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Fantasy We are: Legends

Arthur right after finishing the prayer said "Done." A white aura collected over the Elf like a swirling blanket of mist. The black veins going back to their normal color as the poison was being eliminated and purge from the elf's body. Then Arthur raised his hand and the aura flew upwards from the elf's position but this time with a black sphere in the center which was the poison. Then it progressively become whiter until it was completely white then vanished. "That's the end of the poison." Arthur announced sheathing his blade and then standing.
The Elf quickly shot up, touching the holes in his shoulder to stop the blood. "You are very bad at healing arrow holes." He then closed his eyes as the holes slowly closed up and sweat tingled on his forehead. "In many cultures if somebody's saves your life you are forever indebted to that person." He then put his hand to the ground as he got up, his green leather suit clinging tightly to his body. "All I believe is that you owe me a new shirt," the Elf said gesturing to the giant hole of cloth hanging on his shoulder.
Galahad looked at the Elf, "I don't believe we're responsible for you getting shot, exactly what were you running from not many have access to black arrows." Galahad felt a tingle on the black of his neck and looked towards the palace his eyes fixating on a figure in the windows. A smile danced on his lips before he turned his attention to the Elf again.

Valus roared up to Zoo wondering if she understood animals since she was one... normally.

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Morgana stepped back when she noticed a figure look up directly at her, getting out of view once again as she shook her head and started to wander the library.
Zoo swoops down to Valus, gliding alongside him. "So why exactly did you follow me? Nothing around, apparently."
"I was running from the Urikari-Hai scouts. Those things have been beasty ever since the forest gem was stolen. How they got the black arrows I am not sure, but I will examine them when I get home," Caricon said taking the arrows from the boy's hand. He then smiled and small green sparks flew off his fingers flying towards the forest and soon a his large deer mount could be seen running around the city towards it master.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12281934_WeareLegendsElfRidingDeer.jpg.163ee302f2d8f11f358e33c89bdfe30d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12281934_WeareLegendsElfRidingDeer.jpg.163ee302f2d8f11f358e33c89bdfe30d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He does not look like that, just imagine my character instead of the lotr elf king



  • We are Legends; Elf Riding Deer.jpg
    We are Legends; Elf Riding Deer.jpg
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"Well it seems you grief for material items take priority over you honor as you couldn't even give a thank you to your saviors. Know that you're twice in debted to Camelot and owe your life to Sir Galahad and King Arthur. If you have a sense of honor you'll actually repay those debts right now." Arthur said stepping closer to the elf. "We have a certain mission, we could use some more warriors. I say join our quest and we'll be even? I of course wouldn't mind returning you to your previous state."
"I owe you nothing, your people owe me." He turned sharply to the one that saved his life. "You do not now of what my people have suffered because of your petty wars. Your King Author has brought my people pain that no race should have to feel." He then looked down his cloak hanging to his shoulders. "Return me to my previous state please, I wish to leave this pain that your people have inflicted upon us." He then smiled as his mount rode up. "Take me to you 'great' king, I wish to speak with him."
Sir Galahad stood a dangerous white glow eliminating from his helmet, "Sir I would appreciate it if you watch your attitude when speaking not only to a king but to the man who saved your life. Also if you had allied yourself with us My men in particular could have defended your first it was your people's stubbornness that lead to your "pain"." Galahad crushed the arrows in his grip dropping the splinters.

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Arthur did his best to maintain a calm and composed, but his expression darkened. "You're speaking to King Arthur King of Camelot. What happened to your people was unfortunate but the blame doesn't rest with us. It was as Galahad said your choices that lead to your suffering." Arthur said to the elf. Arthur looked at Galahad and placed on a hand on his shoulder. Arthur's look said: Not yet, just little longer.
Viviane silently watched from her pool. She was curious on how Arthur would resolve this situation. She looked down onto the, eyes brimming with curiosity. "Go on Arthur, show me what you'll do." She whispered.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
Caricon's eyes danced wildly as he stepped away from the men, putting his hand behind him and hitting the iron casing around the windows. He quickly took his other hand and healed the burn on his hand before standing completely still at the words that it was his people's fault. "We did ask for help you savages, the people sent scouts to the king and queen to volunteer to travel to King Author. I heard the conversations myself, and I saw that my parents let the scouts be escorted by the guards to do their duty of sending the message, but you never came." His eyes burned with green fire and his hands turn green themselves, you could see even under the green leather cloak he wore that his veins turned green and lead to his chest, where over his heart was the shape of a tree. "You never came."
"Your scouts never came, besides it's not our fault that your people sought our help only when the enemy were already inside your forest. If you had allied with us earlier then as Galahad said we would've defended your people. Not only that, but here you were about to die and I saved you from certain death. If I must return you to a state of dying so be it." Arthur said raising his voice drawing his sword. "I'm am King Arthur Pendragon if you insist I will cut you down."
"Show me how well human royalty can fight," Caricon said as he muttered in Elvish and the ends of his staff went down showing razor sharp Elven gold blades. And the emerald went to the center and the Elf began spinning his blade. His mount was no longer there, seemingly disappeared into the nearby brush, and the elf's hands continued to glow green, so bright that it was almost that they were on fire.
Maleficient watching them from her forest, raising a brow as she senses another magical being. "Hmm... Interesting..."

