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Fantasy We are: Legends

Arthur was already in the Training Grounds, he wasted no time and simply used a High Speed movement technique. He drew his sword and what would seem like one swing but was actually many all the practice dummies he set up around himself were sliced into mere splinters. "Yeah Divine Magic is still the stuff." Arthur commented.
Galahad noticed the blink of movement that came with Arthur's speed technique and smiled..."He always liked being first to the battlefield." He walked down the hall assuming the others would make their way there. His armor didn't clank or grind as he walked it sounded as if he could have been wearing cloth with the fact that there was little to no sound coming from him.

Valus stretched a smile forming on his face, "I appreciate your complement miss Zoo." He walked towards the door, Seems that we should be going now....."
Morgan currently at home making herself some tea while cleaning up her house a bit, focusing on different things rather then what her mind wants her to do.
After a while of exploring, Julia came to the main entrance sitting on some stairs and blew some of her fiery -red hair from her face. "I think I've exhausted exploring this place. It's boring! I wonder when dinner is served," she pouted placing her elbows on her legs and propped her head up with a bored expression.
Zoo looks away from the aquatic assailant and turns to Valus, walking alongside him. "Indeed. So what do you think of what could possibly be the rest of our lives?" Zoo asks, implying that this quest could be very long...or very short.
Valus looks down at Zoo as he walks, it seems that we will be quite busy....be put in incredibly dangerous positions and might even overcome it against impossible odds....sounds like a good time. What are your thoughts?"

Galahad stepped into the large courtyard that composed the training grounds, the far edge overlooked the city the area had no walls giving them a great view on all the sides but the entryway. Galahad noticed Arthur training and smiled but went instead to a sparring circle where he drew his sword and jabbing the tip into the ground he stood and waited for whoever decided to face him.
Morgan sighs softly puts her pot down as she shakes her head. "Stop thinking about him, he isn't worth your Time and would never look at you." She said while walking away from her pot of tea to do something else.
Zoo pads along softly, head held high. "I do believe it will be eventful, to say that least. While I appreciate the change of pace in my life, I can't quite say that I am totally excited. The fact that this adventure could be my last is certainly enough to make me have my doubts. On the other hand, if we succeed with out casualty, well that would be an epic tale to recount now wouldn't it?
Valus chuckled, "Aye my friend that would be quite the tale. I have plenty of unbelievable tales but this may very well be the crowning jewel." Valus turns right and passes through two massive oak doors that lead into the training grounds. " It seems you got your wish." He said as he gazed at the sky and the woods in the distance.

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As they step out into the training grounds, Zoo brightens up almost immediately, literally as well. Shifting from a black Great Dane to a bright Golden Retriever, her tail begins to wag, her ears perk up and her breathing gets faster. "My wish indeed! Oh it's good indeed to return to the outdoors!"

Zoo turns to Valus saying "Well I'm certainly much happier now. While we're here why don't you show me what you can do? I've not much in the ways of combat beyond whatever claws, teeth, and strength the creatures of nature can offer me." With that she shapeshifts into a large Lioness, muscles rippling as she gives a large stretch.
Valus looked back at Zoo, "Well id prefer the fight to be fair so I will be using my werewolf form maybe you could teach me a few things. Says kept walking and as he did so he grew, fur covered his skin and his teeth were replaced by fangs. His hands became even larger and more powerful covered with fur and ending with razor sharp claws.

Valus turned to Zoo and stalked towards the sparring ring to the right of Galahad who underneath his helmet was gazing at Valus but thinking of Morgana...he wondered if it could be that simple..that she could just walk away from mission of such importance. But he knew the truth he didn't want her to come back for the missions sake, but for his. In the moments of their first meeting he found himself captivated by her.. there was just something about her that made him want to know more...

(Valus:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uuWSOEAIs90/ScfZL-AMkOI/AAAAAAAAAZY/gcVXD1qus2c/s1600/SH+concept+post+werewolf+Greys.png )

