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We Are Art Café


"Heys, heys! Don't be in the blue. Of course all helps are appreciated uvu. Thanks for dropping by @The Reaper Of Souls


Dang, I hope your guys' week haven't too hetic like mine was! Life, school, and some of the RPs have been "ehhh, phewy!"! Because of that, I am thinking of having two co-manager! Or just one, I don't know yet. Are there anyone who wants to volunteer? Or vote for?

Oh right! Lets see what I can do for that menu of ours!


Welp WIP
(so how should I divide the menu? I dont think i am all too good with menu making and coding yet xD )

(I think i can move posts up and down, but i think i need to find a computer for that.. aw man))
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" Thanks! I have a suggestion for a part of the Menu. Arms and hands. I find them difficult to draw... They look more like tentacles or paws..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-01_16-25-01_225.jpg.c6ddc57c2b1f94649d25b33c743bd2c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-01_16-25-01_225.jpg.c6ddc57c2b1f94649d25b33c743bd2c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Egads!" says Grin to his wooden friend Woody, "An art cafe!"

Cut to: Woody's face looking annoyed. Grin sighs.

"But... I don't WANT a job! Plus I have to post like nine more of these and wait a day before I'm allowed to upload stuff!" Grin suddenly covers his mouth and gasps. "OH! Dammit, not even here an hour and I'm already metagaming!"

Cut to: Woody's face, looking confused. As in, a different note is pinned there then the "annoyed" one from earlier. Grin shrugs and says, "I dunno. I think it's like breaking the fourth wall or something. But anyways, I'm not here to work, at least not yet."

Cut to: Woody's face looking inquisitive. Basically because the note that's his face has a big question mark drawn on it. Grin says, "Well, I'll show you!" He then walks up to the counter.

"One fresh mug of ART, please! And also a sandwich! Made of ART!"

Grin turns to Woody. "See? I'm their first CUSTOMER!"

Cut to: Woody, not looking impressed.
Cafe is looking good, @TripTripleTimes ! Menu's looking good, and I'm sure when you have down time it'll you'll have time to come and play!

Jacked my friend's tablet long enough to get a sketch in finally lol Here's your resident rabbit~! ( And I brought jello!)

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Eh heh heh heh heh heh


That second e in been looks like an a oops.

I hope you don't mind having guests yet? Also I brought my own tea.


EDIT: maybe I can help with coding? if you still need help with it? I dabbled around with the coding here when I made my 1x1 search thread a while ago
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Grin said:
"Egads!" says Grin to his wooden friend Woody, "An art cafe!"

Cut to: Woody's face looking annoyed. Grin sighs.

"But... I don't WANT a job! Plus I have to post like nine more of these and wait a day before I'm allowed to upload stuff!" Grin suddenly covers his mouth and gasps. "OH! Dammit, not even here an hour and I'm already metagaming!"

Cut to: Woody's face, looking confused. As in, a different note is pinned there then the "annoyed" one from earlier. Grin shrugs and says, "I dunno. I think it's like breaking the fourth wall or something. But anyways, I'm not here to work, at least not yet."

Cut to: Woody's face looking inquisitive. Basically because the note that's his face has a big question mark drawn on it. Grin says, "Well, I'll show you!" He then walks up to the counter.

"One fresh mug of ART, please! And also a sandwich! Made of ART!"

Grin turns to Woody. "See? I'm their first CUSTOMER!"

Cut to: Woody, not looking impressed.
1x1 search thread[/URL] a while ago
" Hmm... The menu might need help with the Coding, but its up to TTT. Would you like anything?"
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/artflow_201512122137.png.b31b8e4fb17202fd556e1c67148189fb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/artflow_201512122137.png.b31b8e4fb17202fd556e1c67148189fb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Thank you all for your patients once again! Aw man, I feel like my replies for here is holding up everyone. Please be free to interact with each other, helpers and customers alike! Don't wait for me, I am slow snail, ahaha. Oh, and please help yourself to a cup of coffee. There are enough for everyone here!"


