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Fantasy Warrior's Will

Morbidos said:
yea me and @Lictenstine don't want to start it off
Okeyyy that was probably the best post I had ever made in my life, but you guys don't have to write that much if you don't want to. Also don't expect that much, but expect something like that.
GardinOfEden said:
Okeyyy that was probably the best post I had ever made in my life, but you guys don't have to write that much if you don't want to. Also don't expect that much, but expect something like that.
I think you should get best start to a rp award
So right now I;m creating everyone's bounty so when its up I'll tell you all you can check in the overview
GardinOfEden said:
So right now I;m creating everyone's bounty so when its up I'll tell you all you can check in the overview
and could you describe where we are in the overview too?
The seen and not seen things mean that people have seen your face and they a wanted poster of you, the not seen ones they don't know how you look like until someone manages to see how you look like then I will change it. Your bounties will change depending on your actions you take in the game, the lower it is the less of a threat the government thinks you are. The higher it is the more the government will want you dead. The ones unseen can go on more missions or requests than the ones who have been seen before. I made the bounties by you Bio, it various on what you've done to upset the government, but just being in the group alone will give you a bounty. There are known 10 of us, but only 4 has been seen so far. So when your face is exposed, the Bounty goes up and you're more likely to get caught in public. The ones unseen will get to go out in public and usually they are the ones doing all the shopping for everyone and the house. We live off acres and acres from human civilization so to get there we have 4 cars and a motorcycle. I will find photos of how they look like.
GardinOfEden said:
The seen and not seen things mean that people have seen your face and they a wanted poster of you, the not seen ones they don't know how you look like until someone manages to see how you look like then I will change it. Your bounties will change depending on your actions you take in the game, the lower it is the less of a threat the government thinks you are. The higher it is the more the government will want you dead. The ones unseen can go on more missions or requests than the ones who have been seen before. I made the bounties by you Bio, it various on what you've done to upset the government, but just being in the group alone will give you a bounty. There are known 10 of us, but only 4 has been seen so far. So when your face is exposed, the Bounty goes up and you're more likely to get caught in public. The ones unseen will get to go out in public and usually they are the ones doing all the shopping for everyone and the house. We live off acres and acres from human civilization so to get there we have 4 cars and a motorcycle. I will find photos of how they look like.
I totally want the motorcycle :P
Dtlee31 said:
I totally want the motorcycle :P
No reservation, but I can do a dice role to see who gets what, by that I mean who gets to use it not keep it
Alright posted the cars and motorcycle. >.< don't kill me if you don't like them, i was trying to find ones that look kinda advance besides the jeep because who doesn't like jeeps
Okey everyone, you guys can continue I'll be up in the morning, school life has gotten a hold on me and I need to attend to pass
@Ramero So I don;t know if you got the message earlier, but you can change her if you want. It can be similar or totally different, heck it could be a guy for all I care, but I would recommend it being a guy, but you don't have to, its just because of the 6 girls and 4 guys thing, but it's alright.

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