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Fantasy We are: Legends

"I believe I am here to help you," the elf said with his eyebrows raised. "After all I was in some very important business within my homeland, while you courier came barging in." Caricon the seated himself in a chair in-front of the desk, still holding his staff which stood on the ground next to it. Although the staff was not incubate, and if you looked at it closely you could see the images of elves in battle, against evil forces of corruption, among the moving vines.
Marcus looked at Caricon, "If you want a homeland to return to you'll hear me out, the whole reason I called you and Lady Maleficent here was because we need you to join this group of questers and fight a rising force known as corruption. The vision describes you two as well as the others fighting the overlords and their master and saving our world, if not the exact opposite is sure to happen. Will you help us.?"

Galahad walked through the palace on his way to him quarters when he saw Morgana and Julia, he thought that they may be having a private conversation and kept walking though his eyes were still locked on the sorceress he kept on his way.
Maleficent blinks. "...what? I think you must be mistaken Lord Marcus." She said while lacing her hands on the top of her staff. "...I have a kingdom to take care of... I cannot leave them like this..."


Morgana turns away from Julia and locks eyes with the pair that she felt locked on her and that had been occupying her thoughts. "Is there something you need Sir Galahad?" She asked while raising a brow.
Marcus looked to Maleficent, "If you don't leave them for this time they will surely be destroyed. If you go I can provide them protection despite being on the frontline of the war I have kept this city almost over prepared for once, a kingdom actually has men to spare even in war. Please......I will be here. I was not in the vision so I won't be accompanying you all anyways and I kept my promises."
Maleficent looks away, sighs softly as she looks outside. "...I don't know... I am unsure if I can be of help... Because the last time I left my kingdom in the hands of someone else... Plus... I don't know if I can help..."
Galahad shook his head, "Nothing I need. I'm just glad to see you've joined us, and please drop the Sir My name is Galahad, I don't even ask my servants to add the sir." Galahad stopped walking away and stood ther folding his hands behind his back and standing up perfectly straight evidence of the perfect posture he's always had. His silver eyes gaxed into hers patiently waiting for her response.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Galahad shook his head, "Nothing I need. I'm just glad to see you've joined us, and please drop the Sir My name is Galahad, I don't even ask my servants to add the sir." Galahad stopped walking away and stood ther folding his hands behind his back and standing up perfectly straight evidence of the perfect posture he's always had. His silver eyes gaxed into hers patiently waiting for her response.

Morgana watching him, she narrows her eyes a bit at the straight posture, hands behind his back and his gaze. She stood up straight while looking up at him. "Very well..." She said slowly while watching him.
Galahad smiled and nodded, "I must excuse myself I will see you both at dinner" he nodded in Julia's direction before turning and going about his business stealing one last glance at Morgana's eyes before he did.
Julia did a little salute before Galahad walked off. She briefly looked at Morgana and smiled before she too took off in a different direction. "Goodness the people here are so touchy. Isn't there at least one person who isn't as stingy as the rest of these blokes," She mumbled under her breath as she walked down a hallway that hasn't done through before since exploring.
The elf was suddenly instrested in the floor patterns. "I have had my visions too my lord. They show me my people standing next to the fae as they get slaughtered one by one." He then got up and grabbed his staff, suddenly next to Malificent, "But I am willing to take the risk if you go my lady."
Hunnyhelp said:
The elf was suddenly instrested in the floor patterns. "I have had my visions too my lord. They show me my people standing next to the fae as they get slaughtered one by one." He then got up and grabbed his staff, suddenly next to Malificent, "But I am willing to take the risk if you go my lady."
Maleficent sighs softly while looking outside. "I don't know why your willing to take the risk if I do." She said while clutching her staff tightly.
"All or nothing, my love." He then looked out the window and pondered about how a city so big, could look so so small.
Hunnyhelp said:
"All or nothing, my love." He then looked out the window and pondered about how a city so big, could look so so small.
Maleficent has a bitter smile. "Of course... All or nothing is always a thing with you isn't it?"
"Well I mean if your not going to have gold falling out of the sky on your wedding, why have a wedding?" Carixon then hide a smile as he turned to lord Marcus. "I believe you have a yes."
Maleficent looks at him, her eyes dark. "Why even bother believing in a silly thing called love when all it does is back fire in your face every time you think you can have something..." She said as dark shadows envelopes her and she vanishes to the gardens.
"Well I mean if your not going to have gold falling out of the sky on your wedding, why have a wedding?" Carrion then hide a smile as he turned to lord Marcus. "If she says yes, then you will have 500 armed Elves arriving to your city for a mutual protection agreement, unless of course my love wishes for her people to stay within the forest..."
Maleficent looks at him, her eyes dark and damp. "Why should I trust you when you seem to constantly break whatever parts of my heart I have left every time I give it too? I should stop giving it to you but I can't seem too." She said as she quickly walks off, slamming the doors behind her.
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(Different post, where he based all his decisions on what Maleficent wants, and he still gets the hate response?)

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