"@yonmita rae brought jelly?? Of course I don't mind that mixing into our course menu! I wonder if @Raine Asawa and @Grin would like some jelly?"


"And I see another guests in here..."


"Let me in @radiochai. Plz"

"And I think I found @The Reaper Of Souls' arm!"


"It was in the back of the storage room???"

If I can say something, Reaper. I've noticed that in your drawing (well, on the paper) that you may be pressing down on your pencil a bit too hard. If you loosen the pressure on the pencil while drawing, erasing drawing mistakes will become easier and doing sketches and will be easy. (Your drawing also reminds me of Homestuck :D ) I will try to help you with that drawing the arm of course too!

radiochai said:
EDIT: maybe I can help with coding? if you still need help with it? I dabbled around with the coding here when I made my 1x1 search thread a while ago
Galactic Cloud[/URL] @CloudyBlueDay @Mirror Mauve) I just read back to Galactic's post about the thread.... yeah I was overthinking it too much, I'm pretty sure ahahahah. All it really was to have a discussion panel, welp.

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Grin said:
"Alright, I'll get right on it sir."

"Hhmm... I would have to check my time... ( Actually, I got grounded by my parents... I was being dumb with bike... And ran over my brother... I need to learn how to ride better. (' :| )) I'll see if I can get back to you about Gift Cards."

TripTripleTimes said:
"And I think I found The Reaper Of Souls' arm!"


"It was in the back of the storage room???"

If I can say something, Reaper. I've noticed that in your drawing (well, on the paper) that you may be pressing down on your pencil a bit too hard. If you loosen the pressure on the pencil while drawing, erasing drawing mistakes will become easier and doing sketches and will be easy. (Your drawing also reminds me of Homestuck :D ) I will try to help you with that drawing the arm of course too!
"Oh! Thnx, I was wondering where it went."

(Yeah, I've noticed that I was pressing too hard. I have some really bad pencils, thankfully, I got some better ones for my B-Day. That would be really helpful if you did help me with the arm.)
Walks in with hood down and hands in pockets looking nervous around all the good artists... " Hi, I need some help... I, I... I can't draw" shamelessly shakes head slowly.
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Are you guys still hiring?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/cafe.jpg.d7c78476c61d85a66ec5b67bdacd8d8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/cafe.jpg.d7c78476c61d85a66ec5b67bdacd8d8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I gotta buncha' styles!



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[QUOTE="Ryu Kenshin]Walks in with hood down and hands in pockets looking nervous around all the good artists... " Hi, I need some help... I, I... I can't draw" shamelessly shakes head slowly.

"Oh, I'm sure we can help you once we got the Menu up. In the mean while, would you like something?"

Diminium said:
Are you guys still hiring?
View attachment 210137

I gotta buncha' styles!
"You've to ask TTT, but while you're waiting would you like anything."


I've been neglecting here, but oh man. I love seeing you guys' drawings here and wanting to help, so to the ppl out there still following this thread and are just waiting around, I'm sorry and thanks.

You guys don't need to be a helper to get involved in this place or wait for me! (Disaster happens when you guys wait for me, ahahah...) Just talking with each other and testing out new drawing style with each other are ways to get involved! Maybe there should be an actual rp thread for a rp... if not, just think this as a sandbox rp guys! Workers grab things at the back and plaster posters wherever you guys like (though try not to scare some ppl away and there are some pretty young kids around, ahaha).

For the Menu thing, I think I will put that to the side. For those who's seeking for drawing help, just ask away what they need help on so people can aid them in person and such.


"If there's any help needed in the cafe, you guys are free to help! However with the lack of customers, most of us are just rolling-around-volunteers, ahahah. Plenty of coffee to go around though and caffeine-free root beer and hot coco too." @The Reaper Of Souls, I kind of think arms like...

