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Fantasy We are: Legends

Hunnyhelp said:
Caricon gasped at the greatness of flying. Never before had his feet left a solid surface. "I understand your grief when you lost your wings, and believe me, we all saw it." He then looked at the greatness of the clouds below him. "I envy you great protector," he said his mouth open. Even through his amazement you could see that there was sadness in his eyes. A sadness that would remain with him for the rest of his life, the sadness that being in the sky and knowing you will never see it's beauty again, but that was not a great one. Caricon was an Elf, and Elves were born in the trees, although the sky woke something deep inside all Elves, only the sea could make him longing. So he pushed aside his sadness and enjoyed the warm hand around him.
Maleficient flying him back to the heart of the Forest. "I don't know how you understand my grief when you cannot lose something you haven't had like this." She said while holding his arms.
"Oh my Maleficient, you are wrong there, I have." He then looked around to the surrounding forest. Although flying was great, it would never amount to the joy Caricon had every day in his forest. Now he had lost that, and it truly would not come back unlike her wings. "I have lost everything, everything I had is gone. And those monsters chasing me were suppose to be my last chance Maleficent. My last chance." Then out of his eye feel a tear and once it hit the well trodden ground a plant grew, but this plant was not green like the others. This one was gold and pure, it would not last long like other plants. As it gathered all it's life strength into one moment and went out the next. "What am I going to do now, I have nothing. I even have message that the forest is not it's last limb. If I don't find the gem by the end of this year, my forest will die."
Hunnyhelp said:
"Oh my Maleficient, you are wrong there, I have." He then looked around to the surrounding forest. Although flying was great, it would never amount to the joy Caricon had every day in his forest. Now he had lost that, and it truly would not come back unlike her wings. "I have lost everything, everything I had is gone. And those monsters chasing me were suppose to be my last chance Maleficent. My last chance." Then out of his eye feel a tear and once it hit the well trodden ground a plant grew, but this plant was not green like the others. This one was gold and pure, it would not last long like other plants. As it gathered all it's life strength into one moment and went out the next. "What am I going to do now, I have nothing. I even have message that the forest is not it's last limb. If I don't find the gem by the end of this year, my forest will die."
Maleficent flying with him. "I had to suffer before I got my wings back. I lost so much, I lost trust and many friends. Many of them are gone now." She said while flying up a bit, holding his arms.
"At least you won your war," the Elf said with much sadness. "Mine will end soon and I will lose the last chance I had at getting it all back. What will I do then when I have finally lost everything I had to live for. What will I do then Maleficent?"
"What is there to fight for when all fight has been lost. What else could I fight for. Everybody I know is my enemy and there is nothing I can do to change that." He then looked down. "Will this flight be over soon," he asked seemingly unaffected by what he just said, like he always is when he gets mad.
Hunnyhelp said:
"What is there to fight for when all fight has been lost. What else could I fight for. Everybody I know is my enemy and there is nothing I can do to change that." He then looked down. "Will this flight be over soon," he asked seemingly unaffected by what he just said, like he always is when he gets mad.
Maleficent flying him back to the heart of the forest. "Glad to know I am an enemy." She muttered and put him down before taking off again and heading to her home.
"No I didn't mean it that way, please," he screamed after her. He then began to run the direction she took off, but he knew he would never be able to run as fast as she could fly. He did know someone that could though. He brought is fingers to his mouth and whistled and soon his deer mount jumped out of the bushes. "I wonder sometimes if you are the same deer," he said jumping on the mount.
Maleficent flying to her forest, upset. She shook her head as she used her powerful wings to propel her forward and faster until she reached the Moors, her home and made her way to her old nest on the great tree over the cliff.
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Galahad switched when the elf left, "lets go back, I could use a good soaring session after dealing with that."

Valus grunted frustrated since he couldn't speak in this form it only came out as grunts and roars. He started to shift back adjusting his clutches as they reappeared on his skin. "Enchanted clothes I've changed back naked enough times to find a need for them. Also keeps my things from being ruined. Anyways I came out here because it's safer with even one ally with you besides I wouldn't have been as much use to them."

