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Fantasy We are: Legends

Maleficent said nothing as she grabbed onto his arms and took off into the sky, focusing on the sky ahead. "...I know. It's okay..." she said softly while carrying him the way he wants to go. "Let's just drop the subject..." she said as she felt her throat tighten a bit as she remembers the day they called off their wedding and how depressed and closed off she had been.
Caricon looked down to the passing forest below. There were no words that he could say, nothing that he could do that could ever make this better. "I.." He couldn't think of anything to say, he felt so terrible for what he did. "How are the fairies doing this time of year," he said still a thousand miles away, the invading armies, the burning forests, the depressed faces, and above all the ones the face of his bride when he told her that the wedding was cancelled. Ever since then he was been fighting for his forest, trying to get the gem, tying to get his old life back.
Maleficent carrying him, focusing on the sky ahead, glad he can't see her face since for the first time in a long time it's betraying how she feels right now. "...they're fine... Still stupid and dimwitted as usual..." She muttered while shaking her head to remind herself that emotions are for the weak.
"Most rulers would not say that amount their subjects, but I probably would if I had to rule over those dimwits," he said jokingly still trying to shake the sadness from his voice. Emotions where the thing that clouded peoples thoughts, if there was to be a battle right now he would not be ready. "It seems that we are nearing your house my lady."
Maleficent blinks and glances down. "Oh... It seems we are... Where was it you wanted to go again? You said you were going to try and raise an army correct?..." She said calmly and quietly as she slowed down their flight.
Zoo runs back up to the hill to find Arthur, Valus close behind. "It doesn't look like anything else was around, how fares the Elf?"
"I though the two places I could do this was raising a elite fighting squad of small fighting fairies in the sky, or with those dimwitted humans. Maybe we could do a combination of the two, but right now I am starving, and you can't raise an army on an empty stomach you know," he said smiling at the lady. "All I really need is soil and I can grow a potato plant or something..."
Maleficent lands down near her tree. "Those three aren't useful at all... And many of the other fairies went into hiding when... He tried to take the Moors..." She said as her expression hardened a bit and her Emerald green eyes flammed a bit before calming as she turned her head away from him.
Galahad looked at Zoo, "The elf left, It is doubtful he will return, as for the rest of us given that there are no other threats we will return to the training grounds. Sound good?"

Valus came to a halt absorbing their information, he missed and charged back towards the training grounds turning back as he gets there.

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"I see... See that...person... shows us that human kings are idiots, along with that Author they have over there." He then turned and looked at Maleficent. "Well it seems we have found ourselves in a predicament, where do we go," he said looking down. "But no matter what situation we are in at the moment, it seems that my arms are slowly becoming dislocated from my shoulders.
Maleficent puts him down by her tree. "...King Arthur isn't as bad as... he was... his people at least are happy and aren't suffering.." she said softly while stepping back from him once she put him down, wrapping her arms around herself along with curling her wings in towards her body.
"Yeah let's go back and have our duel Galahad, I'll even debut a new set of equipment I created myself." Arthur exclaimed disappearing in an instantaneous burst of speed and landing back in Sparring Circles. Arthur then was wrapped in a golden light which shifted his armor. A a new sword and shield appeared on his hands. He thrusted his sword in the ground and looked at Galahad.

Morgana wandering the palace, thinking deeply about what happened earlier and shakes her head as she makes a noise of disgust as she walks; exploring the palace since she has nothing better to do.
Galahad smiled and got a running start he jumped and wings of light burst from his back and with one flap he caused a whirlwind that was enough to propel him to the sparring circle Arthur was in. When he landed the wings were gone and his shield formed on his arm light drawing the outline and features until the shield solidified. "At your leisure"

Valus sat in a ring waiting for Zoo, he really did hope to learn something from her whether it was speed or manueverabiliy.