Here, I have the basic shape of the head and the torso.

The red circles are where the shoulders be, and from there...

The arm is divided to two sections (three if you count the hand). The elbow is approximately where your rib cage ends and the wrist ends around your hip. Of course this is very simplified. Muscle have to be explained, but for now, just think arms as tubes to five them basic volumes.

It also helps when you know how the body as a whole relate to itself.

Even if it's the bare basic.
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Don't be silly @Ryu Kenshin! Anyone can draw! All you need is a writing utensil and a surface to draw on! Learning how to draw and practicing it is the hard part!

@Meiima Don't worry man! I'm also kinda (very much) like that for this thread.... ahhhhh.. and I keep missing to reply to some other ppl too... aaaahhh, like for you two replies and also to talk about the gift card. that completely slipped my mind.... welp. I'm sorry about that @Grin
"Well, if there's one thing I think I'm good at-"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/barista.png.16e92d997370d10101cda397c4ba2e39.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/barista.png.16e92d997370d10101cda397c4ba2e39.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I'm working on getting faster with my tablet, hehe)



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How about discuss about having a proper and accurate perceptive skill to create the illusion of space on a drawing. Scaling and transforming a 2D shape to create an accurate 3D illusion is hard for art newbie(noob,for me)like me especially those without proper education in art. For example, let's start simple, drawing a human from different angle and view, doing a tutorial for that would be nice(okay...maybe you can forget about all those awkward angles......). Furthermore, I also hope that you could talk about and give us some tips and insights on how to train oneself to rely less on measurement and trial and error when drawing, too much of that can make drawing a tedious process, we don't want to turn the cafe into a lab, right? @TripTripleTimes


And yes! I don't have a tablet! So what...SO WHAT?!...... So what......T-T
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Dreamtique said:
Furthermore, I also hope that you could talk about and give us some tips and insights on how to train oneself to rely less on measurement and trial and error when drawing, too much of that can make drawing a tedious process, we don't want to turn the cafe into a lab, right?
That is basically it. You use measurements and trial and error until you become familiar with, for example, how long an arm is in proportion to the body and things like that. You could also use other body parts like the head or the hands to measure other parts. Usually, in art, the human body is around 7 and a half heads tall, sometimes even 8. That's how it's usually portrayed in paintings and sculpture. There are multiple gimmicks like this that artists used and still use to get proportions right. One other thing is to study the human anatomy and it's really not about memorizing every name and muscle group, but just getting the general idea of how bones and muscles connect and where they're placed so that when you replicate the human body it looks believable.

I'm sure you've also seen quite a few professional artists not draw the basic skeleton or the guidelines when they're drawing their pieces. It's because they've done it for so long that visualizing and creating the human body or anything else on paper has become second nature to them. It's all in repetition. If you like doing it you should practice whenever you get the time. I'm not talking about painting a masterpiece in one sitting because that's often impossible. Even a small doodle every day can help.

Also, the fact that you don't have a tablet doesn't matter one bit. My art teachers told me that it's better to learn to do things on paper first.
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One more thing. There's literally no shame in using reference pictures when you draw. In fact, there's no reason not to do it. I'm not saying you should only use reference pictures, but keep that in mind. They help a lot.
Aldur Forgehammer] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26542-dreamtique/ said:
One more thing. There's literally no shame in using reference pictures when you draw. In fact, there's no reason not to do it. I'm not saying you should only use reference pictures, but keep that in mind. They help a lot.
Have to agree about that!
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]Also, the fact that you don't have a tablet doesn't matter one bit. My art teachers told me that it's better to learn to do things on paper first.

(T-T) but problems come when you want to do digital art, see how crappy the drawing turns out if you draw on paper and want to make it "looks like" digital art, like what I attempted to do on my previous post......

I just want to blend in with the rest if I really wanna participate in activities like this [*more whining and crying]

Colouring with mouse? Kill me......
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