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Morgana narrows her eyes as she walks off, unimpressed with the fact everyone is trying to start a fight or get into a fight. "Honestly, I expect so much more from the High and Might King. As you call yourself." she muttered while vanishing to the shadows to read.
"Lady of the Lake as you've probably picked up earlier I don't exactly need Excalibur anymore. Up till now I used Excalibur to draw out the traits of my inner power Chivalry. Now I felt it the upper powers of Chivalry have been drawn out. You also said you wanted it back as well. So I'm giving it back right now. Atleast my hair can go back to it's correct color then." Arthur explained removing Excalibur in it's sheath and holding it out to Viviane.

Viviane stood there stunned. She was going to get Excalibur back? She hesitantly reached for the sword. Just before touching it she retracted her hand. "I can't...no...I don't..." she said before sinking into a puddle.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
Arthur prodded the puddle gently with Excalibur's sheath. "Come on take it back with the power of Chivalry and all the time I spent with this thing I can create one for myself if need be. Take it back I really don't want to keep it when it's needed elsewhere."
Viviane slowly rose from the puddle. She took the sword with a large blush on her face. "T-then...Thank you Arthur." she said as the sword's tip touched the puddle and slowly sank into it.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
Zoo chuckled, his lack of ability to speak while shapeshifted amusing. "Well as I said nothing around. Let's head back and see how the elf is doing."

With that Zoo shifted into a wolf and jumped down to the ground. Through this she hoped to show respect through being a wolf as well.
"You welcome Lady of the Lake." Arthur said as he created his own copy of Excalibur and swung it around. "This is a sign of great progress. I can sense it, it can still tap into the Divine Force. My enhanced crafting is golden!"

After a while Caricon realized that Maleficent was not coming back, he slowed his mount and his face slacked to glum. "Well I really am done for now," he said. With his slacked body his mount walked back towards the hill. It knew what to do, and Caricon made no move to stop it, he didn't care anymore. He had lost everything and he couldn't even win a fight anymore, the deer could be riding him to hell for all he cared....
Maleficent laying in the crook of her tree, thinking deeply as she notices her old dolls and picks them up carefully as if they'll break any second. "...There is always a reason to fight... even if you don't see it... Protect those who matter to you... Even if you can't tell them yet how you feel... never let them go... or you'll lose them... forever..." she said softly while putting the dolls down carefully and turning back to face the way she just flew. "..." she took off once again and started making her way back towards Caricon.
The deer heard something. Continuing at the same pace, the deer cocked a ear towards the sound. The flapping of wings caused the creature to stop immediately, although Caricon did not. Rubbing dirt from his face seemed to do him some good as it snapped him out of the daze he was in a while ago. "I have got to stop mopping around, I have got to do something," he said getting up. Pacing around trying to think of something, he didn't hear the sound of approaching wings, and the answer to his question.
Maleficent flying towards where she last saw Caricon and is hover over him at the moment before landing down in the clearing he is in, listening to him as he mutters to himself. "And what are you going to do Caricon?" she said while watching him.
Valus took off after Zoo catching up to her quite quickly, he looked at her out of the cornDr of his eye. He ran a bit faster as the hill came into view.

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"Raise an army, destroy the people that took the gem, if I can't get the gem in time. I will make them suffer like I have, maybe even ally myself with the fool the humans call a 'great' king." He then turn and looked at Maleficent, "My lady," he said bowing his head and looking to the side to see that his mount has disappeared. "It seems that you are my only ride," he said his green eyes dancing like magic.
Maleficent watching him. "So I see you found something to fight for... I'm glad. I am proud of you for that." she said while looking down at him, her wings ruffling by themselves as they stretched out and curled towards him.
"Most people would not be happy to hear that the only thing keeping their ex-fiance alive is terrible revenge towards evil, but of course we are not most people," Caricon said putting his hands up waiting to be carried away by Maleficent. "You know how sorry I am right, I just couldn't stand to be in a relationship with you when you had gained everything back, and I had lost everything I had, senselessly..." He then looked into her beautiful green eyes. "I would never hurt you on purpose..."

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