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Fantasy We are: Legends

"You forget my power mortal," he said reaching out and touching the holy fire, as it was absorbed into his armor. "Thank you for the energy, but I though we were suppose to fight each other," he said his voice like ice. He continued to spin his spear staff smiling devilishly. He then raised his hands and out of the ground came vines of rose thorns, wrapping themselves around the human piercing his skin.
Arthur simply made another solar flare burning away the vines before they could even touch him. "I don't care what your power is, I'm still gonna win." Arthur controlling the Fundamental Force increased the amount of gravity on the Elf to 50 times it's normal amount. Arthur with precision and skill made so it would only effect the Elf. Arthur then swung his sword seemingly aimlessly but what he's actually doing is teleporting his slashes to get the Elf at point blank.
Maleficent's eye twitched as she was ignored, she took a deep breath as she stood by and watched them, her eyes glowing green once more as she watched them, a silent anger in her eyes as she watched them.
The Elf had had enough. "Enough," he yelled throwing the human to the ground. "I will not be insulted by a weak mortal like you and petty kings like you!" His skin then turned brown and toned like a tree as he yelled and inhumanly scream that sounded like rage itself. He then took the sword that the human had and broke it in half, growing in size matching to a tree as the force of gravity increased upon him. "YOU DO NOT KNOW MY POWER," he yelled as birds in the nearby trees took off and the ground shacked.
What the Elf merely caught was an after image. The real Arthur had darted backward to a safe distance of 20 yards at the speed of light. "You still won't beat me and only made yourself a bigger target." He commented. A magic circle appeared in the air and through it the sun rays became viciously magnified to burn the Elf with the sun rays. "You think you're better than me don't make me laugh. I wouldn't be the King of Camelot if I wasn't better than an Elf that couldn't protect his own forest."
The tree laughed and the ground shook. "It doesn't seem you are able to defend your territory either, I mean after all, it wasn't like I came here without and invitation from your headmaster," his said his voice seemingly coming from air, but cold as ice when you heard it.

(Please please please please stop goddmodding, and it is impossible to travel the speed of light as seen in this article by a trusted college using ENSTINE's own research And please, even with magic it is scientifically impossible.)
Zoo chuckled "If you say so." and then immediately jumped up, shifting into the form of a hawk. She flew up a bit and then began to dive bomb Valus, talons out at his face. She dove in and clawed at his eyes, though not to cause any permanent damage. While he was blinded, she flew past him, shifting and landing as a mouse behind him.

Skimpering beneath him, she turned into an elephant beneath him, carrying up high on her back. "Now imagine if I had been a Tiger."
(Science in a fantasy rp always had a way of making me laugh but the same could be said of s tree resisting the magnified heat of the sun as well as many other scientifically impossible things that have taken place.)

"This is not my territory, you stupid tree." Arthur replied. He deployed a miniature sun with a field around it to stop it from affecting anything but the target. It flew over to the Elf and detonated and the field expanded so it would only affect the Elf. Scientifically the Elf should be reduced to nothing instantly.
(Scientifically creating a mini sun would instantly cause a black hole killing everyone. And guessing that the mini sun explosion you had there was a supernova, which is impossible to contain into one area, and only suns so big that our star doesn't even show up on the map can create supernovas.)
(Scientifically everyone would be ash due to the use of multiple solar flares primarily from Galahad and Arthur's fight. Both of you bring the fighting down no more light speed. And unless you can tell me how you would teleport the damage from a slash without teleporting the blade itself no more of that either.)

Sir Marcus looked at Revan, "You will be fighting a force only known as corruption, it is more dangerous than even the forces of darkness wiping cities off the map and leaving no trace. It is described as being the single most dangerous enemy in the history of our world....so will you help us?" The sounds of a serious battle reached Marcus' ears and he sighed. "When will they learn, excuse me a moment." Marcus stood and walked to his balcony which overlooked much of his city as well as the training ground. He watched the battle and his blood red eyes got and intense glare to them and soon the energy was sapped from both Arthur and the elf taking only the excess energy they built up in combat it took form as a ball of Aether above them the energy from their attacks included he released upon the both of them lodging both men in the ground. "Please refrain from actual combat while in my city...Elf... When you are able please come to my office I would like to have a word with you Lady Maleficent I would like you to accompany him as well."

Valus was blind-sided by Zoo's speed and skill in combat but his healing factor allowed him to have his full vision as he hit the ground after being thrown from an elephant's back. "Ok, that was good." Valus shifted to full werewolf and tackled Zoo from the side lifting her up and thwarting her over his other shoulder.