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Morgan quickly cleaning up the mess of one of her potions since she hadn't been concentrating and accidentally poured in the wrong vial, which had caused it to explode. She stopped the explosion and bottled it. She took a deep breath and rubbed her temples, walking around her house, knows why she messed up because her mind was focused on the knight who had caught her attention. She sighed and changed her clothes before heading back to the palace to speak to the young lord.
"You know Galahad, one should he idle on the training grounds. If you were waiting for a partner you've found one." Arthur said as he appeared with his speed technique. "I've been meaning to see how much you've improved since our last match, which should be quite alot. Being it's been a while since Camelot's last tournament. Anyway, so you want me to use my native power Chivalry or do you want face Divine Magic?" Arthur drew his sword and planted it in the ground infront of him with his two hands on top of it's hilt.
In that moment of silence, a blast of wooden horns pierced the quiet air from the forest as great rumbling followed. Out came a large show of horns as a great deer jumped from the foliage, on it's back sat a Galidian Elf one hand on it's horns, the other a staff at the top a shining emerald, dripping with the black blood of demons. The Elf looked around before quickly deciding to quickly jump off the deer, it soon disappearing back into the forest. The Elf then ran throughout the town still being perused by the dark figures that hung in the shadows. He saw the hill and desperately tried to get atop of it, but a twisted dark arrows landed in his shoulder, and with a cry the figure fell to the ground, the poison already starting it's terrible work in the fragile Elven body.

(I understand that most of this is overused commas and run-on sentences)
Maleficient flaps her wings as she wanders the woods quietly, sensing something dark in her woulds as she makes her way towards the source, watching a figure be shot down on the hill but made no move to help since the figure was not in her forest so she had no reason to help him.
Zoo blinked, not anticipated Valus challenging her. She had expected him to show her on a dummy or something, and how do you actually not injure each other if you're not able to block? Nevertheless Zoo began to step forward shifting from a lioness, to an elephant, and finally to a large Bengal tiger, her favourite form to fight in. As she stepped onto the training grounds however, she heard a cry from down the hill.

Looking over she saw an Elf with a twisted dark arrow embedded in his shoulder. Turning into a cheetah she dashed over to his body before turning into a Male Lion and standing over his body to protect from anything that might still be pursuing him. "Valus!" she barked "Get someone who can heal this man!"
Valus saw Zoo zip away and looked as confused as a massive deadly wolf could. H he was distracted as Galahad called his name.

"Valus!!! Take me the wounded." Galahad looked at Arthur, " It looks like we will have to postpone or little match." He ran towards the edge and leapt off a black blur snatching him up and following Zoo's trail. Valus skid to a halt and set Galahad on his feet. " Thank you, now what's the wound... like. Those are black arrows..we need to get those out now." Galahad knelt next to the Elf, "Hang in there..I will remove the arrows... it will be quite painful."

Sir Marcus sat in his office behind a large desk. It was quite comical to see such a young man behind the great desk. He was waiting for Morgana but disguised it by doing paperwork that he was in fact well ahead on.

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Morgana appears in the corner of his office. "...Sir Marcus." She said calmly while stepping out of the shadows she used to teleport her. "I have come to a conclusion... that I suppose... I'll help..." she said while lifting her head to look at him.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
"Our duel can definitely wait." Arthur agreed as he dashed over with enhanced speed to kneel by the wounded elf. He looked at the dark arrow then to Galahad. "I can heal him with a Healing Prayer. But i'll need a moment. Keep him alive for atleast a minute is how long it takes for it to take effect." Arthur said. He brought the blade of excalibur close to his lips and began reciting a healing prayer with the use of Divine Magic.
Sir Marcus nodded with a smile, "In am glad you decided to join them. You should speak to Galahad, he seems to have taken on the leadership role...even with King Arthur present. I'm sure he'll note half to see you."

Galahad nodded, "I will." He slowly wrapped his fingers around three first arrows shaft and with a quick, decisive, yank pulled it out. "That's one." He fumbled around for a bandage before rolling hits eyes and tearing two rough strips off of his shirt placed one on the sound after following it. "Here we go, that social will cure the person as well correct??"

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Morgana says nothing as she narrows her eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea... Anyways good day Sir Marcus." She said before vanishing in the shadows once again and made her way through the halls of the palace, looking around boredly until she finds the library; making quick haste to look at every inch and book there is, the library is quite grand and has a view of the courtyard where the others are. She slowly makes her way over and immediately spies Galahad and watches him momentarily.
That moment is when Caricon decided to wake. "Why in the world is there two humans above me one with the arrows that shot me and the other trying desperately to cut his lip?" He then looked down to his hands and saw his veins slowly turning black. "Oh," he said before promptly passing out.
Zoo turns to the Elf as he is promptly wakened and upon his odd remark, turns to Valus and says "Nevermind the Lion and Werewolf. It doesn't appear anyone is following him, but I'll do a quick fly around to make sure" Zoo then turns into a Golden Eagle and flies off.
Valus does a series of growls that are supposed to mean, " Not without me." He bolts of on all fours following Zoo's lead.

Galahad looked a little more concerned at the spreading of the black in the elf's veins. "A little faster with the spell my lord?" He yanked out the second arrow and placed his second bandage on it. Galahad ripped off another strip it replaced his first mock bandage after it had bled through.

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