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"On Guard, Galahad." Arthur said. He raised his sword above his head and swung it down fast to project the slash so it could hit Galahad despite the distance but Arthur layered a slash effect of eletricity on it. So a slash of lightning raced at lightning speed toward Galahad.
"It's a better job than my parents did," he said looking into her magnificent emerald green eyes. "I could have won that fight you know, if he hadn't cheated and used magic." He then looked down to the ground and put his hand on a small patch of soil. Soon a small sprout came out and as Caricon dug the plant up, he saw the great big potato and quickly took it to a nearby table. He then reached down to the tree and seemingly out of nowhere he was not holding a wooden knife. He chopped the vegetable up and then smiled as he turned around and started snacking on the small pieces of cut up potato, pushing back the feeling of exhaustion in him as he drew upon the power stored inside his staff.
Galahad dove to the side and rolled putting his shield up moments before swinging his sword up a bright white crescent ripping towards Arthur. " You're not the only one who can do that."

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Hunnyhelp said:
"It's a better job than my parents did," he said looking into her magnificent emerald green eyes. "I could have won that fight you know, if he hadn't cheated and used magic." He then looked down to the ground and put his hand on a small patch of soil. Soon a small sprout came out and as Caricon dug the plant up, he saw the great big potato and quickly took it to a nearby table. He then reached down to the tree and seemingly out of nowhere he was not holding a wooden knife. He chopped the vegetable up and then smiled as he turned around and started snacking on the small pieces of cut up potato, pushing back the feeling of exhaustion in him as he drew upon the power stored inside his staff.
Maleficent says nothing as she turns towards the cliff and looks out over it, spreading her wings out to their fullest as she feels the breeze ruffle and gently caress her feathers. She sighs softly as she thinks back to the past.
"I guessed as much." Arthur commented as he leapt at the crescent shield forward which stopped the crescent then he slashed the crescent with his sword. He then moved an in burst of speed closing the distance between him and Galahad instantly. "Shall we try high speed combat." he said with a smirk. He swung his sword in a multi hit strike which instead of throwing one hit it it throws multiple hits in that one strike.
Galahad matched Arthur's speed knocking his strikes away and striking back at him aiming for his shoulders, and arms. "Let's."

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Arthur continued with the high speed combat. Then Arthur Flash Stepped back then suddenly four speed clones came st Galahad from all sides. "Prove it Galahad that it'd be safe to test a certain power against you." Arthur called.
Galahad smiled a bit under his helmet as the copies approached, "Radiance." At his word an aura of white light formed around him quickly expanding and blowing the copies away. " You'll have to do better than that." Galahad dashed at Arthur slashing the ground in front of him and sliding a large piece of earth up into a vertical position, he slammed his shield into it and chunks flew at his king. Another speed step and Galahad was behind Arthur swinging his blade at the king's back.

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"I can perceive where your going to attack me next." Arthur said. Galahad seemingly chopped his head off but that was a mere after image. Arthur reappearing facing Galahad from the front. "Well now, you get to see my first attempt as using such a weapon Galahad." Arthur explained. His armor shifted to a completely different set then a weapon indistinguishable between a sword or lance appeared in his hand. It was red and radiated a demonic energy. "The markings and material of this weapon are similar to ones I saw on Lancelot when he was going through one of his berserk phases. I will tame this power so I can reel in any of my knights who fall to the darkness like Lancelot did once." Arthur explained.

Julia heard footsteps resound through the main entrance from where she was sitting on the stairs. She looked towards the direction it was coming from and saw Morgana walk passed her going down a hallway and wandering aimlessly. Julia smiled and hurriedly walked over, "Well, well, look who decided to show up after all. Got bored I presume?" She then looked out a window to see Galahad and Arthur in the distance fighting. "It seems that everyone is trying to prove their worth in this time we have before leaving. You would think that if this quest is so important they would all save their energy for real battle," She scoffed.

@Soul OMU
Revan walked into the castle, and looked around. He walked past the girls and towards the back. He looked at the walls and muttered, "Interesting." He wondered why a person would call him there, since he was a Sith Lord. Not one of the most powerful. Many people forgot about his existence possibly because they thought he was dead. Hmmph. Perhaps I should find a guard or go outside, he thought to himself, touching the lightsabers that were well hidden under his cloak. Of course, a warrior could know that he had a weapon because it radiated a dark energy. He wouldn't use it unless he needed to though.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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