Galahad watched the fight annoyed at the elf, from what he saw the elf was desperate and angry blaming everyone else but himself for his peoples plight. As the battle became more serious he was tempted to split them up until he felt and odd sensation wash over them then concentrate on the two combatants before taking their penned up and some expended energy and gathering it before using it against them resulting in a great wave of residual pressure to the others while the King and his opponent were pressed into the ground cracking the stone around where their bodies lay. Galahad looked up at the source of Sir Marcus' voice when he heard it before looking at the two in the ground. "Are you two alright?"
Zoo was taken by surprise, its not everyday a werewolf-vampire lord hybrid lifts an elephant after all, as she was thrown though she shifted forms into a tiger landing on all four feet. Immediately she dashed forward tackling Valus in a full-forward hit, she stopped on top of him roaring in his face and going for his neck with a bite.
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[QUOTE="Maeve Valor]Julia heard footsteps resound through the main entrance from where she was sitting on the stairs. She looked towards the direction it was coming from and saw Morgana walk passed her going down a hallway and wandering aimlessly. Julia smiled and hurriedly walked over, "Well, well, look who decided to show up after all. Got bored I presume?" She then looked out a window to see Galahad and Arthur in the distance fighting. "It seems that everyone is trying to prove their worth in this time we have before leaving. You would think that if this quest is so important they would all save their energy for real battle," She scoffed.
@Soul OMU

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Valus twisted under her weight but to no avail, he instead brought his legs up into her stomach and pushed her off of him. He leapt at her from where he was after getting his feet under him, landing on her side he pinned her front legs and stayed clear of her hind legs retracting his claws and simply dragging his fingers against her flank instead of scratching her. "Your fur is surprisingly soft." He said getting a little off track but hey, that's just how he was.
Zoo stopped, perturbed by the comment and action. She shifted into the form of a mouse, her limbs shrinking out from under Valus's hands. She she ran behind him and turned into a large deer, great big horns growing from her head. "I would ask that you refrain from touching me so."
Arthur stood and simply dusted himself off. "Like I said, this is not my territory. But did Marcus really have to come at me from the back. I sure wish I just went all out on that elf and killed him before Marcus came out here because now I have to take time to dust myself off. Speaking of my territory I'm going back to Camelot running a kingdom is hard work and staying here will only makd it harder. I expect a full report and a notification of when you're leaving and were you're leaving for so I know where to go." Arthur for a brief moment thought about simply running the elf through as it laid face down in the ground. Then he decided he'll get the Elf anothet time when Marcus won't be around to stop him. "So i'm just gonna teleport there." Arthur said raising Excalibur and teleporting to Camelot with it.
Valus shifted into a more wolf like form but being far greater in size than even a dire wolf. "It was only to show you where I would have clawed you, unless you rather I actually do damage. Either you have my apologies I meant no harm." Valus stood tall seeing eye to eye with Zoo. He nodded his head slightly his wolffish instincts keeping him from going too low.

Galahad just looked at Arthur until he teleported away the. Turned his attention to the elf, "Are you just going to lay there all day or will you get yourself up out of the dirt?"
Zoo eyed Valus with great respect, the kind between equals, and shifted in the form of an alpha male wolf. "Match me in form, Valus. We are equals, and as such we'll not stand above one another. Should you have my back, I'll have yours for as long as we consider each other equal. Shall you say the same to me?"
"Fine," Caricon said getting up. He dusted his pants, gave a quick look at Maleficent, grunted, picked up his stick, and walked towards the palace, silently drawing stored power from the emerald in the enter of his now-staff. The only mark of his presence was the loud clanking as wood hit stone, but finally stopping when Caricon was fully regenerated, and strangely wearing a royal robe instead of a battle suit.

(sorry it's a crapp post, I kinda put it together in like 1 minute)
Zoo nodded having received an appropriate response. "Now. If you would excuse me, I'm going to welcome the return of Morgana. I expect to see you at dinner." Zoo then jumped over Valus's head, shifting into the form of a hawk and flying around the castle to find Morgana.

Upon finding her though she grimaced as she saw Julia. Despite that, she flew in to the building and landed before the two as a Great Dane. "Glad to see you again Morgana, I trust you've had a change of heart?"
Valus nodded but suspected that the movement was missed when Zoo leapt over his head and flew off. He shifted back into his human form and dusted himself off deciding to return to the palace, dinner would be served soon. Anyways and he intended on getting cleaned up beforehand.

Galahad decided to stay a little longer practicing his skills on a magical double of himself, the two sparred in perfect time matching each other quite well. Galahad parried, dodged and caught some attacks from his copy and reciprocated with a great deal of skill. Eventually at a moment that should have been a standoff Galahad swung with what seemed to be his normal force, but the copy was wiped away completely with nothing left. It was at this point that he decided to leave being calm yet quick to go wash up.

Marcus could her the elf's approach as he thundered down the halls with his staff, he restrained the urge to roll his eyes, "Must you slam your staff against the ground so? What has my palace ever done to you?" Marcus' voice rang out of his office as Caricon, when he saw the elf prince enter he nodded respectfully, "How can I help you Caricon."
"My apologies, Morgana." Zoo said, making a small mock bow while still as a Great Dane. "Either way I am certainly glad to have you back."

"As for you Julia, don't piss her off again." With that, Zoo jumped out the window, turned into a hawk, and flew off to find a place to rest until dinner.

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