Morgana making her way to the courtyard, saw the fight about to break out, eyes narrowed as she makes her way over.
"Galahad stand back, he's mine." Arthur said. Then he vanished but reappeared but instead of just one Arthur there were 12 of them, his speed clones. 11 of them moved in an instantaneous burst of speed that made them invisible to slash at the Elf from all directions. The last one the real one jumped in the air and said "Strike Razor Wind!" He swung his blade and slashes of compressed sharpened air raced for the elf.
Caricon was ready. Quickly jumping to the side he put his right hand on the ground, his left one still spinning his dual sided staff. "We sent out message for help weeks before we were attacked, and the people asked the king and queen to befriend you for forever, up until the moment they said that they had in-fact offered allegiance with you, but you denied." His expression then hardened as he mumbled in Elvish, "Karigon Esse kue I'm unculturedordia," meaning, 'nature I call upon you.' It would not be long before the grass would begin twirling and soon plant monsters would arise to do his biding.
"Liar, your people hated me for the way my father prosecuted non human races that dwelled within Camelot's territory. They wouldn't even let my men pass at the edge of their forest. I denied nothing because they never sent anything. All your people ever seem to send where exploding arrows. But no I didn't send an army to retaliate for all your assassination attempts. Your people may have begged you King and Queen to befriend me but they just didn't do that so it was their fault not mine." Arthur replied. He and his clones assembled, he waved off the clones and whispered "Strike Lightning!". A giant bolt of lightning raced down from the sky and struck right where the Elf is position. Then more came down burning away all the grass but leaving the nearby forest untouched as Arthur considered it not apart of the battleground.
Morgana appears in front of Arthur. "Enough.." she said calmly but full of power as she looked at the king darkly. "This entire debacle is stupid and has gone on long enough..." she said while looking at him. Maleficent flies up and out of the forest and over to them before landing in front of Caricon. "I suggest you stop using my forest for your petty battle... your both at fault. So stop acting like imbeciles."
Caricon looked up to the winged creature his burned clothes still smoking from the Lightning strike. He quickly got on his knees. "I apologize protecter, please forgive me," he said his eyes looking up with fear.
"I sure hope you didn't hit my lake Arthur." Viviane said as she slowly rose up from a nearby puddle. "Although I have to say that this was a rather violent way of ending this isn't it." She cheerfully before giggling.
Maleficent looks at him. "You disappoint me Caricon... Let us go now." she muttered as she opened her wings and took to the sky and picked him up.
Arthur sheathed his blade and said "Morgana it's dangerous to put yourself directly between two warriors. You could've been killed in one of my magic attacks. But I'll stop afterall my foe has fled and the battle would've ended with my victory." He turned away from Morgana to Viviane. "Well I don't think your lake is around here though I made sure to keep my attacks within close range to avoid unnecessary collateral, you know I despise unnecessary collateral damage."
Caricon gasped at the greatness of flying. Never before had his feet left a solid surface. "I understand your grief when you lost your wings, and believe me, we all saw it." He then looked at the greatness of the clouds below him. "I envy you great protector," he said his mouth open. Even through his amazement you could see that there was sadness in his eyes. A sadness that would remain with him for the rest of his life, the sadness that being in the sky and knowing you will never see it's beauty again, but that was not a great one. Caricon was an Elf, and Elves were born in the trees, although the sky woke something deep inside all Elves, only the sea could make him longing. So he pushed aside his sadness and enjoyed the warm hand around him.

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