SecretRock @Isomia.n @Fenris @EnkoKasumi @Rapbit @Ignie

You are the six that have been accepted into the RP. Please send me a PM or post in the main discussion to show you have accepted. That is due by the end of this Friday, and upon hearing back from all six I will post the official game thread so we can start with your adventures as Musketeers.

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